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Hit me while I'm down

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Love my family

Member since 2/08

2267 total posts


Hit me while I'm down

So, last night I come home and there is a message on my machine. A very happy lady...

"Congratulations Christine on the birth of your newborn!!!!" She was calling from some photography studio to offer me a free portrait of my newborn. How wonderful. Chat Icon

A couple of weeks ago someone had called me too and left several messages. I never called back. Eventually they stopped leaving messages but I saw on my caller ID that they continued to call every day. I'm not sure if this is the same studio b/c this time the number came up private.

I'm assuming they got my name from Motherhood Maternity. When I was first pg and naseaus, I went there to buy preggo pops and I gave the girl my info for coupons. Chat Icon I've dealt with the formula coupons in the mail but this just really hurt. I tried calling them back to give them a piece of my mind but no one answered. Probably for the best. Now that I've calmed down, I'll just let it go.

Posted 10/1/08 9:32 AM

3 Girls for Me!

Member since 8/07

12475 total posts


Re: Hit me while I'm down

Chat Icon Chat Icon That's gotta hurt.

They really shouldn't share your info with anyone- you never know what the situation could be.

Posted 10/1/08 9:53 AM


Member since 1/08

12702 total posts


Re: Hit me while I'm down

I am so so sorryChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

When I had my m/c, I was receiving formula and diaper samples up the wazoo. It felt like a cruel joke.

Posted 10/1/08 9:54 AM

Thankful for my miracle!

Member since 5/05

1939 total posts


Re: Hit me while I'm down

It took me a while to get off the lists I got put on. I would call the studio back, just to put that at rest.

I'm sorry.

Posted 10/1/08 10:17 AM

LIF O2 Vendor

Member since 12/07

16202 total posts


Re: Hit me while I'm down

that is just not right that they would call girls like this assuming that everyone had healthy babies.. Chat Icon i know i would have been so uspet too.. it just stings .. Chat Icon Chat Icon

i got in the mail like a month ago some formula.. i wanted to just cry my eyes out. Chat Icon

Posted 10/1/08 10:54 AM

I'll be there soon!

Member since 1/08

6549 total posts


Re: Hit me while I'm down

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Posted 10/1/08 11:27 AM

Peace out Homies!

Member since 5/05

20046 total posts

Gerty ®

Re: Hit me while I'm down

I am STILL getting stuff and/or phone calls. It's like a constant reminder.
And we removed our registries, but BRU keeps sending us things.

Posted 10/1/08 12:09 PM


Member since 4/07

22952 total posts


Re: Hit me while I'm down

About 3 days after we lost our son, I got a phone call from a company congratulating me on our new baby coming, and told me about a trip that I had 'won' to use before the baby came. They had gotten my name from a show they had at Nassau Coliseum.

I told them I wasn't having a child, and I wasn't interested. They persisted in telling me that I WAS having a child, and I went off on them like a raving lunatic crying and telling them what happened. The person just replyed 'well you didn't have to be so defensive'. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

I must have slammed the phone on the counter 100 times then told them off. By then I was a mess and so pi$$ed off, and of course upset.

It is probably better that you only had the messages that you can delete, although I know those are hard too.

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Message edited 10/1/2008 1:58:43 PM.

Posted 10/1/08 1:57 PM


Member since 2/08

8081 total posts


Re: Hit me while I'm down

Awwww I'm so sorry you had to deal with that Chat Icon Chat Icon We need to do drinks again mama!!!!!!!! Lord knows I need it too!!!!

Posted 10/1/08 2:36 PM

Sour Girl

Member since 3/08

5271 total posts


Re: Hit me while I'm down

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

I know how you feel. I just got an American Baby magazine in the mail today. It's hard.

Posted 10/1/08 3:13 PM

Sugar & Spice

Member since 7/08

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Re: Hit me while I'm down

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 10/1/08 5:07 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 8/08

277 total posts


Re: Hit me while I'm down

I am so sorry... Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 10/1/08 10:33 PM


Member since 11/07

7273 total posts


Re: Hit me while I'm down

Wow...MySon220 & Janine - that's so, SO terrible. I'm so sorry that you both had to deal with that Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 10/2/08 9:19 AM

Thankful for our miracles!

Member since 2/07

7254 total posts


Re: Hit me while I'm down

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon
Ugh- I'm sorry you had to deal with this. Chat Icon I foolishly signed up for weekly emails (thinking since I finally got pg- it would actually stick, since 'getting' pg was the problem Chat Icon )- I just saw a 'your belly-13 weeks' email- I get them EVERY week and EVERY week I ask to be removed!!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Why can't they take me off the stupid list? I've also somehow gotten on some other list b/c I've gotten a bunch of different things in the mail (including parents magazine)Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon ugh.....Chat Icon

Posted 10/2/08 10:20 PM

3 Girls for Me!

Member since 8/07

12475 total posts


Re: Hit me while I'm down

Posted by neener1211

About 3 days after we lost our son, I got a phone call from a company congratulating me on our new baby coming, and told me about a trip that I had 'won' to use before the baby came. They had gotten my name from a show they had at Nassau Coliseum.

I told them I wasn't having a child, and I wasn't interested. They persisted in telling me that I WAS having a child, and I went off on them like a raving lunatic crying and telling them what happened. The person just replyed 'well you didn't have to be so defensive'. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

I must have slammed the phone on the counter 100 times then told them off. By then I was a mess and so pi$$ed off, and of course upset.

It is probably better that you only had the messages that you can delete, although I know those are hard too.

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Chat Icon You should've reported that person to their boss for being an insensitive pr*ck

Posted 10/3/08 9:51 AM


Member since 1/08

12702 total posts


Re: Hit me while I'm down

Posted by MrsMessina

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon
Ugh- I'm sorry you had to deal with this. Chat Icon I foolishly signed up for weekly emails (thinking since I finally got pg- it would actually stick, since 'getting' pg was the problem Chat Icon )- I just saw a 'your belly-13 weeks' email- I get them EVERY week and EVERY week I ask to be removed!!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

This happened to me, also. I finally just stopped checking my aol e-mail.

Posted 10/3/08 10:02 AM

enjoying every minute

Member since 12/07

3881 total posts


Re: Hit me while I'm down

Posted by MrsMessina

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon
Ugh- I'm sorry you had to deal with this. Chat Icon I foolishly signed up for weekly emails (thinking since I finally got pg- it would actually stick, since 'getting' pg was the problem Chat Icon )- I just saw a 'your belly-13 weeks' email- I get them EVERY week and EVERY week I ask to be removed!!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Why can't they take me off the stupid list? I've also somehow gotten on some other list b/c I've gotten a bunch of different things in the mail (including parents magazine)Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon ugh.....Chat Icon

Yeah, I still get weekly emails from learning curve updating me on baby stuff and pregnancy.
I asked to be removed a bunch of times, I finally assigned them to the junk folder.

Posted 10/3/08 11:04 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 7/07

116 total posts


Re: Hit me while I'm down

I just keep getting diaper coupons, portrait coupons and formula coupons in the mail, like everyday! DH keeps asking why are they sedning you this stuff! I feel like saying b/c I'm a dumba** and signed up on some website and they never took me off! Chat Icon Oh, and I also get weekly progress reports on my fromer pregnancy.. yeah, real nice when I asked to be taken off the list the day I had my D&C!! Some people/companies just don't get it!

Message edited 10/5/2008 8:49:05 AM.

Posted 10/5/08 8:42 AM

To a healthy 2013

Member since 5/05

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To a brand new year to a healthier me

Re: Hit me while I'm down

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Posted 10/5/08 10:32 PM

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