Hollywood Stylists Tell All: The Dirt on Charlie Sheen, Kelly Ripa & More Celebs!
CHARLIE SHEEN: YOU'VE GOT NAIL! Perhaps Charlie Sheen has been a little too preoccupied by his nasty custody battle with his ex-wife Denise Richards — because his personal hygiene is seriously being neglected! A writer on his hit show, Two and a Half Men, tells Star he once caught a glimpse of the actor barefoot on the set, and his toenails looked like they hadn't been cut in months! "They were almost an inch long," says the source. "I couldn't believe it! They looked like eagle's talons! I thought about saying something, but you never know how he may react."
BRITNEY SPEARS: JUST CALL HER ZITNEY! Life has been stressful for Britney, and it's showing on her face! To hide the problem, she piles on makeup, says Dawn DaLuise of Dawn DaLuise Skin Refinery in L.A. But it gets worse! "She extracts the blackheads herself, and the picking is done in an unsanitary manner using cigarette-stained fingers. Nicotine is a toxin for the skin. So by picking her face and then covering her open sores with makeup, she's creating a breeding ground for bacteria to further inflame her skin."
PAULA ABDUL: NOT-SO-TREASURED CHEST! America has voted, and Paula Abdul wins — for one of the most awkward-looking chests in Hollywood! "You can't flaunt them; you have to cover them up," begs NYC-based fashion expert Danna Weiss, who suggests that Paula, who reportedly had her breasts surgically enhanced, opt for higher-neckline tops and dresses. But weirder than Paula's cleavage is her pre-American Idol ritual. According to a stylist who worked with the judge, Paula burns sage in her dressing room to ward off bad vibes and clear the air. "She said she can't afford to have negative energy around her. She even sages the jewelry she wears!"
GWEN STEFANI: LOVELY AS A L.A.M.B. — NOT! Maybe cute fashion icon Gwen Stefani isn't perfect! At photo shoots, the singer has been known to break down if she can't fit into sample sizes of clothing, says one source. "She's very high-strung, and it can be very stressful to work with her. She demands constant attention from the stylists — they can't even have one free moment!" Well, at least the results are perfect!
KELLY RIPA: POCKET PROTECTOR It sounds like Kelly Ripa needs to have her eyes checked! The Live with Regis and Kelly cohost believes she looks fat, according to a stylist who has worked with Kelly. "When everyone takes a break for lunch at the catering table, she just usually eats bread with a bit of mustard on it," reveals the insider. "She'll even say, 'I'm just going to have one slice.'" Kelly also has a phobia about wearing pants with pockets. "She claims that pockets don't lie flat and that they make her look 'hippy,'" says the insider. "She's gotta be kidding!"

Member since 9/06 9532 total posts
Name: Kim
Re: Hollywood Stylists Tell All: The Dirt on Charlie Sheen, Kelly Ripa & More Celebs!
Posted by GossipQueen
GWEN STEFANI: LOVELY AS A L.A.M.B. — NOT! Maybe cute fashion icon Gwen Stefani isn't perfect! At photo shoots, the singer has been known to break down if she can't fit into sample sizes of clothing, says one source. "She's very high-strung, and it can be very stressful to work with her. She demands constant attention from the stylists — they can't even have one free moment!" Well, at least the results are perfect!
She's admitted to having body-image issues. It's such a shame because she's got a killer body!!
He's here!!!!

Member since 3/06 10128 total posts
Name: Gina
Re: Hollywood Stylists Tell All: The Dirt on Charlie Sheen, Kelly Ripa & More Celebs!
Kelly Ripa? Bread with mustard? Ummm, throw some turkey on there and get some protein!!!! Sounds like a smart chick.....