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holy moly South Beach

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Member since 8/06

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holy moly South Beach

Has anyone found permanent success on this plan?

I decided about a month ago that I didn't want to try WW again, despite past success, because i didn't like counting points. I got through the first phase (killer!) for South Beach but it wasn't until I was in London last week that I realized this plan is a very big challenge once you're away from home. So now I started ww again today.

Anyone else experienced probs with SB, or alternatively, what do you love about it?

I'm curious.

Posted 12/27/10 10:05 PM
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Re: holy moly South Beach

I started South Beach in October and lost about 10 pounds...and was noticing definite differences in my body. Then, we started renovating our kitchen and I had a hard time sticking to it because we couldn't use the kitchen anymore. The kitchen was finished around Thanksgiving...and I tried to get back on track, but I couldn't because I was distracted with the holidays.
Even without sticking to it, very little of the weight has come back on.
I'm looking forward to starting up again soon because I know the weight will fly off, and I'll start seeing results pretty quickly. I can definitely see myself being on it for a while, and being successful.

But, not every plan is for everyone. I've tried WW a number of times, and it never works for me.

Posted 12/27/10 10:14 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 2/08

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Re: holy moly South Beach

I tried south beach last year because I was tired of counting points too but it didn't work for me long term. I lost weight on it but found it was hard to keep the weight off and maintain the diet long term. I did like the emphasis it had on healthy carbs and limiting carbs. I am back on WW but trying to keep some of the south beach ideas like eating foods with more staying power.

Posted 12/28/10 11:39 AM

Dream big

Member since 1/06

2486 total posts


Re: holy moly South Beach

If I could hire a chef...South Beach diet would be great. For me, it's way too much prep work for each meal. I work FT and have two, I'm not a great cook.

I love the recipes they have and think if you follow the program you'll def lose weight.

Posted 12/28/10 10:06 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 1/09

221 total posts


Re: holy moly South Beach

love south beach and feel it is one of the easier ones to follow even when eating out....the pounds and inches melt off...especially with 3-4 workouts a week.

I found that cooking things in bulk and freezing them made this much easier to stick to as it does require a little more planning/prep time....especially the first phase. Once you get past phase one, i didn't find it really took up more time.

My challenge was my DH not keeping the freakin carbs and oreos out of the house
Chat Icon I am fine as long as they are not in my house.

I found so many easy recipes that made it easy to stick veggies, chicken, pork, shrimp and egg whites became my main staples. WHole wheat pasta, couscous and spaghetti squash were my phase 2 favorites

Posted 12/28/10 11:47 PM

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