How can I tell if he's lactose intolerant or having another milk sensitivity issue?
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Member since 12/05 13341 total posts
Name: J
How can I tell if he's lactose intolerant or having another milk sensitivity issue?
I started a VERY slow whole milk transition 3 wks ago since my BM supply is dwindling and I planned to stopped pumping around DS's first birthday (but possibly continue the a.m. and p.m. nursing sessions). Week one I replaced 1oz. of BM per bottle with whole milk. So he normally gets 24 oz of pumped milk when I'm at work - that week he got 20oz.
Then 2 oz the second week
Then this past week 3 oz (which is 50% of the bottle).
He has been having terrible poop issues - -explosive to the point where he's ruining clothing, needing an immediate bath, getting a rash, etc.
He also seems to be teething pretty bad (last night he went to put a toy in his mouth and screamed b/c it must have hurt his sore gums).
So, I have no idea what's what.
Should I try soy this coming week and see if it makes a difference? Is it possible he's just having a harder time adjusting and if so, is it better for me to continue like this so he is getting used to the milk?
Any thoughts? TIA
Posted 3/7/09 7:07 AM |
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