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LIF Infant
Member since 12/05 217 total posts
How Did You All Discover Your Infertility
Hello Ladies
This may seem like a dumb question.
How did you all discover your infertility?
Is there a test doctors do etc?
Posted 12/2/05 10:35 AM |
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Member since 5/05 17076 total posts
Name: Kara®
Re: How Did You All Discover Your Infertility
Well I didn't think I was infertile.... I got pg in March and m/c in APril. So I figured everything was fine. Here it is, 7 months later of temping, BDing, etc....and I insisted my Dr. give me a script for 3cd work-up. THAT is when we discovered my FSH level is 12.7
If it weren't for this board, I would have listened to my Dr. and never bothered with any tests..not until after a year he said. And I wouldn't be high-tailing it to an RE.
So, if I get a BFP in the future or not, I have to thank the ladies here for their knowledge and support ! Esp. Redstar..... but everyone really!!
PS -- Yes there are many tests and procedures but most Dr. won't have you start until 6 months of trying. If you temp., you can usually see if things don't seem to be "right"
Message edited 12/2/2005 10:49:45 AM.
Posted 12/2/05 10:48 AM |
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Name: Did I ever tell you that I hate people?
Re: How Did You All Discover Your Infertility
We had been trying for about 6 months and nothing. I kind of had a feeling that something was wrong.
My OB/GYN ordered bloodwork and an HSG, and we found out that my tubes were blocked.
Posted 12/2/05 10:49 AM |
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Member since 5/05 8135 total posts
Name: Kim
Re: How Did You All Discover Your Infertility
We were trying for about a year...and nothing. So I went to my regular OB and she ordered the HSG and bloodwork. The HSG came back abnormal, so she sent me off to the RE. I only had 1 tube...from further tests with the RE, I also only have 1 kidney and 1 ovary.
Posted 12/2/05 11:45 AM |
LIF Infant
Member since 12/05 217 total posts
Re: How Did You All Discover Your Infertility
I just realize this week that I have not taken my BCP in about a year and I am wondering if something is wrong.
We were not actively trying but I am a little concern now that I realize its been so long.
I have not been temping and the other things though.
How big of a difference does that make?
Posted 12/2/05 11:52 AM |
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Member since 5/05 4320 total posts
Name: Ann
Re: How Did You All Discover Your Infertility
After TTC for a year and no luck, I went to an RE (because I'm 35).
Are you still in VA? If so, I HIGHLY recommend my fertility center. It's Shady Grove. They have offices in Rockville, Annandale, and Fair Oaks (I went to Fair Oaks).
Shady Grove
Message edited 12/2/2005 12:01:13 PM.
Posted 12/2/05 11:59 AM |
LIF Infant
Member since 12/05 217 total posts
Re: How Did You All Discover Your Infertility
Yes I am still in VA. Thanks for the info.
Posted 12/2/05 12:11 PM |
LIF Infant
Member since 9/05 146 total posts
Re: How Did You All Discover Your Infertility
I didn't think anything was wrong until my cycles went from 30 days to 60 days. My OB/GYN thought I should go to a RE at that point so they could better monitor me. Nothing came back abnormal so I'm really not sure why the shift in the length of the cycles took place.
Unless you are sure you were BDing when you were ovulating, I wouldn't worry too much about not having gotten pregnant. I would start charting and using OPKs.
Posted 12/2/05 12:14 PM |
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Member since 5/05 2391 total posts
Name: Susan
Re: How Did You All Discover Your Infertility
I had been trying for 3 years with no luck. Asked OB/GYN to prescribe a S/A, HSG and bloodwork. HSG indicated I had blocked tubes so I went directly to a specialist (RE) who told me to get a tubal cannulation to clear out my tubes. Just before the cannulation procedure, they did an HSG and found my tubes were infact clear (first time they may have been in spasm or they just cleared on their own or from the 2nd HSG). Tried for months after that and still no pregnancy so moved on to IUI and Clomid. My remommendation to you is to GO TO AN RE if you are in doubt. My OB/GYN advised me to remove my tubes and go directly to IVF -- or adopt. Thank GOD I didn't listen to him bc my tubes weren't even truly blocked!!! Good Luck and Baby Dust!
Posted 12/2/05 12:35 PM |
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Member since 5/05 2220 total posts
Name: Michelle
Re: How Did You All Discover Your Infertility
I always had regular cycles but had a feeling deep down because having a baby was something I wanted more than anything, this would be a challenge for me.
We started ttc shortly after my wedding feb 2004. I had no idea when a woman ovulated, or really much about the entire reproductive system. I started to read up on it because I wanted to make sure I was doing things correctly. I purchased the Clearblue fertility monitor and ..found out that I was ovulating. I purchased the book Taking Charge of Your Fertility....and tried ttc for about a year with no luck. I decided to start temping , and things looked fine but no pregnancy.
I went to a RE. Had a hsg, dh had s/a, and all my hormones tested and everything came back fine. I conceived, in april, (chemical pg). I conceived in May (8 week pregnancy)....and started meds and IUIs in aug 2005, and NOTHING.
Basically I am what you call unexplained infertility which really is the most frustrating category to be in.
The only thing I know is, that I time everything right....sperm is fine, and follicules are fine....and no pregnancy.
Infertility is so very very complicated. It's not always a hormonal issue, and or something physical regarding the reproductive organs. Sometimes it can be immunological.
If you have tried even casually to conceive for over a year go straight to a RE. So many things can be easily altered once they know what the issue is. Time is so valuable when you want to be a parent.
Posted 12/2/05 3:18 PM |
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Member since 5/05 30683 total posts
Name: D
Re: How Did You All Discover Your Infertility
after a year of trying, we went for testing
Posted 12/2/05 4:12 PM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 9/05 754 total posts
Name: Kathleen
Re: How Did You All Discover Your Infertility
I came off BCP as soon as we got married and we let nature take it's course for over a year. Used OPK's for about 8 cycles and then went to see the RE in June 2005. I've done 4 IUI/clomid cycles and still not pregnant. I have normal HSG, I ovulate, husband is fine and have been tested for immune issues and still nothing. I also fall in the "unexplained" category...very frustrating.
Doing my first IVF this month.
Posted 12/2/05 5:14 PM |
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Member since 6/05 1980 total posts
Name: Stephanie
Re: How Did You All Discover Your Infertility
i'm not quite sure if i'm officially in this category, but i am definitely anovulatory. next week will be day 90 of my current cycle. after being on BC pills for ten years, i've been off for 5 months- no pregnancy yet and totally wacky cycles. no period = no ovulation = no pregnancy. so right now i'm working with my ob/gyn- i've taken provera, waiting for AF so i can have an HSG. i've had basic blood tests already & they came back normal. i will also have CD3 bloodwork. i hope it turns up something! if i hadn't read TCOYF and found these boards, i wouldn't know that something was wrong.
Posted 12/2/05 5:59 PM |
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Member since 6/05 10228 total posts
Re: How Did You All Discover Your Infertility
Posted by Diane
after a year of trying, we went for testing
Posted 12/2/05 6:43 PM |
LIF Infant

Member since 5/05 175 total posts
Name: Keri
Re: How Did You All Discover Your Infertility
dh and i started ttc on our honeymoon....after four months, i had a strange miscarriage (i got af even though i was pg, but my betas were never where they should have been)
i had a d&c which resulted in a rare thing called ashermans syndrome. i had to have surgery to correct it and now we have been trying 6 months post AS surgery.
i knew that after the ashermans this would be a challenge because the uterus never really goes back to "normal architecture".
i started to see a re 3 months after the AS. this weekend we are doing our 4th IUI (3rd with clomid)
if this does not work, we are starting an ivf cycle.
p.s. it almost feels like therapy to explain how i got to this point in my life.....good question.
Posted 12/2/05 6:58 PM |
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Member since 5/05 19978 total posts
Name: Jen - counting my blessings...
Re: How Did You All Discover Your Infertility
We figured it out after trying for over one year with absolutely no luck, using OPKs etc.
Posted 12/7/05 3:14 PM |
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Member since 5/05 16353 total posts
Name: Lauren
Re: How Did You All Discover Your Infertility
I was having 100+ days without AF. Went to a OBGYN and got some blood work which told them I wasn't ovulating.
I've been on Clomid since June. Moving to IUI if this cycle doesn't work.
Posted 12/7/05 3:19 PM |
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Member since 5/05 5475 total posts
Name: Mommy to twins
Re: How Did You All Discover Your Infertility
I was diagnosed with PCOS at about age 15.
Posted 12/7/05 6:03 PM |
LIF Toddler
Member since 10/05 413 total posts
Name: alexa
Re: How Did You All Discover Your Infertility
We tried naturally for over a year, using opk's and charting and sadly no BFP's.
Posted 12/8/05 1:48 PM |