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How did you distribute your baby gear around your house?

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Family is Complete!

Member since 5/05

5913 total posts


How did you distribute your baby gear around your house?

So Sunday is my showerChat Icon and I am very excited about all of the great gifts we will be receiving (I'm such a peeker) but it has gotten me wondering: where do you keep these things?

So far the only thing I know is that the cosleeper will go in our bedroom next to the bed.

Where does the swing go? How about the bouncer? Where do you keep activity gyms? Pack and Play? How about the bathtub?

I know everybody is different but I would love to hear how everybody is distributing th gear.

Posted 12/1/06 9:14 AM
Long Island Weddings
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My Children

Member since 5/05

7905 total posts


Re: How did you distribute your baby gear around your house?

We kept everythng in the box until we needed it. The bassinet (when we used it) stayed in our room, the bouncy seat goes from room to room with us but mostly stays in the livingroom, the pack 'n play is all put together in the livingroom and we just started using the bathtub so after every use, it stays in the tub.

Posted 12/1/06 9:24 AM

where's winter?

Member since 11/05

2209 total posts



Message edited 2/9/2007 7:40:47 PM.

Posted 12/1/06 9:29 AM

I'm a Big Brother

Member since 5/06

8041 total posts


Re: How did you distribute your baby gear around your house?

The bassinet was in our bedroom. Now that he grew out of it (by 2 months) we have the graco travel p&p next to the bed. He doesn't sleep very well in it though. We started out with the swing in the livingroom and have since moved it into our bedroom since he usually falls asleep in it. Pack n' play is in the living room. His playmat gets hung on a hanger in my closet and we take it down to play daily. bouncy seat is in the livingroom. hope this was helpful

Posted 12/1/06 9:30 AM

LIF Toddler

Member since 5/05

455 total posts


Re: How did you distribute your baby gear around your house?

We have hi ranch with a den downstairs and all the other rooms upstairs. We set up the pack n play downstaitrs for naps and another changing station. We also put the swing in that room. WE spend alot of time in that room watching TV, computer etc. We put the bassinet in our room. And we put the bouncy seat in the living room upstairs but move it around alot.

Posted 12/1/06 9:32 AM


Member since 5/05

11165 total posts


Re: How did you distribute your baby gear around your house?

I have had had bassinet/travel crib in our room. The swing, pnp, toys, and jumperoo are in my living room.

I have 1 bouncy seat in the kitchen, and 1 bouncy seat in the master bath.

One stroller in car, and one stroller in the closet in the house.

I have her big carseat in her closet, and her infant seat stays next to pnp or on my huge couch.

Posted 12/1/06 9:34 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/06

1389 total posts


Re: How did you distribute your baby gear around your house?

cradle in our room. pack n play and swing in the family room where i spent most of my time. tummy time mat in her room.

Posted 12/1/06 9:47 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/05

1977 total posts


Re: How did you distribute your baby gear around your house?

we moved everything around as he slept better in certain places as he got older. Started out w/cradle in our room, p&p in liv. room, play mat/bouncer in liv room - these 2 move around all over.

Swing in his room bc that is where he'd nap alot of times (it's a travel swing, which is awesome, I've taken it to my moms alot). It's upstairs in his room, everything else is downstairs. The bathub is under the kitchen sink bc it's easier for me than leaning over the real tub at this point.

Have fun at your shower!! Chat Icon

Posted 12/1/06 10:00 AM

Turning a new page

Member since 5/05

9731 total posts


Re: How did you distribute your baby gear around your house?

the swing & bouncy seat are in our livingroom.
the co-sleeper is in our room.
everything else is in the baby's room
the pack & play is @ my mom's.

Posted 12/1/06 11:11 AM

wow, pic is already 1 yr old!!

Member since 1/06

6689 total posts


Re: How did you distribute your baby gear around your house?

we live in a split ranch style house so:

the pack n play is still in the box....
our swing is in the living room...
the portable swing is in our office
the bouncy seat travels from room to room
highchair is still in the box...
bassinette is in our rm....

everything else is in her room! Chat Icon

Posted 12/1/06 11:42 AM

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