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How do I explain death to a two year old?

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LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

4189 total posts


How do I explain death to a two year old?

My father is very ill and we feel he will not be with us for very much longer. I've been reading on how to tell a 2 year old (almost 3) about death and I just don't think I agree with what they say. I can't see explaining to Jack that "Pops body doesn't work anymore and he died and went to Heaven." Way to much for him to comprehend in my opinion.

If you have had experience with this, what did you tell your toddler? I almost want to tell him very little, but just enough so that he will understand that Pop won't be able to come over and play anymore. Please help me.

Posted 9/4/07 11:45 AM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adult

Member since 4/06

1418 total posts


Re: How do I explain death to a two year old? sooo sorry! i dont know what you can say but i just want to give you Chat Icon

Posted 9/4/07 11:48 AM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

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Re: How do I explain death to a two year old?

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I'm so sorry you have to go through this. It's painful enough without having your child ask for the person who passed.Chat Icon

Here's an old post:

Posted by nrthshgrl
I'll try to track down so sites that I found after he asked me & will post them.

Books That Help Kids Cope
I'll Always Love You, by Hans Wilhelm. A boy and his pet dachshund grow up together, but one morning the dog doesn't wake up. This tender book will touch any family who's ever had to say goodbye to an old dog.

The Tenth Good Thing About Barney, by Judith Viorst. After a little boy's cat dies, the family plans a funeral, and the boy is asked to recall ten good things about his pet.

When a Pet Dies, by Fred Rogers. This direct but sensitive book includes color photos of kids and encourages children to share their feelings of loss.

Explaining Death to a 2 Year Old
Explaining Death to a Pre-Schooler
Explaining Death to a Kindergartner

Posted 9/4/07 11:49 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: How do I explain death to a two year old?

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I haven't read it, but I remember when Maria Schriver was promoting this book on Oprah and it seemed interesting.


Posted 9/4/07 11:52 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

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Re: How do I explain death to a two year old?

Posted by CathyB

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I haven't read it, but I remember when Maria Schriver was promoting this book on Oprah and it seemed interesting.


We just got back from the library and that was one of the books that Jack randomly picked off the shelf today. So we checked it out Eerie. Thanks

Posted 9/4/07 11:59 AM

Ohh... baby

Member since 5/06

2527 total posts


Re: How do I explain death to a two year old?

That young they seem to handle it fairly well.

My nephew (my sisters son) said the sweetest thing on his last visit.
We spend a lot of time at our grandparents house (his great grandparents) and he has stayed over there a lot so this time when he was visiting he said that's grandpas room and I sad yes then he said "Grandpas with the angels".
He's 3 & 1/2. Grandpa died in March.

I believe kids are much more "in tune" spiritually then adults. They seem to "get it" and not dwell that they are not "physically" here. It's like they are still connected.

Eitherway you shouldn't have to really explain why or how. You can tell them that grandpa is in heaven.

Posted 9/4/07 12:45 PM

Me and the guys

Member since 5/05

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Re: How do I explain death to a two year old?

I don't have any words of advice just Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 9/4/07 12:47 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

4189 total posts


Re: How do I explain death to a two year old?

Posted by Ladybug63

That young they seem to handle it fairly well.

My nephew (my sisters son) said the sweetest thing on his last visit.
We spend a lot of time at our grandparents house (his great grandparents) and he has stayed over there a lot so this time when he was visiting he said that's grandpas room and I sad yes then he said "Grandpas with the angels".
He's 3 & 1/2. Grandpa died in March.

I believe kids are much more "in tune" spiritually then adults. They seem to "get it" and not dwell that they are not "physically" here. It's like they are still connected.

Eitherway you shouldn't have to really explain why or how. You can tell them that grandpa is in heaven.

Thank you. That is really what my gut is telling me...just tell him he lives with God and the angels in heaven. But I'm afraid that if I don't tell him what the books say is age appropriate it willl be detrimental. But I suppose I know my son best and what he should and should not be told. Thank you.Chat Icon

Posted 9/4/07 1:01 PM

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