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how do you get the will power

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LIF Infant

Member since 2/06

326 total posts


how do you get the will power

ok ladies, i do need to lose weight, how do I get the will power to do it, can anyone help me Chat Icon

Posted 1/12/11 11:56 PM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource


Member since 6/09

10031 total posts


Re: how do you get the will power

It's all internal motivation for the most part. You have to want to do it and dedicate yourself to it. You have to be ready to say I WILL lose weight, not I'll TRY to lose weight. You have to just stop trying and do it.

Once you start, you have to just stick with it no matter what. There will be be bad days (yesterday I had about 25 cookies, 5 pieces of cornbread, and chocolate ON top of my normal meals. Oh well, back on track today). Too many people give up. But I've kept off 60lbs over 3 years. In those 3 years I've had a day like this maybe every 2 weeks.

There are million of other weight loss tips and tricks and ideas out there too. But the main thing is you have to want it and just do it. No one is going to hold a gun to your head and tell you that you must eat healthy food.

So...just do it Chat Icon

Posted 1/13/11 7:48 AM

Welcome to the world Chase

Member since 9/08

6162 total posts


Re: how do you get the will power

You have to make it routine. Once it becomes a daily thing; it's easier to stick with. You have to enjoy what you do. Go for other reasons besides weight loss. I go to push my fitness further and accomplish other fitness goals (I.e. Running 4 miles instead of 3). If your workouts become more than just weight loss, it's easier to stick with.

Good luck!!

Posted 1/13/11 9:34 AM

waiting on nugget!

Member since 6/10

4432 total posts


Re: how do you get the will power

Honestly, it's a lifestyle choice. I look at my whole family who I love so much, but they are all overweight and I see what a struggle it is everyday. I know when I have children, I want to be able to run around with them, and live a healthy and active lifestyle so I need to be an example for them one day.

It's a constant struggle but you can definitely find it in you! The sense of accomplishment and as hard as it is to get motivated, once your head is in it, I promise it gets easier and you will see the results! Good luck and we are all here for support!!

Posted 1/13/11 10:47 AM


Member since 5/05

16438 total posts


Re: how do you get the will power

I think too many fail, or go in circles, because they start with too much, too fast. I found with myself that it really did become a lifestyle change when I made small, small changes week by week that built up eventually to an overall lifestyle change.

It's less overwhelming, and less difficult to maintain, if you start with baby steps.

Posted 1/13/11 10:50 AM

Ohhhh yeaaahh!!

Member since 6/10

1033 total posts


Re: how do you get the will power

You have to want it. You have to realize why you want it. Are you tired of feeling gross all the time? Are you tired of having to squeeeeze into your clothes and feel uncomfortable? (Because I do) The key is to remember the answers to these types of questions. Yes the junk food tastes good and that couch looks comfy but feeling yucky and uncomfortable is not fun. And once you get to your goal weight you will see how much happier you are and confident you will feel. And that to will keep you to sticking with your diet/ workout regime. Its a p.i.t.a to keep up but its worth it in the end.

Posted 1/13/11 11:48 AM

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