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how do you get your 1 year old to stop attacking your dog & cat?

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Love my Boys!

Member since 12/05

4648 total posts


how do you get your 1 year old to stop attacking your dog & cat?

my ds is 1 and does not get how to be gentle yet. i always say "make nice" and show him the proper way to pet our dog and cat but josh still insists on chasing them and when he catches them he yanks on their fur, ears, anything he can get his hands on. they hate it! and our cocker spaniel is almost scared of him.

how can i get him to stop this? or when did your dc stop doing this?


Posted 5/30/08 11:01 PM
Long Island Weddings
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My green-eyed boy

Member since 5/05

13499 total posts


Re: how do you get your 1 year old to stop attacking your dog & cat?

Michele, when you find out, let me know. My DD grabs handfuls of fur from our dog & pulls. The dog starts to run when she sees her coming.

Posted 5/30/08 11:10 PM


Member since 6/06

24950 total posts


Re: how do you get your 1 year old to stop attacking your dog & cat?

Hmm, Christopher did this months ago and we basically taught him "nice" and how to pet instead of hitting her.

Sorry, that didn't help much, but my two really get along well.

Posted 5/31/08 3:10 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

11767 total posts


Re: how do you get your 1 year old to stop attacking your dog & cat?

my 3 year old still drives my dog crazy. keep doing the "nice" and "easy" but I also made a hiding place for my dog to retreat to.

Posted 5/31/08 4:22 AM

going along for the ride...

Member since 5/05

16253 total posts


Re: how do you get your 1 year old to stop attacking your dog & cat?

I am trying to keep DD away as much as possible from out two cats - they let her pet them and chase them - but they always get away just in time - I'm always afraid they will snap or swat at her so I am sure I am there at all times - she doesn't understand gentle even when I show her and tries to grab and swat at them anyway.

I would love some other options rather than just separating them - she really loves them - and honestly for they really are very good with her and put up with her yelling cat and other things like screeching at them

Posted 5/31/08 10:24 AM

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