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How do you organize your class library?

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aries+cancer= pisces&gemini

Member since 3/06

4268 total posts


How do you organize your class library?

I am teaching 3rd this year and this project takes me so long every year when I unpack!!!Chat Icon

How do you group/ sort/ label books for your students?

Posted 8/19/07 5:57 PM

summer fun!

Member since 3/06

4962 total posts


Re: How do you organize your class library?

I have bins and sort them by author, then there is a non-fiction bin, which is further broken down into animals and just regular non-fiction. Then I have a biography, how to, animal fiction, poetry, caldecott, and my favorites bin.

Posted 8/19/07 6:54 PM

Hoping, wishing, waiting....

Member since 8/06

1418 total posts


Re: How do you organize your class library?

Posted by jes81276

I have bins and sort them by author, then there is a non-fiction bin, which is further broken down into animals and just regular non-fiction. Then I have a biography, how to, animal fiction, poetry, caldecott, and my favorites bin.

I do the same thing, I also have easy reads and a challenging basket. I also have some books sorted by what we are learning about, trees, leaves, math, etc

Posted 8/19/07 10:17 PM

Be happy

Member since 5/06

1359 total posts


Re: How do you organize your class library?

I also do the same sorting...
I have books by things like:
We don't level our classroom llibraries (only book room GR books). I do keep some bins though like "Easier Reads" or "Challenging" for those who need a little "push" in finding a just right book.

Posted 8/20/07 9:01 AM

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