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Happy Summer !

Member since 5/05 2241 total posts
Name: Kathleen
How do you workout if you have kids?
I am getting soo frustrated, want to exercise badly, but so hard for me to do it 8:30 at night when DD goes to sleep, I want to join a gym, but not if I can only go 1x a week.
I find myself rushing her to get ready for bed at night, so I can leave - and I don't want to do that. DH helps but she wants me to sit and read to her.
Last night (on trial membership) went from 8:30-10 and was not putting my all it cause I was freaking EXHAUSTED ! I wake up at 5:45 to get ready for work, so I can't do before work.
What do all you mommies do?
Message edited 2/2/2011 2:33:43 PM.
Posted 2/2/11 2:24 PM |
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource |
I finally hit 1000! woo hoo!

Member since 1/06 2294 total posts
Name: Renee
Re: How do you workout if you have kids?
Can you find a gym with child care and take her with you?
Posted 2/2/11 2:29 PM |
Happy Summer !

Member since 5/05 2241 total posts
Name: Kathleen
Re: How do you workout if you have kids?
she is in daycare, all day, I don't want to do that to her
Posted 2/2/11 2:34 PM |
Happy Family

Member since 8/09 6266 total posts
Name: JO
Re: How do you workout if you have kids?
I have a treadmill and work out after DS goes to bed aroun 815 or do my zumba on wii.
Posted 2/2/11 2:39 PM |
love my 2 boys

Member since 8/08 10923 total posts
Name: Linda
Re: How do you workout if you have kids?
Ugg Im right there with yeah...WW doesn't seem to be working so I want to start working out again......
I have to get up at 5:00am...which never happens...
running at 8:30pm..not an usually asleep by 9:30..I cant imaging working out at 8:30...
Posted 2/2/11 2:56 PM |
Just chillin'!!

Member since 1/06 9690 total posts
Name: Karen
Re: How do you workout if you have kids?
Both kids are in bed by 8, the latest. On the rare day they nap at the same time I will jump on the elliptical then, but 99% of the time I work out at night, shower, and head right to bed.
Posted 2/2/11 2:58 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 5/05 13060 total posts
Name: Ginger
Re: How do you workout if you have kids?
If I go alone, it is after dinner and before the kids go to bed.
Posted 2/2/11 3:16 PM |
Graceyn=My World <3

Member since 10/08 4173 total posts
Name: Kimberly
Re: How do you workout if you have kids?
I don't have any children-yet but my BF gets up at 5 and goes on her treadmill for 30-45 min M-F. She admits to having trouble getting up in the winter bc its so cold and dark but, she has no other time. By the time her 3 kids r in bed she is cleaning up the house and ready for bed herself.
Posted 2/2/11 4:03 PM |
it's me

Member since 5/05 11234 total posts
Name: Christine
Re: How do you workout if you have kids?
It was hard when I was working because I felt bad also having them in day care all day and then having them in child care at the gym. I'll be honest I only made it to the gym once or twice a week when I was working. I'd have to rush to go before I picked them up and that was just exhausting. I stay at home now so they come with me everyday.
Posted 2/2/11 4:18 PM |
Growing up fast!

Member since 4/07 12683 total posts
Name: Dawn
Re: How do you workout if you have kids?
I get up at 5:20 and work out. You are saying you already get up that early though to get ready for work so it doesn't sound like an option for you, unless you get up at 5:00 and do something quick at home. Jillian Michaels has a really short workout program....20 minutes.
Posted 2/2/11 4:25 PM |

Member since 5/05 28602 total posts
Name: Me
Re: How do you workout if you have kids?
Posted by KittyCat
she is in daycare, all day, I don't want to do that to her I could not do it either. The ONLY reason I have time to workout is because my complex has a gym. I go after the kids are in bed & DH is watching them.
Do you have a gym you can hit during working hours?
Posted 2/2/11 4:30 PM |
i run for bacon

Member since 5/05 20584 total posts
Name: julz
Re: How do you workout if you have kids?
I work p/t - 2 day a week. I try not to exercise on my work days. On non-work days I use the treadmill or do a DVD with my kids in the next room. I have an exercise room right off their playroom. Or during naptime. Or right when DH gets home from work. Since I've gotten DH to run with me, I've been hiring babysitters for our 5k races and soon I will for us to go on some longer runs. it is adding up but worth it too.
When I worked f/t I would run on the treadmill right when I got home (I would aim for 3-4 days per week so 2 days would be weekend and only 1-2 after work). DH would pick DS up on those days and I would be done right around the time they came hom. it is soooo hard when you work f/t. When it gets warmer maybe you can walk on your lunchbreak.
Posted 2/2/11 8:07 PM |
Member since 10/06 4563 total posts
Re: How do you workout if you have kids?
it is so hard to find the time. for me it's either before work or after kids are in bed, but they are in bed by 7pm most nights and it's not horribly late. the other option is maye duriing your lunch hour? i know some people that do this but it would never work for me! what time is work over for you? my work day ends early, around 2:30 so sometimes, weather permitting i bring my workout clothes and go for a 1/2 hour run right from there, and pick up my kids by 3:15. then i don't feel too guilty since it's still early. weekends are a must. as much as i hate waking early before my kids to go run, i do it b/c it's guaranteed since DH is home. i try to never do it while DC are up since i feel bad enough not seeing them all week. i aim for 4-5 times a week and do only a 1/2 hour sometimes. i used to think i had to do an hour but something is better than nothing. you don't have to go crazy.
Message edited 2/2/2011 8:26:46 PM.
Posted 2/2/11 8:24 PM |
Love my babies!

Member since 12/06 2941 total posts
Re: How do you workout if you have kids?
I'm up at 5am just to get a workout in. Too crazy here at night and I'm way too tired by the time the kids go to bed. I have my gym on freeze until they're a little older and I can get out more to go. Right now, I use the treadmill at home, run outside (when it's decent out) and do workout DVDs. Right now it's working for me.
Posted 2/2/11 8:57 PM |
My love muffin!
Member since 1/07 5819 total posts
Name: Liz
Re: How do you workout if you have kids?
I wrote a post like this a couple weeks ago. Unfortunately, I do work out at night time. My husband works out in the morning and won't compromise on that. I work full time one job and then do EI after dinner/after my full time job so I tend to go in the evening around 8:30/9. I will say though, that when I go with a friend, I work out longer and harder and the time goes by faster than when I work out by myself!
Posted 2/2/11 9:26 PM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 1/11 785 total posts
Name: Corrie
Re: How do you workout if you have kids?
I am no expert in this area, since I only started working out again two weeks ago. But the schedule I have worked out is working out for me. I go early mornings on the weekends. My gym opens at 7. My husband wakes up with them. Then during the week I go Wedn. at 7. This is the one day that my husband puts them to bed. They prefer me, but it is just something that has to be done. I also go after work on Fri, so 4-5.
I felt guilty at first, but it needs to be done. MY girls will enjoy a more fit and energized mommy. Plus a happier mommy. My husband comes home late sometimes and it hasn't affected them in the least. I really feel what was stopping me at first was my NEED for them to need me.
Posted 2/2/11 9:53 PM |
Re: How do you workout if you have kids?
Posted by KittyCat
she is in daycare, all day, I don't want to do that to her That's how I feel - my only option is usually crack of dawn!!! Or late at night...
Posted 2/2/11 10:01 PM |
I love my kids

Member since 5/05 2885 total posts
Name: Jenn
Re: How do you workout if you have kids?
I know she wants you to read to her at night but have her get into the habit of DH doing it a few nights a week. It will be difficult at first but in time it will become routine and she'll get use to it.
I workout in the morning and DH works out at night. He takes care of getting them ready in the morning and I take care of getting them ready at night. It's what works best for all of us.
Posted 2/2/11 11:30 PM |
party of five

Member since 9/06 11343 total posts
Name: Jen
Re: How do you workout if you have kids?
I go during lunch
Posted 2/3/11 9:35 AM |
Member since 8/05 8377 total posts
Name: Team SEXY BACK
Re: How do you workout if you have kids?
I used to think when people used to complain about not having time to work out that it was just an excuse!!! Now that I am a mom, I finally get it
How old is DC? I did okay working out at home while out on maternity leave. It took me a good 3 months to adjust once I went back to work. By 6 months, DS was STTN and I felt like I could finally commit again.
I am lucky that DS is in bed by 7pm. I go to my class at 7:30 pm and it is just around the corner. For my own sake, I need to put DS down before I leave. He too is in daycare so I know how you feel
Two nights a week is doable for me at least. Could you do two nights a week and one morning to start? When the weather gets warmer I am planning on two weeknights, one weekday (lunchtime) and hopefully one or both of my weekend days to get my exercise in.
Message edited 2/3/2011 12:39:54 PM.
Posted 2/3/11 12:37 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 10/10 935 total posts
Name: Dollface
Re: How do you workout if you have kids?
Can yup workout both weekend days and then just one late night per week? 3x a week is a good start and you'll become more motivated after seeing some results. Plus working out gives you more energy overall, so you may even feel like squeezing in the 4th day after a month or so.
Good luck!
Posted 2/3/11 5:38 PM |
LIF Adolescent
Member since 9/08 859 total posts
Name: n
Re: How do you workout if you have kids?
My 2 pieces of advice are to have smaller expectations (baby steps -- even small changes are good) and just make sure you schedule it in to your week and let other things go (i.e. housework).
For example, when I had more time (had kids but when I wasn't working) I used the daycare at they gym, I worked out 4 times a week and stayed at the gym for 1 - 1.5 hours. There is NO WAY that is happening now.
Luckily all I have to do now is maintain my weight and just have to remember my workout is now for cardio for my heart and some strengthening for my bones and muscles.
I will take the stairs wherever I go, go for 10 min walks or stairclimbing at lunch, park further away, be active while playing with kids, like dancing, chasing them, and my "workouts" are on 30-45 minutes long either at 8/8:30 at night or right before I pick up kids from school, or on the weekends. I even workout in front of them/with them in my living room once in a while!
I admit I have let other things go like a perfectly clean house, cooking elaborate meals, hobbies like reading or knitting or even watching TV. But excercise has become a priority. In the long run, the clean house won't be as important as my health. I have really HAD to change my outlook on my health and in the end what really matters!!
Message edited 2/4/2011 11:00:11 AM.
Posted 2/4/11 10:57 AM |
Baby #1 is here!
Member since 11/08 13903 total posts
Re: How do you workout if you have kids?
Can you use a jogging stroller to either walk or jog/run?
Posted 2/4/11 11:57 AM |
Re: How do you workout if you have kids?
I jog on the treadmill in the basement while the kids play down there with me
Posted 2/4/11 4:31 PM |