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How Long Before Your Baby Slept Through the Night??

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Re: How Long Before Your Baby Slept Through the Night??

At 6 weeks, DD sleeps from about midnight to 8 am, getting up once for a feeding.

However, Wednesday night she didn't wake up for that feeding so we slept for 8 hours straight- it was fabulous!! I just pray that she does it again!

Posted 9/15/06 12:32 PM
Long Island Weddings
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I love my Katie Bug

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Re: How Long Before Your Baby Slept Through the Night??

At 6 wks (maybe 7 wks) DD started sleping 4-5 hours a night, which I considered sleeping through. At 3-4 mos she was doing 6-8 hrs a night. Now, at 4 1/2 and we started her on rice cereal she is sleeping 9hrs, has a bottle and goes down for another 3-4 hrs. It's heaven!!

Posted 9/15/06 1:16 PM

Mom of 2 Boys

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Re: How Long Before Your Baby Slept Through the Night??

I would say a year for my son!! Well at 11 weeks (had nothing to do with weight since he was over 11 lbs by a month old and about 16 lbs by 13 weeks) he started sleeping thru the night for him which was 11pm to 5am. That stretched little by little to longer and longer. But I would say from 5.5mos-year - we had night wakenings from 3-10 times a night on a regular basis. At a year, he started sleeping 9-7 or later on a regular basis (except when he is teething - which is often since he is a late teether).

Posted 9/15/06 1:31 PM


Member since 10/05

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Re: How Long Before Your Baby Slept Through the Night??

#1 - 7 weeks
#2 - 9 months Chat Icon

Posted 9/15/06 4:34 PM

My Boys

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Re: How Long Before Your Baby Slept Through the Night??

A whole 9 months, but been doing it ever since. Praise the Lord, because my eyes couldn't take looking like racoons any longer. The day will come, just be patient.

Posted 9/15/06 4:48 PM

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Re: How Long Before Your Baby Slept Through the Night??

Message edited 2/8/2007 3:26:33 PM.

Posted 9/15/06 5:15 PM

Chase is one!

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Re: How Long Before Your Baby Slept Through the Night??

7 or 8 weeks.

Posted 9/15/06 5:22 PM

This is how I play basketball!

Member since 6/05

1980 total posts


Re: How Long Before Your Baby Slept Through the Night??

what does "sleeping through the night" really mean? 4-5 hours straight? or 7 pm to 7 am? to be honest, i'll take either one of those right now!

Posted 9/15/06 5:32 PM

I love my kids

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Re: How Long Before Your Baby Slept Through the Night??

Kiera went from 12 until about 6:30-7:00 before she was a month old. She has been a great sleeper and I think the schedule we put her on really helped. We broke the motto of never wake a sleeping baby and we fed her on a schedule. Before she was a month old she was going 6-7 hours a night, by 2 months old she was going about 7-8 hours. Before I knew it she was going about 10 hours.

Posted 9/15/06 6:42 PM

Growing up soo fast..

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Re: How Long Before Your Baby Slept Through the Night??

I am wondering what the defination of "sleeping through" really is too. DD turned 3 months old the other day and that night slept 6 hrs straight for the first time. I guess thats sleeping through? the next night she did a few min shy of 7 hrs so we'll see how it goes tonight!!!

Posted 9/15/06 8:30 PM

My Little Yankee Fans

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Re: How Long Before Your Baby Slept Through the Night??

One son slept thru consistently at 13 weeks. The toher one at 17 weeks, but he needed to eat since he was tiny.

I am not sure if my first son would have slept thru earlier I was waking him to feed him since I didn't want to fall asleepa nd him wake an hour later. But they were going down at 10 and waking at 3 or 4 at about 6 weeks, so not sure what you consider thur the night.

Posted 9/15/06 8:40 PM

My girls

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Re: How Long Before Your Baby Slept Through the Night??

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Well, my daughter sleeps 8 hours, but thats from 8 pm until about 4 am. Then a quick nursing and back to sleep until 7 am. So while she may be "sleeping through the night" by the medical definition, her mommy hasn't gotten to sleep a straight 8 hours since she was born 17.5 months ago.

Posted 9/15/06 8:51 PM

LIF Adult

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Re: How Long Before Your Baby Slept Through the Night??

I hate to scare you and I think that I may be one of the only ones but my son just started sleeping through the night 2 todays ago (which means nothing) and he's going to be seven months on Tuesday. I'll tell you something that will hold true for every child ---- Every Child is Different ---- therefore nothing is really ever "normal". Also there are ups and downs. It depends in teething, nursing, illness, so many factors.

Posted 9/15/06 9:39 PM

Brothers For Life

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Re: How Long Before Your Baby Slept Through the Night??

DS started sleeping through the night at 6 weeks for 9 hours. He still does but for 10 hrs, unless of course something is bothering him. ie. sick or teething Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 9/15/06 9:46 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: How Long Before Your Baby Slept Through the Night??

My son is 9 months old and he still doesnt sleep thru the night. I 'll get a night here and there, but for the most part... hasnt happened yet. Chat Icon His sleeping pattern IMPROVED at about 8 weeks old. Meaning no more waking every 3 hrs.

Posted 9/15/06 11:41 PM

Life is good!

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Re: How Long Before Your Baby Slept Through the Night??

9 months old and still nothing.

Posted 9/15/06 11:46 PM

Family is everything!!!

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Re: How Long Before Your Baby Slept Through the Night??

My son was 5 weeks

Posted 9/16/06 8:28 AM

2 1/2

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Re: How Long Before Your Baby Slept Through the Night??

Shannon has been sleeping through the night since she was a month old (knock on wood) and she is 6 mths now...
She is usually out for the night between 9-10....

Posted 9/17/06 12:06 AM


Member since 6/05

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Re: How Long Before Your Baby Slept Through the Night??

6-7 weeks he was sleeping 6-7 hour streches and then once I moved his bedtime up he started sleepin 10-12 hour strechs. Now at 5 months he sleeps 12 hours.

Posted 9/17/06 8:02 AM
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