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Family is Complete!

Member since 5/05 5913 total posts
Name: Juliet
How long did you wait before taking DC out into public?
So tomorow DD will be two weeks old. It is also a 1st birthday party for my best friend's son. I know this is not the best time of year to bring Sabrina to a party and DH doesn't want us to go. I know it for the best but I can't help but wish I could show her off tomorrow
I feel like a bad mommy for wanting to bring her out so soon but I also want people to meet her.
How long did you all wait to bring your DC out in public (stores, parties or otherwise)
Posted 2/23/07 9:22 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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Never Forget

Member since 2/06 2735 total posts
Name: Jen
Re: How long did you wait before taking DC out into public?
I want to say about 7-8 weeks to stores, etc. I used to go out w/ the babies to get coffee, etc, but never mixed with people until they were older.
Posted 2/23/07 9:25 PM |
Ready for the sun!

Member since 5/05 30339 total posts
Name: Properly perfect™
Re: How long did you wait before taking DC out into public?
How many people would be at the party...would there be a lot of kids?
I took Kerri out at 4 days
Posted 2/23/07 9:25 PM |
Re: How long did you wait before taking DC out into public?
8 weeks - I was not taking any chances b/c they were premature, and it is cold and flu season.
I know how you feel, I was on bed rest for 12 weeks, then couldn't drive for 6 weeks - I was SO anxious to get out. But honestly b/c it is cold and flu season, and people may not even be sick at the time, but carrying something, I think 2 weeks is a bit early to be around so many people. It's up to you, but when my DDs got sick at 9 weeks I was hysterical because of RSV - a sick newborn is a VERY scary thing!
Posted 2/23/07 9:26 PM |
Family is Complete!

Member since 5/05 5913 total posts
Name: Juliet
Re: How long did you wait before taking DC out into public?
Posted by Moehick
How many people would be at the party...would there be a lot of kids?
I took Kerri out at 4 days
Best friend has 5 nieces ranging from 17 down to 6 and her husband's cousins have some little ones.
I think the party is going to be 60 people. It is in a hall not at a house.
Probably best to stay home.
Posted 2/23/07 9:27 PM |
Love my Family!

Member since 7/05 29064 total posts
Name: Mel
Re: How long did you wait before taking DC out into public?
I would wait, plus everyone is sick these days....
I waited 2 months before I took Julia to stores or places where there would be a lot of people.
Posted 2/23/07 9:28 PM |
Re: How long did you wait before taking DC out into public?
Posted by Juliet
Posted by Moehick
How many people would be at the party...would there be a lot of kids?
I took Kerri out at 4 days
Best friend has 5 nieces ranging from 17 down to 6 and her husband's cousins have some little ones.
I think the party is going to be 60 people. It is in a hall not at a house.
Probably best to stay home.
Can you get a sitter and bring lots of pictures???
Posted 2/23/07 9:28 PM |
Never Forget

Member since 2/06 2735 total posts
Name: Jen
Re: How long did you wait before taking DC out into public?
Posted by Juliet
Posted by Moehick
How many people would be at the party...would there be a lot of kids?
I took Kerri out at 4 days
Best friend has 5 nieces ranging from 17 down to 6 and her husband's cousins have some little ones.
I think the party is going to be 60 people. It is in a hall not at a house.
Probably best to stay home.
As much as you want to go, I'd sit this one out. It's really not worth the risk of her getting sick. JMO! Good luck
Posted 2/23/07 9:29 PM |
Ready for the sun!

Member since 5/05 30339 total posts
Name: Properly perfect™
Re: How long did you wait before taking DC out into public?
Yeah I would wait...I know it would be so nice to go but soon enough you will be out and about
Posted 2/23/07 9:31 PM |
All good things in 2016!!

Member since 8/05 20181 total posts
Re: How long did you wait before taking DC out into public?
Posted by Moehick
Yeah I would wait...I know it would be so nice to go but soon enough you will be out and about
I agree
Posted 2/23/07 9:34 PM |

Member since 5/05 18599 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: How long did you wait before taking DC out into public?
I took Nikolas out at around 1 wk old but that was just outside to walk and get fresh air..
I was leery of bringing him around large groups of people, in particular around other children, because I was concerned about him getting sick at such a young age... I think I waited until his first set of shots before I really started taking him out in 'public' and around large groups of family, etc.. I skipped quite a few parties at my inlaws in those first few months because there were so many sick relatives and children - I just didn't want to risk it..
Posted 2/23/07 9:35 PM |
I'm a big sister!!!

Member since 5/05 6707 total posts
Name: Noel
Re: How long did you wait before taking DC out into public?
my dr said totake her out asap and as much as possible but he meant for walks and such and she was born in mid sepot.we also had a party to go to when she was 2 weeks. We went with the drs permission and was told to use our judgement and not let everyone hold her.
Posted 2/23/07 9:37 PM |
Sweet Jessie Quinn

Member since 5/05 27567 total posts
Name: Janice
Re: How long did you wait before taking DC out into public?
walks outside are fine, but i would skip the party. Mine is getting over a cold that DH brought home earlier in the week..its terrible to watch them sick and weak.
And they really are too young for meds, so other then saline drops, they just have to let it run its course.
Posted 2/23/07 9:39 PM |
LIF Infant

Member since 1/06 76 total posts
Name: Maria
Re: How long did you wait before taking DC out into public?
3 days later for christmas!
Posted 2/24/07 12:59 AM |
Happy Days!

Member since 8/05 18208 total posts
Re: How long did you wait before taking DC out into public?
2 weeks...its absolutely fine for them to go out as long as you dress them properly! They are hardy little beasts you know!!!
Posted 2/24/07 3:54 AM |
Baby # 3 is here!!!

Member since 7/05 21138 total posts
Name: Genna
Re: How long did you wait before taking DC out into public?
We didnt take Jacob out till after his shots at 2 months...the pediatrician advised against it especially since its cold and flu season.
Posted 2/24/07 6:16 AM |
LIF Adult
Member since 4/06 1418 total posts
Name: alycia
Re: How long did you wait before taking DC out into public?
i took dd around family functions right away..but she was a summer it wasnt as be sil's children got RSV..(preemies)..that was her worst nightmare.and she only had them around family..its so dangerous right pediatrician just told me the other day that they are still getting cases of the at 2 weeks old,they cant give them flu shots..and if there will be children at the party over 3 years is dangerous. i know you want to show her off..but believe me..everyone will touch ..
Posted 2/24/07 8:34 AM |
Momma's Little Beans

Member since 1/06 3923 total posts
Re: How long did you wait before taking DC out into public?
I took Lauren out at 2weeks to a couple stores. In and out. I went up to my office as well at that age. I personally would not go to a party with a lot of people around to constantly breathe over Sabrina, jmo. Plus it's dead of winter and cold season. It was summer here when I took Lauren out and made sure no one breathed on her or touched her
Posted 2/24/07 9:32 AM |
I'm a Big Brother

Member since 5/06 8041 total posts
Name: D
Re: How long did you wait before taking DC out into public?
Posted by majen
Posted by Juliet
Posted by Moehick
How many people would be at the party...would there be a lot of kids?
I took Kerri out at 4 days
Best friend has 5 nieces ranging from 17 down to 6 and her husband's cousins have some little ones.
I think the party is going to be 60 people. It is in a hall not at a house.
Probably best to stay home.
As much as you want to go, I'd sit this one out. It's really not worth the risk of her getting sick. JMO! Good luck
I agree. This time of year stinks...everyone's sick!!!
Posted 2/24/07 9:47 AM |
I'm getting old

Member since 5/05 8688 total posts
Name: Karen
Re: How long did you wait before taking DC out into public?
Lucas is 15 days old and I brought him to the deli and next weekend will bring him to my nephews birthday party. I keep ALL people away from him and try not to worry too much.
Posted 2/24/07 9:52 AM |
My Loves!

Member since 5/05 46292 total posts
Re: How long did you wait before taking DC out into public?
DS will be 6 weeks on Monday. We have been to my parents house (2 year old nephew is there too). We are going out to dinner tonight with my parents for the first time. I also brought him to my cousins house last weekend (all adults there) and just made sure everyone was "healthy" before they touched him. As for a party with that many people, I probably would wait.
Posted 2/24/07 12:05 PM |
Loving life
Member since 7/06 4088 total posts
Re: How long did you wait before taking DC out into public?
I took mine out at about 7 weeks to a communion party in nice weather. 5 days later we were in the emergency room getting him a spinal tap. He was just short of 8 weeks, but he had a fever so its an automatic spinal.
I don't recommend it.
Posted 2/24/07 12:14 PM |
My Boys!

Member since 5/05 5498 total posts
Name: JoAnne
Re: How long did you wait before taking DC out into public?
We went for a lot of walks, but didn't take him out around people for about 6 weeks.
Posted 2/24/07 12:42 PM |
Member since 10/05 6039 total posts
Re: How long did you wait before taking DC out into public?
Posted by GenLCSW
We didnt take Jacob out till after his shots at 2 months..
I did the same as she did above. I waited until my son Anthony got his 2 months shots and then I took him out.
Posted 2/24/07 2:27 PM |
Disney cruise bound!
Member since 5/05 8126 total posts
Name: D
Re: How long did you wait before taking DC out into public?
4 weeks we took her to the store. At 1-2weeks we were taking her for walks but it was still warm outside.
Posted 2/24/07 2:41 PM |
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