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How many embryo's will you/have you put back?

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Big Sister to be!

Member since 7/07

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How many embryo's will you/have you put back?

I was just reading a post and someone asked and just wanted to know how many will you put back or did you put back? our RE told us he will put back 2 embryos. is that a good number? i didnt want anymore then that anyway, carrying 3 babies IF they all took Chat Icon

I havent even started yet and im already thinking of these things lol

Posted 8/6/08 3:34 PM
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Re: How many embryo's will you/have you put back?

yup-2. The # depends on your age and your body type and so many things. Our dr said 2 and that's what we agreed on too...Chat Icon

Posted 8/6/08 3:39 PM

Two under two!

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Re: How many embryo's will you/have you put back?

We will hopefully be putting back 2. I think it's better odds...plenty of people that put back two only get one but I'd love twins. I don't think my doctor would put 3 back for me. I'm 29 and all tests for me have been normal, we are dealing w/ MF.

Posted 8/6/08 3:40 PM

<3 <3 <3 <3

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Re: How many embryo's will you/have you put back?

there are a number of factors that go into deciding how many embryo's to put back.

In my case it was the quality of the embryo's and my age. The older you are, I believe they get a little more agressive in how many they put back on a 3 day transfer or a 5 day transfer. (I'm 37)

In my case, we were told our best chances on a 3 day transfer would be to put back 3 and on a 5 day to put back 2.

My doctor gave us these percentages based on my age and egg quality:

3dt - 3 embryos - 45% chance of a pregnancy broken down as such

40 % chance of a singleton
slighly less than a 5 % chance of twins
less than 1% chance of triplets

My first IVF - I did a 3dt with 3 embryos - got pregnant with a singleton which I m/c

My second IVF - 3dt with 3 embryos - got pregnant with twins but had what they call vanishing twin syndrome and am now pregnant with a singleton

Message edited 8/6/2008 3:42:12 PM.

Posted 8/6/08 3:40 PM

Plan B is Now Plan A

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Re: How many embryo's will you/have you put back?

Our Re is putting back no more than 5. if we get that lucky to have 5.

My age factors in big time.

My cousin did IVF three times. They got a total of 24 eggs in those three times and only one took.

She put back 5 each time and she was 41.

Posted 8/6/08 4:08 PM

Mommy to 3 Boys :)

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Re: How many embryo's will you/have you put back?

We put back in 2 on Day 5 after the retrieval. The RE said those 2 were the best quality.

Posted 8/6/08 4:17 PM


Member since 6/06

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Re: How many embryo's will you/have you put back?

For my 1st IVF we put back 3 on a 3dt but none of them stuck. I only had one frostie but took a chance and tried with only one for my ended up a chemical.
For my 2nd IVF I switched to Cornell and would like the RE to be very agressive with how many are transferred since I'm 37. I'm OK with twins so the more the better.

Posted 8/6/08 5:14 PM

LIF Adult

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Re: How many embryo's will you/have you put back?

When are you starting your cycle? you're using dr scholl right?

i just started with him. i start Lupron in less than 2 wks.

We haven't "really" talked about how many but i would do 2-3. definitely 2 ona fresh cycle.

Posted 8/6/08 5:26 PM

Two in Blue

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Re: How many embryo's will you/have you put back?

I cycled with RMA-most of the issues were mine-tubal and high fsh. We got 6 embies(I think) and only 5 made it to day 3. We transferred 2 (a 7 cell and a 9 cell) and are pregnant with twin boys. My clinic only freezes on day 5 and none of my other embies made it that far. We really agonized over this decision and I won't lie-twins are hard on your body. But its all worth it in the end.

I have a friend who transferred 2 with cornell almost 2 yrs ago and had twins. Then they went back for one more and their embryo split so now they will have two sets of twins-1 fraternal and 1 identical.Chat Icon Keep in mind if they do assisted hatching there is a slightly higher risk of identicals because of the higher chances of the embie splitting.

Posted 8/6/08 5:45 PM

Onward and Upward!

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Re: How many embryo's will you/have you put back?

It's a personal decision that is made by you and your DH after consulting your RE. In my case, DH and I were certain from the start that we did not want to risk twins. Luckily my RE supported our decision so I am doing a single blastocyst transfer on day 5.

ETA: Most RE's will suggest transferring 2 unless your age indicates transferring more than that.

Message edited 8/6/2008 6:02:39 PM.

Posted 8/6/08 6:01 PM

Time for me to FLY!

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Re: How many embryo's will you/have you put back?

up to 6 if we have them

Posted 8/6/08 7:49 PM

Welcome to the World!

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Re: How many embryo's will you/have you put back?

I was 37 and during my first IVF, we transferred 3 and it was BFN, 2nd FET- we transferred 3 BFN, and on the 3rd FET, we transferred 3 and ended up with a BFP (Singleton)

Message edited 8/7/2008 10:50:22 AM.

Posted 8/6/08 8:26 PM

Peace out Homies!

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Re: How many embryo's will you/have you put back?

6 at a time..I'm 42 so my age is a huge factor.

Posted 8/6/08 10:59 PM

b nice like u want ur kidz 2

Member since 7/06

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Re: How many embryo's will you/have you put back?

At age 38 we put three in..three took 2 heartbeats--third only a sac that passed.
My doc said no more then 2 due to high risk but when we were all ready the doc said three were good--do three-
best decision because none of my others made it.

Posted 8/6/08 11:10 PM

C & J are 10!

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Re: How many embryo's will you/have you put back?

I was 33 PCOS and the first IVF we put back 3 embryos and I got pregnant with a singelton. I eventually miscarried at 11 weeks.

Next round, we put back 4 and I got pregnant with twins!

My dr. never was big on telling me quality and numbers. He always said to focus on the pregnancy and taking care of myself, he would take care of all of the numbers. However, if all 4 would have taken, he strongly suggested reduction.

Posted 8/6/08 11:36 PM

my two loves

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Re: How many embryo's will you/have you put back?

We did a 5dt and put 2 back, got PG with twins but had a vanishing twin we lost at 8 weeks. They wanted me to consider a single embryo transfer, but at that point I wanted to up the odds and I was ok with twins. I was 26 at the time and we were only dealing with MF so the odds were in my favor of being successful. When I think about doing an FET down the road I am seriosuly considering doing just a single transfer if they will let me. So like everyone said, it depends on you- your age, and your issues.

Posted 8/7/08 7:26 AM

Beyond Blessed <3

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Re: How many embryo's will you/have you put back?

hmmm before my first ivf I wanted to put back 1. By the time I got to #2 I wanted to put back 2. Now looking at my FET can he stick them all in?Chat Icon I will go with whatever my RE recommends b/c I trust him. I think he will say 2, from what I remember. Chat Icon ETA: I am 35.

Message edited 8/7/2008 7:44:44 AM.

Posted 8/7/08 7:43 AM

Waiting patiently for baby sis

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Re: How many embryo's will you/have you put back?

They told me 2 -- especially because mine are tested genetically.

Posted 8/7/08 7:54 AM

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Re: How many embryo's will you/have you put back?

I put back 2 on a 5dt.

We have 5 frozen, so if we get to FET, we'll do two and if that fails, put the last three in.

I am not so secretly hoping for twins next time around, so there's part of me that wants to put three in to start with. But I don't think DH is on board with that. Chat Icon

Posted 8/7/08 8:23 AM

My golden boys!

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Re: How many embryo's will you/have you put back?

The doc recommended putting in all 5, due to my age (37) and the numerous failed attempts at IVF. I'm pregnant with twins Chat Icon

Posted 8/7/08 8:29 AM

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Beth -Ann

Re: How many embryo's will you/have you put back?

All of them that I can get Chat Icon (so far I only had 1 on round one and 2 on round 2....does that mean 3 for round 3? lets hope so).

Posted 8/7/08 9:02 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: How many embryo's will you/have you put back?

Because I've carried a successful pregnancy and time is still on my side (33 years old) I think we'll go with 2. I am secretly hoping for twins though Chat Icon

Posted 8/7/08 9:09 AM

Big Sister to be!

Member since 7/07

3423 total posts


Re: How many embryo's will you/have you put back?

Posted by hope316

When are you starting your cycle? you're using dr scholl right?

i just started with him. i start Lupron in less than 2 wks.

We haven't "really" talked about how many but i would do 2-3. definitely 2 ona fresh cycle.

yup im using dr scholl!! i should be starting next week when AF comes to town!! we will be close in our cycles together!! best of luck!!i'll be starting lupron aswell!

Posted 8/7/08 10:25 AM

Big Sister to be!

Member since 7/07

3423 total posts


Re: How many embryo's will you/have you put back?

Posted by leighdvm

The doc recommended putting in all 5, due to my age (37) and the numerous failed attempts at IVF. I'm pregnant with twins Chat Icon

thats awesome!! congrats and best of luck with a happy and healthy pregnacy!Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 8/7/08 10:26 AM

Hope is Contagious....catch it

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Re: How many embryo's will you/have you put back?

we put back 2.

Posted 8/7/08 10:34 AM
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