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How much milk is your 1 year old drinking?

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How much milk is your 1 year old drinking?

Just looking for ideas of whether DD is on track (she's 13 months). And how many bottles/cups do they drink of it during the day?

Posted 8/2/08 11:28 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: How much milk is your 1 year old drinking?

at that age, my ped told me between 16-24 oz a day

mikayla drinks 2 cups per day (about 16 oz) she is 16 months

Posted 8/2/08 11:39 AM

When you wish upon a star

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Re: How much milk is your 1 year old drinking?

DD's pediatrician suggested 18 - 24 oz. He said the less milk she drinks the more food she will eat. He wanted to make sure she does not consume more than 24 oz in a day. She usually takes 18 - 20 ounces right now at 12 months

Posted 8/2/08 11:57 AM

hello baby Albert

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Re: How much milk is your 1 year old drinking?

right now he gets milk 3 times a day, about 7 oz in each cup... so around 21 oz per day...

Posted 8/2/08 1:11 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 6/05

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Re: How much milk is your 1 year old drinking?

the morning and nighttime cups of milk are about 7 ounces and an afternnon cup of maybe four. I guess that makes about 18 ounces of milk a day.

Posted 8/2/08 1:52 PM

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Re: How much milk is your 1 year old drinking?

My Dr recc b/t 16-20 ounces, DS gets 6 oz when he gets up, 4 ounces at lunch and 8 oz before bed. If he doesn't drinK the 4 oz at lunch, i will give it to him with his snack at 3:30
HTHChat Icon

Posted 8/2/08 4:22 PM

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Re: How much milk is your 1 year old drinking?

Jack gets three bottles a day - 7 ounces in each - 21 in total

Posted 8/2/08 5:26 PM

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Re: How much milk is your 1 year old drinking?

DS gets 4 bottles of 5 oz per day.

At 12 months the ped said 14-24 oz per day is good.

Posted 8/2/08 5:42 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: How much milk is your 1 year old drinking?

2 bottles a day 7-8 ozs a bottle.

Posted 8/2/08 6:02 PM

It's a Good Life

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Re: How much milk is your 1 year old drinking?


She is still BF 2x a day

She'll get cereal for breakfast most mornings, so she's getting some that way, but other than other milk.

Posted 8/2/08 6:17 PM

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Re: How much milk is your 1 year old drinking?

16oz, 2 bottles of 8oz.

Posted 8/2/08 8:05 PM

Beyond Compare

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Re: How much milk is your 1 year old drinking?

Our pediatrician told us 12-16oz per day.

Lucas gets 2 sippys during the day with milk (morning & night) = 10oz

And we make up the rest of the calcium requirements through:

Yogurt with breakfast = 3oz
Cheese with lunch = 1oz

Lucas won't drink much more milk so the doctor said to make up with other things - which we do no problem.

Posted 8/2/08 8:11 PM

LIF Adolescent

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Re: How much milk is your 1 year old drinking?

Little to no milk in his daily routine. He usually has a yogurt/cheese/Ice Cream/cereal with milk. Once or twice a day but refuses to drink it. Ped didn't see a problem at all as long as gets a somewhat healthy diet and vitamins. Ped not a advocate of milk, thinks it is way overrated and not necessary in abundance

Posted 8/2/08 8:42 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: How much milk is your 1 year old drinking?

NONE! She hates it.

She takes a liquid calcium supplement and I try to make sure she eats yogurt, cheese, etc.

Posted 8/2/08 8:47 PM

Family of 4! :o)

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Re: How much milk is your 1 year old drinking?

Ben drinks between 20 and 24oz per day. He is 13 mos.

Message edited 8/2/2008 8:54:32 PM.

Posted 8/2/08 8:53 PM


Member since 10/06

4563 total posts


Re: How much milk is your 1 year old drinking?

i am not as good as you all with keeping track of the oz's at all! i just keep a sippy full and offer it during the day and at meals....Chat Icon

Posted 8/2/08 9:54 PM

Sweet Jessie Quinn

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Re: How much milk is your 1 year old drinking?

2.5 sippy cups a day. I'll work on the .5 to get rid of it, but compared to how much BM this kid was drinking a month ago, 2.5 is great.

Posted 8/2/08 9:56 PM

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Re: How much milk is your 1 year old drinking?

She has two bottles a day still at 8 ounces each, and then an ounce or two with lunch and dinner. So maybe about 20 ounces a day.
She also eats a lot of yogurt and cheese, so that's got milk in it too.

Posted 8/2/08 10:10 PM

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