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How often should a newborn poop?

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I love my DS!!!

Member since 5/05

9340 total posts


How often should a newborn poop?

My baby pooped three times yesterday. Is it normal that they have to strain? His poop is normal though, when he goes that is.

See my concern is that he doesn't poop that often. In the hospital he would poop soooooo many times. Could it be the formula that i'm using or is it simply that his digestive system is changing? In the hospital they gave him Similac and I am now giving him Enfimil Lipil with Iron. At the checkup yesterday the doctor said that milk is fine.

I am hoping he poops today. But it won't be a lot of times though. Doctor says if he doesn't poop to put a rectal thermometer dipped in vaseline in his butt to stimulate them to go. It sounds so strange to me to just out of the blue stick a thermometer in their butt. Do you think it would really stimulate them to go.

Is it normal for newborns to not poop every single day. Like after how many days without pooping would you be concerned. Also is there a brand of formula milk that helps babies poop?

Posted 6/13/06 9:49 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Mom of 2 + 1

Member since 10/05

7395 total posts


Re: How often should a newborn poop?

They poop more in the hospital because their systems are getting rid of everything that's been in there for 9 months. It definately slows down once they come home. Formula fed babies poop less than breastfed babies. Once they are home, it often decreases as well. For example, my baby (breastmilk) was pooping several times a day for several weeks. At about 4 weeks, it decreased to once or twice a day. Now she is 7 weeks and she really only goes about once a day.

I too got worried when it decreased to once a day. I did use the thermometer trick once because I was sure that she was constipated. It did work -- in about 20 seconds. Everything that came out was very watery (sorry if TMI). She was not constipated at all. She just didn't have to go yet.

I asked the doctor about her looking like she was straining to go and was told that as long as the poops are not hard or formed, she is fine. The doctor said that we have stuff going on in our bellies all day long and we just know what it is. She said that babies don't know what all the rumblings are yet, and the faces they are making may not necessarily be straining -- just reactions to the intestinal movements.

I also went to an infant care class at BRU (held by a pediatrician) who said that some babies only poop every 1-3 days and if that is normal for that baby then it is fine. He also said that as long as the poops are not hard or formed then it is fine.

I hope some of this helps you. I know it can be nerve-racking trying to figure out these little creatures. Chat Icon

Posted 6/13/06 10:06 AM

Happy New Year

Member since 5/05

17334 total posts


Re: How often should a newborn poop?

Everything you are describing sounds like normal newborn pooping issues.

Yes, it is common for them to sound like they are straining... it's probably because they are using their systems for the first time and getting used to the process. If the poops are not hard and formed, they are not constipated and you don't need to do anything.

Not pooping for a whole can happen but if he doesn't poop by the next day, I would start trying to help him along. The thermometer trick is a well known thing used to help the process along and has been used by many mommies for many years.

If he doesn't poop for more than just one day, I would mention it to your Dr again and see if they want you to try anything else like water or pear juice or possibly changing formula. But don't do any of those things without talking to your ped first. Chat Icon

Posted 6/13/06 10:06 AM

I love my DS!!!

Member since 5/05

9340 total posts


Re: How often should a newborn poop?

Thanks Guys.

Well he pooped today, twice and the first time he strained so hard that he cried so much. Oh I felt sooooooo bad for him. I held him in my arms and held his hand. The second time he strained but very little, and it was a mess!

I was speaking to one of my SIL's tonight and she thinks it's the iron in the milk. That their little bodies are not strong enough to take the Iron.

I'm going to see what happens over the next few days. If he is still straining and crying more during it then I am calling the doctor.

Posted 6/13/06 8:35 PM

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