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HSG scheduled for 6/13

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Loving Mommyhood!

Member since 5/05

2391 total posts


HSG scheduled for 6/13

I'm terrified bc DH can't get off and I have to go alone. I usually get in so much pain from paps I can't even drive home. I'm so nervous. Plus, I've never had shellfish before and I'm nervous that I'll have a reaction bc allergies to shellfish run in the family (my sister and grandmother both had to be hospitalized bc their throats closed up!) What should I expect?

Posted 6/7/05 12:54 PM
Long Island Weddings
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I love my Katie Bug

Member since 5/05

11357 total posts


Re: HSG scheduled for 6/13

Oh wow you should get testes for allergies first! Call the place doing the HSG and see what they suggest.

I'm SO SORRY You have to have the HSG and go alone. Can your Mom or someone go with you? A friend maybe?

It really only takes about 10 mins if that helps you feel better. It is pretty fast. Take some Advil and try to think of your most favorite thing to do while it is happening. Rent some movies before hand so you can go home and lay down and watch TV and relax!

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Posted 6/7/05 1:01 PM

Loving Mommyhood!

Member since 5/05

2391 total posts


Re: HSG scheduled for 6/13

Good advice, Kathy. Thanks. I don't want to ask a friend to take off from work for this. I'm sure I'll be fine. Mom lives in FL, and to be honest with you, I'm not even telling her I'm getting it done bc I don't feel like getting into it with her. I have to babysit for my sister's kids at 5:30 every MTW while she goes to school. Do you think I'll be OK by 5pm if I get the procedure done at 2? I know everyone is different, but I cramp up pretty easily, so what do you think?

Posted 6/7/05 1:37 PM

I love my Katie Bug

Member since 5/05

11357 total posts


Re: HSG scheduled for 6/13

Make sure you have plenty of Advil on hand. I took 7 Advil within 4 hours...I made sure I ate so I didn't get sick. The Advil helped. I felt like I had AF cramps all day - some times worse than others. I was also spotting a little and the contract was coming out too - so bring a pad with you and make sure you keep one on all day (just a suggestion).

If you can, I would try to get out of babysitting. I know I wouldn't have been up to it yesterday. It was emotionally draining for me too so that, pluse the cramping and just a general 'weird' feeling in there - was enough to keep me on the coach most of the day.

If I had to babysit I coul dhave, but I would have been uncomfortable. Can you get out of it?

Posted 6/7/05 2:24 PM

Loving Mommyhood!

Member since 5/05

2391 total posts


Re: HSG scheduled for 6/13

I really can't bc I don't want my sister to have to miss school and she doesn't really know anyone else who can babysit (everyone else she relies on to babysit has kids, so I'm pretty much everyone's designated babysitter bc I'm infertile.) Oh well, maybe I'll ask my BIL to try to get back from work early that day if he can. Thanks! Chat Icon

Posted 6/7/05 3:44 PM

Loving Mommyhood!

Member since 5/05

2391 total posts


Re: HSG scheduled for 6/13

BTW, when did u take the advil? The place I'm getting it done said no food or drink for four hours prior. Also, my GYN prescribed antibiotics as a precautionary measure against infection. Should I take all of the meds directly after?

I so don't want to go through with this. When R U getting your results, kathy?

Posted 6/7/05 3:46 PM

Babygirl is 4!

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Re: HSG scheduled for 6/13

Susan: I have not had an HSG but I spoke to quite a few friends who had no discomfort at all. So hopefully you will be fine too.

I do everything myself pretty much -- no one goes with me to my appts. Except for the D&C DH took half a day for that one. Otherwise I go alone to all the tests I have had and fortunaty have been able to do so.

Good luck to you!!!!!

Posted 6/7/05 4:21 PM

I love my Katie Bug

Member since 5/05

11357 total posts


Re: HSG scheduled for 6/13

Posted by Susan

BTW, when did u take the advil? The place I'm getting it done said no food or drink for four hours prior. Also, my GYN prescribed antibiotics as a precautionary measure against infection. Should I take all of the meds directly after?

I so don't want to go through with this. When R U getting your results, kathy?

My doctor told me no food/drink for 2 hrs before. Basically its because they dont want the food/drink to get in the way of being able to see whats going on. I did not take any Advil before my tests but I wish that I had. It would have made it much easier on me. I was also told to take an enema - which I did not do because I couldnt bring myself to do it. No one even asked me if I had and it didnt cause any problems.

Personally if I had to do it over again I would with take 3 Advil or a vicodin about 30 mins before the procedure. If I ever have to go through it again that is what I will do. I really think if you took a couple of pills a couple of hours before the test it would not be a problem.

Supposedly my doctor will have my results by Friday, but knowing my doctor I won't get a call for days and days - until I call her. She has been awful lately. But I did watch the whole procedure on the monitor - I saw the dye filling up my uterus and then going through my tubes and empty out. It was pretty wild actually. The dr performing the procedure said everything looks OK but that the final word had to come from my OBGYN.

Posted 6/7/05 4:32 PM

I love my Katie Bug

Member since 5/05

11357 total posts


Re: HSG scheduled for 6/13

Here is a pic of what you will see on the monitor (this is an example of a normal HSG)...mine looked similar

Image Attachment(s):

Message edited 6/7/2005 4:41:59 PM.

Posted 6/7/05 4:41 PM

Loving Mommyhood!

Member since 5/05

2391 total posts


Re: HSG scheduled for 6/13

Wow, I totally don't have the stomach for these types of things. I may opt to look the other way or close my eyes, that is, if I don't faint. Thanks for your help! I will take your advice about taking a painkiller beforehand. Hope it's ok. Thanks again! Chat Icon

Posted 6/7/05 4:51 PM

Delay is not denial

Member since 5/05

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Re: HSG scheduled for 6/13


I can't clarify this enough,...gyn/obs do not give accurate information when it comes to infertility.

If you were to be recommended by an RE to have this xray done, you would be handed a sheet....that clearly states to take 2 two hours before exam and then 2 more advil one hour before. PLEASE DO THIS...IF YOU DO, YOU WILL NOT EXPERIENCE SEVERE PAIN......the antibiotics are given to prevent infection, once again, any doctor who doesn't prescribe this, is not 'quite' doing their job. You take the antibiotic a few days prior and if I recall, one or two days after. Your doctor should direct you with all this. You have to make sure you are not pregnant before the exam.....because the iodine can obviously affect your pregnancy. You definitely need a pad for after the exam, because you may "leak' the solution and spot a bit.

There are other solutions they can use, if you are allergic to shellfish. You need to find that out before the exam.

Posted 6/7/05 5:00 PM

Loving Mommyhood!

Member since 5/05

2391 total posts


Re: HSG scheduled for 6/13

I told them I did not have any allergy to iodine/shellfish that I was aware of. Guess I'll find out soon enough. I was sort of confused as to whether or not I should start taking the antibiotics beforehand so I'm happy you told me that. I'll call my OB/GYN to clarify. She's not very clear when it comes to instructions. I don't know what I would do without you guys. Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/7/05 10:53 PM

Pick a cause & stand up for it

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Re: HSG scheduled for 6/13

Posted by redstar


I can't clarify this enough,...gyn/obs do not give accurate information when it comes to infertility.

If you were to be recommended by an RE to have this xray done, you would be handed a sheet....that clearly states to take 2 two hours before exam and then 2 more advil one hour before. PLEASE DO THIS...IF YOU DO, YOU WILL NOT EXPERIENCE SEVERE PAIN......the antibiotics are given to prevent infection, once again, any doctor who doesn't prescribe this, is not 'quite' doing their job. You take the antibiotic a few days prior and if I recall, one or two days after. Your doctor should direct you with all this. You have to make sure you are not pregnant before the exam.....because the iodine can obviously affect your pregnancy. You definitely need a pad for after the exam, because you may "leak' the solution and spot a bit.

There are other solutions they can use, if you are allergic to shellfish. You need to find that out before the exam.

Damn fine explanation red.

Posted 6/7/05 11:06 PM

I love my Katie Bug

Member since 5/05

11357 total posts


Re: HSG scheduled for 6/13

Just a note - I was not given antibiotics and I have started having pain in my abdomen and down near my pelvic bone. I can't decide if it's pre-O pain or something going wrong from the HSG. But my suggestion is get antibiotics to put your mind at rest - I wish I did! I actually have a round of zithromax (sp?) that I might start taking soon. I don't have a fever (BBT is 97.1 today) so that's a good sign...but get antibiotics!

Posted 6/8/05 9:15 AM

Loving Mommyhood!

Member since 5/05

2391 total posts


Re: HSG scheduled for 6/13

Like I said in my earlier post, my ob/gyn DID prescribe antibiotics, so I'm good to go. She said not every doctor does, but since she studied under an RE, she always does so just to be on the safe side. Thanks though! Chat Icon

I hope you do not have an infection! Chat Icon

Posted 6/8/05 3:39 PM

She's my dancing queen!

Member since 5/05

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Re: HSG scheduled for 6/13

Hi susan! Good luck!

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Posted 6/8/05 5:39 PM

Welcome to the World!

Member since 5/05

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Re: HSG scheduled for 6/13

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Just wanted to give you hugs!

Posted 6/8/05 11:53 PM

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