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I am going to be an Egg Donor!! - update 8/18/08

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LIF Zygote

Member since 3/08

27 total posts


I am going to be an Egg Donor!! - update 8/18/08

I originally posted this on the infertility board.. but had it moved here because I know that some people have had questions about egg donation..
so I will keep track of the process here...

I am a regular poster, but for obvious reasons, I need this to be anonymous.
I hope that you don't mind me posting on this board..

I am in the process of becoming an anonymous egg donor for the first time. I have children of my own and have a friend currently going through fertility issues... This got me thinking about how I would like to help a family have children of their own so they can have the true joy of being a parent.

My question to you ladies that have gone through the process of egg retrieval is Do you think that given the difficulty of the retrieval process, do you think you could do it for a stranger?

Any input on the whole process is greatly appreciated.

Feel free to FM me also

Thanks Chat Icon
UPDATE : 4/9
I have the contracts from the familys lawyer now...
There is a little voice in the back of my head that keeps saying that taking the meds is risky - cancer or other health problems down the road.

UPDATE: 4/11
After talking with my OB and doing some more research..
My husband and I signed the contracts Chat Icon It's so exciting to know that I could be helping a couple have a baby!Chat Icon Now I just wait to make an appt with their Dr. It's been over a month since the Egg Donation agency had contacted me to tell me that the family had picked my profile so this is a long process, not sure how long it will be until the Dr's appointments.

I went for CD 3 testing; sonogram and blood test and everything looks good Chat Icon Which was very exciting!! so now the Dr. has put me on BC pills (to regulate my cycle) and I have another appt in a couple weeks for some more testing and then starting the meds - not sure what the schedule for that will be, depends on the Dr's protocol and the IM (intended mothers) cycle, etc.

UPDATE: 5/27
I spent close to 5 hrs at the Dr's office today. I was instructed on how to do injections. The nurse then took 11 vials of blood for different tests. I then met with a Psychologist for maybe 45 minutes. She asked me about my family and what I do and my husband does etc, she then went over the implications of this process. She was making sure that I understood that if a baby comes from all of this that he/she is not mine and everything that goes along with that. I then had to take the MMPI-2 test. Basically a very strange personality test (all true/false) to make sure I'm not crazy I guess Chat Icon Then I met with the Dr that will actually be doing the egg retrieval and is dealing with the recipient family. She did an normal gyn. exam and then talked to me for a while about any concerns or questions that I had. Now I just wait for the recipient to be ready (probably within the next couple weeks) and to make sure all the blood tests, etc come back ok and then I'll start the Lupron injections (they will have the pharmacy mail them to me) retrieval is estimated to be in the beg. of July. This is so exciting! Chat Icon

Update: 7/9
There was a little delay in this process because the intended Mother was having some sort of medical issues. Since this is anonymous, that is all I know.
But finally, I got my calendar last week and will be starting Lupron the middle of next week, 10 units for 10 days, then down to 5 units for 9 more days while starting 3 Bravelle and 1 Menopur for 5 days. I will also have to take prenatal vitamins and doxycycline towards the end. And strict instructions of no alcohol and no sex. I will have to see the Dr. 3 times at the end of July and have the retrieval in the beginning of August!
The delivery guy came with all the prescrips last night… and WOW.. a lot of stuff. They showed me how to mix all of the meds, but it’s a little overwhelming.
Send the Intended Mother lots of baby dust!
Chat Icon

Update: 7/18
I started the 10 units of Lupron injections this week.... The First time I did it I think I had to count to 3 maybe 5 or 6 times before I actually stuck myselfChat Icon But once I did it I realized it wasn't that bad and now I'm more comfortable with it. I have an appt for next week for bloodwork and a sonogram before I start the stims. Chat Icon I may have some questions for the BTDT about mixing the Bravelle and Menopur Chat Icon But so far no side effects or any problems with the lupron.

Update: 7/24
Sooo.. I went in for my sono and bloodwork this morning.. I was set to start stims tonight... apparently though the Lupron had an opposite effect on my body and instead of NOT producing an egg.. my body did So now I am back on BC pills and will go back for another sono and bloodwork in 2 weeks and then hopefully start stims then.... the nurse said she was sending me Ganirelix now.
I feel bad for the IP's now they have to wait on me It pushes the retrival date forward at least 2 weeks

Update: 8/11
stopped BCP's again on Thurs and went for bloodwork and sono again today. Have to go back in a few days again. Waiting for bloodwork and should be starting stims tonight (bravelle and menopur). Then it's just monitoring appts and hopefully retrieval soon. Chat Icon

Update : 8/18
Day 8 of stims and so far I've been doing well, the Dr said I'm responding to the medication perfectly.... The only side effect I've had is some headaches, which has been totally manageable with Tylenol. At this point I'm a little bloated, my DH said he doesn't notice it, but I doChat Icon The sono this morning showed alot of follies measuring from 18.5 to 13mm I believe so I will be going back for another sono and bloodwork tomorrow and most likely the Dr said that I will trigger for a Thurs. retrieval Chat Icon The hardest part has been getting up at 5:30am to get to the early Dr appts Chat Icon In the beginning the amount of the medications and the needles was a little overwhelming Chat Icon But taking it one step at a time has made it easier. I suppose this is the easy part, the IP is the one that has to go through the 2ww Chat Icon

Update 8/22/08:
Update 8/22/08

I'm back from the retrieval and I'm laying on the couch taking it easy while my DH has the kids

Everything went perfect. I've never had anesthesia before so that had to be the craziest thing ever... one second the nurse is telling me think of a happy place and putting a warm blanket on me and the next minute I'm in the recovery room

The Dr got 19 eggs He said he was very happy with that. I have to say that all the nurses and the Dr's have been so sweet through this whole process!! I was only a tiny bit sore afterwards like period cramps, but now I'm just taking it easy so that I don't have any issues with OHSS.

The IM left a bag with a very sweet card and a small gift for me and the Nurse gave it to me when I got there... totally was not expecting that and I totally started crying when I read the card. It was so sweet of her to do that and then read the posts from all of you when I got home. Thank you all!

The Dr has already questioned if I willing to do this again, apparently there is a short supply of egg donors I may do it again, depending on how my body reacts in the next few days.. all in all the process was not that bad considering the end result is helping someone with their family

Message edited 8/22/2008 2:55:17 PM.

Posted 3/8/08 11:51 AM
Long Island Weddings
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2 under 2...whew!!

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Re: egg donation

I've never done it, but I wanted to tell you that I think what you're doing is awesome!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 3/8/08 12:14 PM

Two in Blue

Member since 5/05

20223 total posts


Re: egg donation

First I think it is such a great thing you are doing!!! I am doing my first IVF cycle around March 26th so I will be sure to FM you once that happens. My best friend did IVF and while she is a tough cookie, she said it was not bad at all. As long as you have had no issues with anasthesia(sp?) you will be fine! You also definitely want a Dr who will monitor you closely for hyperstimulation. Best of luck

Posted 3/8/08 1:33 PM

<3 <3 <3 <3

Member since 1/06

19197 total posts


Re: egg donation

I'm having my retrieval this week, so I'll FM you and let you know how it went. So far, I'm feeling fine on the meds, no discomfort at all.

I think you're doing an amazing thing!

Message edited 3/8/2008 1:36:44 PM.

Posted 3/8/08 1:36 PM

my two loves

Member since 10/06

5133 total posts


Re: egg donation

I think that is a fantastic thing you are doing and definately think it's worth doing, even if it's for a stranger. The retrieval process is not too bad, the only concern is hyperstimming on the meds, but you will be closely monitored so it should not be a big problem even if it doen happen. I think once I have children of my own this would be something I would consider, although for me I would have to get past the fact that my genetics would be running around elsewhere!! You will be giving someone the gift of having a child, what an amazing thing!

Posted 3/8/08 1:40 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/07

1694 total posts


Re: egg donation

My girlfriend went through the process without anethesia and she said it was not that bad. Good luck!

Posted 3/8/08 2:09 PM

LIF Toddler

Member since 5/07

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mom mom

Re: egg donation

it's not painful, its just a time consuming process. I think when you are going through it for our reasons it's a very emotionally draining & anxiety filled time. Good Luck!!

Posted 3/8/08 2:17 PM

It's all about Sophia

Member since 9/07

1731 total posts


Re: egg donation

i am on my 7th attempt to get pg yestrday I had my egg retrieval i think that you are doing a wonderful thing there are so many woman out there who need wonderful people like you i wouldn't worry about the ER its really not that bad I am only a lil sore today but was able to get up and go out today and feeliing great keep up your good work and god bless

Posted 3/8/08 5:08 PM


Member since 2/08

8081 total posts


Re: egg donation

God bless you for doing what you are doing. We need more people like you in this world Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 3/8/08 5:15 PM

Peace out Homies!

Member since 5/05

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Gerty ®

Re: egg donation

I can't begin to tell you what a wonderful thing you are doing. You are giving someone else a child - what could be better than that?

BTW, the process isn't that bad at all....from start to finish for you it will be about a month...the retrieval is a couple of hours and you are under anesthesia for the actual retrieval itself which takes about a 1/2 hour.

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 3/9/08 12:16 AM


Member since 1/07

1226 total posts


Re: egg donation

You are doing such a great thing and I commend you. I recently went through the whole IVF process. I didn't have such a good time after the retrieval, had internal bleeding and ended up in the hospital. Saying that I would definitely do it again and if someone close to me was in need I would help them. The majority of people will feel fine after retrieval so don't worry. I think that all the positive emotions that you will be going through in helping a friend will outway any complications that you may encounter. Good luck to you! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 3/9/08 9:44 AM

My miracles!

Member since 12/05

23902 total posts


Re: egg donation

G-d bless you and people like you. you make dreams come true. I do not know much about the process, but it is a truly self-less act of love and kindness.

Posted 3/9/08 10:40 AM

C & J are 10!

Member since 6/05

5914 total posts


Re: egg donation

You rock!!!! That is so wonderful!!!!! The process isn't that bad. It is more time consuming then anything! But what a wonderful thing you are doing for someone!

I couldn't get pregnant without IVF, but I have often thought of being an egg donor myself!

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Now, some woman will know the joy of motherhood because of you!

Posted 3/9/08 10:48 AM

Love my family

Member since 2/08

2267 total posts


Re: egg donation

I think it's wonderful what you are doing. Honestly, the egg retrieval wasn't bad at all for me. What makes it difficult is the emotional aspect of it and the big picture.

I was a little uncomfortable when I stimmed this last time. Just very bloated but nothing painful. The retrieval was a piece of cake. I was a little crampy afterwards but nothing that a tylenol didn't take care of.

Posted 3/10/08 10:10 AM

LIF Zygote

Member since 3/08

27 total posts


Re: egg donation

I have the contracts from the familys lawyer now...
There is a little voice in the back of my head that keeps saying that taking the meds is risky - cancer or other health problems down the road. Chat Icon

Posted 4/9/08 10:50 AM

I'm a tired mommy!

Member since 12/05

20105 total posts


Re: egg donation - update

Posted by eggdonor

I have the contracts from the familys lawyer now...
There is a little voice in the back of my head that keeps saying that taking the meds is risky - cancer or other health problems down the road. Chat Icon

I think what you are doing is wonderful. But if you feel any doubt you should think about it some more, I think.

Posted 4/9/08 11:02 AM

Waiting patiently for baby sis

Member since 8/06

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L-Diddy EDD 11/11/11 :)

Re: egg donation - update

Posted by eggdonor

I have the contracts from the familys lawyer now...
There is a little voice in the back of my head that keeps saying that taking the meds is risky - cancer or other health problems down the road. Chat Icon

I don't think the one time doing it should be a concern. I think that's for people who have done it frequently. But if you are concerned, I wouldn't do it.

And as far as the pain involved, it was really not that big of a deal, considering what you're doing for someone else. I think what you're doing is so admirable. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 4/9/08 12:39 PM

wow time is going fast.

Member since 9/07

16106 total posts


Re: egg donation - update

I have no experience but wanted to show my support! What you are going to do is truley wonderful. I give you lots of props and lots of wishes that you feel good. Chat Icon

Posted 4/10/08 11:09 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/06

1093 total posts


Re: I am going to be an Egg Donor!! - update 4/11/08

What you are doing is amazing. It takes a lot of courage to donate your eggs. To be honest i dont know if I would do it for a stranger but that is just me. I would think about that child all of the time and I am not sure I could do it but you are an AMAZING women to go through with it.

My friend did this for a couple. She already had 2 children of her own and lets just say she was really fertile...She ended up over producing and was rushed to the emergency room so please make sure that your dr watches over you...

Again you are an angel who is giving hope to a family that was in need....

Posted 4/11/08 9:58 PM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

57538 total posts


Re: I am going to be an Egg Donor!! - update 4/11/08

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon
I can't imagine a greater gift to give someone.

Posted 4/11/08 10:28 PM

LIF Zygote

Member since 3/08

27 total posts


Re: I am going to be an Egg Donor!! - update 4/11/08

It's funny because I've had a few people say that they would have a hard time knowing that a child was out there with their DNA. And that was actually the least of my worries starting this. I don't think that biology makes a child your own. I think that anyone that has adopted can agree with that (or any step-parent, etc. for that matter)

Thanks for all the support Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 4/11/08 11:24 PM

Blessed x 3

Member since 6/05

2460 total posts


Re: I am going to be an Egg Donor!! - update 4/11/08

You truly are an amazing person!

Posted 4/12/08 6:11 AM


Member since 5/05

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Tracey - brideinapril

Re: I am going to be an Egg Donor!! - update 4/11/08

Wow - what a truly wonderful thing to are an inspiration. Chat Icon

Posted 4/12/08 3:59 PM


Member since 5/07

2197 total posts


Re: I am going to be an Egg Donor!! - update 4/11/08

wow-i commend you!

in fact, i have been thinking about doing this for a while...i will FM you to ask u questions about it..if u dont mind Chat Icon

Posted 4/12/08 4:38 PM


Member since 5/05

2730 total posts


Re: I am going to be an Egg Donor!! - update 4/11/08

Just wanted to say that you are a truly amazing person with such a big will bringing so much joy to a familyChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 4/12/08 7:39 PM
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