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I confess... I'm the only one who "does it right"

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The man of my dreams...

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I confess... I'm the only one who "does it right"

This is bad - I know it. I feel like I'm the only person competent enough to take care of my child. DH and MIL feed him to fast and too much. My mother feeds him too slow and these itty bitty pieces that he can't even feel to chew. MIL and FIL walk all over his blankets with their shoes on and let him touch their plants and the dirt. My mother thinks it's cute to hold the cup JUUUUUUUST out of his reach and make him struggle for things he wants. DH treats him like he's 10 and won't sing to him or soothe him when he's fussy....he thinks the more toys or noises he makes will work.

Am I the only one who feels like this? I never - and I mean never - leave him with anyone for more than an hour alone.

Posted 7/17/06 3:59 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: I confess... I'm the only one who "does it right"

I bet every single mother feels this way!

I know I am the only one who can take care of my son!

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Posted 7/17/06 4:08 PM

My Everything

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Re: I confess... I'm the only one who "does it right"

I feel that way but honestly for my sanity and for my ability to be a good mother to Miranda I HAVE to let other people do it. I am pretty laid back about a lot of things and I've learned to realize the things I am picky about aren't going to kill her. DH and my mom know not to let her CIO for more than a couple of minutes and I think they follow that.
It's hard, so hard to leave them but honestly in the end it will be better for you and it gets easier the more you do it. DH and I actually go on dates again and I enjoy going to work because I feel like she is doing fine when I'm not around.
No one can be "mom" 24/7, 7 days a week forever. We all need a break.
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Posted 7/17/06 4:23 PM

Love my Family!

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Re: I confess... I'm the only one who "does it right"

I feel the same way!!Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/17/06 4:31 PM

I am a lucky Momma!

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Re: I confess... I'm the only one who "does it right"

I was this way for the longest time and still am with a lot of things but I also let my DH help as much as possible because sometimes you just need the help! There are certain people I trust completely for help ... like my DH and my 17 year old sister --- she is actually awesome with my DD -- but other people I kind of cringe at the thought -- because I know they like to do things thier way and don't necessarily follow what I ask them to do.

Posted 7/17/06 4:35 PM

I'm two!

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Re: I confess... I'm the only one who "does it right"

I feel like I'm way too overprotective, but he's my first baby so I can't help it!
Yesterday DH says to me, "look at Jackson's new trick!" so I turn around and he's balancing Jackson (who is 9 weeks old) on the palm of his hand Chat Icon
I'm just so afraid that something bad is going to happen to him while someone other than me is watching him Chat Icon

Posted 7/17/06 4:38 PM

Where it all began....

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Re: I confess... I'm the only one who "does it right"

OMG I just got a visual of Jimmy singing Twinkle TwinkleChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

I was the same way. As he gets older it goes away kindaChat Icon

BTW Loving the avatar pic I want to bit that hineyChat Icon

Posted 7/17/06 4:40 PM

He's here!!

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Re: I confess... I'm the only one who "does it right"

i'm w/ ya! dh jokes that i don't even let HIM hold the baby b/c he doesn't 'do it right' !

i just don't trust anyeone else .. there are certain (few) people, like my mom, my best friend that i totally trust in real life so i feel comfortabnle w/ them .. but others, i guess i don't trust them anyway so it's hard to let them 'care' for my son.

you're not alone!

Posted 7/17/06 6:03 PM

Life is good!

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Re: I confess... I'm the only one who "does it right"

I guess I am slone- I trust dh completely. But no one else!

Posted 7/17/06 6:07 PM

Where does time go?

Member since 12/05

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Re: I confess... I'm the only one who "does it right"

Posted by sunny

I guess I am slone- I trust dh completely. But no one else!

I trust him completely, but I do a better job Chat Icon

Posted 7/17/06 6:28 PM

My children are a blessing!

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Re: I confess... I'm the only one who "does it right"

I totally feel that way too.

Posted 7/17/06 6:34 PM

Grammie's Little Man

Member since 2/06

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Re: I confess... I'm the only one who "does it right"

I think every mother feels this way. Everyone has their own way of doing things, although, I don't understand why your mother would tease him the way she does.Chat Icon

Posted 7/17/06 7:03 PM


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Tracey - brideinapril

Re: I confess... I'm the only one who "does it right"

I admit I totally feel that way too.

Posted 7/17/06 8:28 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: I confess... I'm the only one who "does it right"

Posted by mommy2bellabean

Posted by sunny

I guess I am slone- I trust dh completely. But no one else!

I trust him completely, but I do a better job Chat Icon

DITTO!Chat Icon

Posted 7/17/06 8:31 PM

My Everything

Member since 5/05

20541 total posts


Re: I confess... I'm the only one who "does it right"

Posted by AndreaLMT

Posted by mommy2bellabean

Posted by sunny

I guess I am slone- I trust dh completely. But no one else!

I trust him completely, but I do a better job Chat Icon

DITTO!Chat Icon

Put me down for a ditto on that one too.

Posted 7/17/06 8:42 PM

Making big changes

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Re: I confess... I'm the only one who "does it right"

I feel the same way sometimes, but I try not to let certain things get to me. I know that if I avoided letting others watch him and I tried to do everything by myself every single day, I'd go out of my mind.

Posted 7/17/06 9:26 PM


Member since 5/05

11165 total posts


Re: I confess... I'm the only one who "does it right"

I totally trust my DH with the baby, but I also do trust other people. I try not to be one of those Helicopter moms that are too hoveringChat Icon

EtA: of course I do all the bestChat Icon

Message edited 7/17/2006 9:46:48 PM.

Posted 7/17/06 9:46 PM


Member since 5/05

2314 total posts


Re: I confess... I'm the only one who "does it right"

I cant relate 100% although I think it gets a little easier as they get older. However I still think I am the only one who seems to care about details and do everything right!

Posted 7/17/06 10:00 PM

We love summer!

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Re: I confess... I'm the only one who "does it right"

I think both DH & I do the job pretty equally.... Granted I may be more anal about stuff but DH is very hands on and great with DD. He actually watches her from 7:25am-2pm and goes to work from 2-10pm. MIL watches her till about 7 (she as well has gotten down how we like to take care of our child).

As others say- you can't be there all the time.

Message edited 7/17/2006 10:05:43 PM.

Posted 7/17/06 10:05 PM


Member since 4/06

2784 total posts


Re: I confess... I'm the only one who "does it right"

I felt this way too but I think it's a good thing for baby. I think it's important for baby to experience differences. I know she accepts things from different people (DH, Mom, MIL) but she likes it best from me. I bite my tongue often and let a lot of things slide otherwise I would be a slave to DD 24/7.

Posted 7/17/06 10:15 PM

boy mamma

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Re: I confess... I'm the only one who "does it right"

YEs I am alot like you, I like things done with my child a certain way. I can be a bit possesive in that sense but come on the kid is one and I made him so I get the final say right?! Im not one for leaving the baby in fact today was the first time Dh and I had a night without the baby in a year and it was only for 2 hours. I need to learn to relax but I just love him so much that I just always want to be around him. Chat Icon

Posted 7/17/06 10:29 PM

Spring Baby06
My two loves

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Re: I confess... I'm the only one who "does it right"

Posted by monkeybride

Posted by AndreaLMT

Posted by mommy2bellabean

Posted by sunny

I guess I am slone- I trust dh completely. But no one else!

I trust him completely, but I do a better job Chat Icon

DITTO!Chat Icon

Put me down for a ditto on that one too.

add anotherChat Icon

Posted 7/17/06 11:12 PM

Best "THINGS" in my life.

Member since 5/05

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Re: I confess... I'm the only one who "does it right"

Oh man I think we are related. I'm in the same exact position. You poor thing.

Posted 7/17/06 11:32 PM


Member since 5/05

16438 total posts


Re: I confess... I'm the only one who "does it right"

Posted by monkeybride

Posted by AndreaLMT

Posted by mommy2bellabean

Posted by sunny

I guess I am slone- I trust dh completely. But no one else!

I trust him completely, but I do a better job Chat Icon

DITTO!Chat Icon

Put me down for a ditto on that one too.

BIG FAT DITTO. But, Danielle, like others said, for my sanity, and for Alex's sake, I've had to let go of that instinct at times. I just try to remember that even though no one will take care of her as well as I do, as long as she's fed, happy and loved, that's all that matters Chat Icon

Posted 7/18/06 7:50 AM

Where does time go?

Member since 12/05

9747 total posts


Re: I confess... I'm the only one who "does it right"

Posted by Bxgell2

BIG FAT DITTO. But, Danielle, like others said, for my sanity, and for Alex's sake, I've had to let go of that instinct at times. I just try to remember that even though no one will take care of her as well as I do, as long as she's fed, happy and loved, that's all that matters Chat Icon

I have learned to clench my fists and just let people do it...although I do get secret joy out of the fact that my happy baby seems to only be upset whenever SIL is around and is only content in my that wrong?? (insert devil horns here)

Posted 7/18/06 8:10 AM
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