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Member since 2/06 2041 total posts
Name: J
I don't know if I can handle being a teacher...
I am sitting here crying, I just don't know if it's the job for me. I love the kids, but I can't handle the constant critisism of the parents, and I am only a sub.
Today, I subbed on a field trip. One of the kids didn't get a lunch (cafeterias fault) and the Mom screamed at me and called the principal. Luckily, the principal was nice about it, but still, it really puts a strain on me, and I can't stop obsessing over it.
I don't know if this is something I can handle on a daily basis. I am thinking of going into a different career.
I just don't know what to do anymore.
Posted 5/22/07 3:56 PM |
No more school= too much time!
Member since 5/05 1395 total posts
Name: Tracy
Re: I don't know if I can handle being a teacher...
I know how you feel. Trust me your skin gets thicker!! Is this your first year?? Because second is a whole different ball game!! And I can fell that third will be better than this!!
Posted 5/22/07 4:08 PM |
Laugh-Live-Love LIFE!

Member since 10/06 14432 total posts
Name: Jennifer
Re: I don't know if I can handle being a teacher...
I know what you mean. There are some days I feel totally inadequate, then other days that the kids make it worthwhile!
Hang in there it's my first year too!
Posted 5/22/07 4:16 PM |
Love Being A Mommy!

Member since 6/06 5804 total posts
Name: Michelle
Re: I don't know if I can handle being a teacher...
After subbing for the first time 10 years ago, I came home crying that I didnt want to be a teacher. Once I got my own class..things sure changed. I have been a 4th grade teacher for 8 years and love every minute of it!
Posted 5/22/07 5:38 PM |
New Year!

Member since 5/05 13729 total posts
Name: Me
Re: I don't know if I can handle being a teacher...
First of all subbing $UCKS big time! I thought this too when I subbed...It is nothing like having your own class! Kids and always worse for subs especially on a trip! Don't beat yourself up about it
Posted 5/22/07 9:23 PM |
Just chillin'!!

Member since 1/06 9690 total posts
Name: Karen
Re: I don't know if I can handle being a teacher...
field trips are THE most stressful day of the year, IMO. Add to that, the pressure of being a sub - I'm sure you did a great job!! Don't let it get you down!
Posted 5/22/07 9:29 PM |
boys will be boys =)
Member since 9/05 7205 total posts
Name: :)
Re: I don't know if I can handle being a teacher...
dont be so hard on yourself. I can relate to being a sub and that mom sounds like she totally flew off the handle.
Posted 5/22/07 10:05 PM |
Three Under Four!!! :-)

Member since 8/06 6405 total posts
Name: ~ THERESA ~
Re: I don't know if I can handle being a teacher...
Posted by JackieandJustin
I am sitting here crying, I just don't know if it's the job for me. I love the kids, but I can't handle the constant critisism of the parents, and I am only a sub.
Today, I subbed on a field trip. One of the kids didn't get a lunch (cafeterias fault) and the Mom screamed at me and called the principal. Luckily, the principal was nice about it, but still, it really puts a strain on me, and I can't stop obsessing over it.
I don't know if this is something I can handle on a daily basis. I am thinking of going into a different career.
I just don't know what to do anymore.
You have to let things roll off your shoulders. No matter how great you are, not everyone is going to love you. You will always have that "one parent" that thinks you $uck and that you could do better for his/her child. Focus on the positives, and let your skin thicken. This is something that doesn't happen overnight, so you have to be conscious about working at it.
Good luck!!!
Posted 5/24/07 9:37 PM |
LIF Infant

Member since 3/06 230 total posts
Re: I don't know if I can handle being a teacher...
I think we have all said this at some point in the beginning of our careers!! Stick it out.... your skin does get thinker!!!
Posted 5/25/07 8:18 AM |