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Living the DREAM!!!

Member since 7/06 2646 total posts
Name: Kimmer
I dont know where this goes but I have a D&C question
I dont know what board this is appropriate to ask on so I apologize for being a Debbie Downer.
I have finally gotten my D&C scheduled for friday. I have a couple of questions for those of you that may have had one.
What was the recovery time?
Did you have to stay over or was it outpatient?
How long did you wait before you TTC again?
Posted 5/7/08 9:57 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adult
Member since 5/05 3372 total posts
Name: Michele
Re: I dont know where this goes but I have a D&C question
D&C is an out patient producer. Most women take the next day off and are fine after that. TTC again- it can depend on why you need a D&C.
You should call your doctor and tell him/her you have a lot of questions and need more explanation before Friday. HUGS
Posted 5/7/08 10:00 PM |
Loving life
Member since 7/06 4088 total posts
Re: I dont know where this goes but I have a D&C question
Quick recovery. Felt good physically right away, but bled for 3 weeks.
First period I was able to try again both times. (I had two.)
Sorry you are going through this. Good luck.
Posted 5/7/08 10:00 PM |
Life is good.

Member since 1/07 9164 total posts
Name: Amanda
Re: I dont know where this goes but I have a D&C question
No advice... just
Posted 5/7/08 10:07 PM |
When you wish upon a star

Member since 5/05 11997 total posts
Name: Because 2 people fell in love
Re: I dont know where this goes but I have a D&C question
First I would like to say I am sorry that you are having a D&C on Friday
I just had a D&E last Thursday. Mine was a 2 day procedure and went home both days. I was tired Thursday - a little wiped out on Friday but otherwise okay. I have already stopped bleeding, but I have heard it varies for different women.
I have an appt with my OBGYN in a week and a half and I plan to ask how long before AF will rear her ugly head again. I'm not sure how long until we can TTC again, but we've made the decision to wait awhile.
Good Luck on Friday
Posted 5/7/08 10:07 PM |

Member since 2/07 15928 total posts
Re: I dont know where this goes but I have a D&C question
I had a D&C on April 28th of 1993. Aside from a headache from the anesthisia I was up and around that night...
I got pregnant with my eldest daughter the very next month.
Posted 5/7/08 10:12 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 5/05 1535 total posts
Name: Kimberly
Re: I dont know where this goes but I have a D&C question
HAd a D&C on Friday. Was up and aeound that night. In at 10 out by 3 not bad at all. Stopped bleeding the next day and I see the Dr next week no sex for 12 days andI can try again right away. Dorry to hear you ar going thruogh this. It gets easier.
Posted 5/7/08 10:28 PM |
Our family is complete

Member since 6/06 16494 total posts
Name: K
Re: I dont know where this goes but I have a D&C question
My recovery was a few short days. I remember not being too comfy when I sat, so you may need a cushion.
I was an outpatient, so I went in during the morning and was out by lunch.
We only waited a few weeks to TTC again and got preggo our 2nd try!!
I remember that DH wanted me to "cheer up" afterwards, so he forced me off of the couch and out of the house. He took me for a walk through Greenport which was the BEST way to refresh my mind
Posted 5/7/08 10:36 PM |
C & J are 10!

Member since 6/05 5914 total posts
Name: Stacey
Re: I dont know where this goes but I have a D&C question
I had my D&C in the evening and was up and about the next day. There was mild/inconvient bleeding/cramping. I was an out patient and I was told to wait 3 months before TTC.
Posted 5/7/08 11:15 PM |