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I feel terrible - I just gave in and gave DS formula

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I love Gary too..on a plate!

Member since 5/06

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I feel terrible - I just gave in and gave DS formula

For the past 2 weeks I BF exclusivelly but today was horrible.

Since lunch time he has been asking for my boobs every hour or so. My boobs did not even have time to refill with milk.

So after 9pm, I gave in and gave him 2 oz of formula. I felt so bad.

He gained 10.5 oz from last week. I think he is going through a growth phase.

I really wanted to BF only but I also want to make sure he has enough to eat until my milk supply adjusts to his needs.

Posted 7/8/07 9:42 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: I feel terrible - I just gave in and gave DS formula

I ended up doing the same thing with my DS because I'm not producing enough milk to satisfy his appetite. My doctor and DS's pediatrician both told me to not feel guilty because supplementing while BFing is apparently very common. Your DS is still getting the benefits of your breastmilk so just remember you are doing the best thing for him. You're a great mommy! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/8/07 9:45 PM

I love Gary too..on a plate!

Member since 5/06

32461 total posts


Re: I feel terrible - I just gave in and gave DS formula

I know. Several days ago, he did the same thing, feeding every hour and my milk supply increased within a couple of days. This time, he was crying so bad that I gave in. I had to make sure he was not crying because he was hungry and not because of something else.

Now he is sleeping so I am guessing that's what it was.

Posted 7/8/07 9:48 PM

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Re: I feel terrible - I just gave in and gave DS formula

There is nothing wrong with what you did! Forcing him to go hungry just so you can EBF would have been wrong!
You're a great mom for realizing his needs and giving him what he needs!

Posted 7/8/07 9:50 PM

LIF Zygote

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Re: I feel terrible - I just gave in and gave DS formula

There is NO reason for you to feel terrible....terrible would have been if you refused to give him formula because you only wanted to BF and your child went hungry.

You couldn't provide what he needed so you did what any mother, good one that is, would do, and you fed your son.

You should be proud of yourself for realizing that he needed more than you could provide. And you fixed it...which is what moms do Chat Icon

Posted 7/8/07 9:59 PM

I love Gary too..on a plate!

Member since 5/06

32461 total posts


Re: I feel terrible - I just gave in and gave DS formula

Thank you! I guess it is not the end of the World. And yes, DS needs to eat.

His ped told me that I could supplement but somehow I felt I would "fail" DS if I did. I guess I thought I was supermom.

I really wanted to BF exclusivelly. Hopefully it was a one time deal and my milk supply will adapt and produce more. I guess I just realized tonight that formula once in a while will not "harm" him.

Posted 7/8/07 10:05 PM

Balancing act on a highwire

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Re: I feel terrible - I just gave in and gave DS formula

I had to do the same with DS in the beginning and I think I used less than 10 ounces in his entire life. No worries! Just make sure you BF before supplementing so that your supply appropriately increases...

Posted 7/8/07 10:07 PM

Just the 4 of us

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Re: I feel terrible - I just gave in and gave DS formula

you have to do what works for you.... a happy mommy makes a happy baby

Posted 7/8/07 10:09 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: I feel terrible - I just gave in and gave DS formula

I went through the exact same situation when they were three weeks old.

I had very mixed emotions but it was the right thing to do. No matter what I did my body did not produce enough. I am still pumping but I'm lucky if I produce 25% BM for their needs.

Do what you can. Your body most likely will catch up. Week 2-3 and weeks 6 are growth spurts. Better to have a happy mommy and a content and thriving babyChat Icon

Posted 7/8/07 10:10 PM


Member since 3/06

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Re: I feel terrible - I just gave in and gave DS formula

I did that too but caved much earlier than you did! We gave DD formula at 4am on the first day we had her home b/c she was crying so loud and for so long. And it put her right to sleep. She was just so friggin hungry. Since then I've stored up enough breastmilk through pumping and I haven't given her formula again. You do what you have to do to stay sane!

Posted 7/8/07 10:20 PM

Family is Complete!

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Re: I feel terrible - I just gave in and gave DS formula

I give DD formula and breastmilk. I don't think there is anything wrong with it. It gives your breast a break and gives your baby nourishment.

Posted 7/8/07 10:27 PM

They get so big, so fast :(

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Re: I feel terrible - I just gave in and gave DS formula

We supplemented the whole time and I felt horrible about it in the beginning. I wish I didn't though. She is such a happy, well-adjusted baby and we are still breast feeding, in the morning and evening sometimes at 6 months. I really thought I would EBF but I never made enoughChat Icon

Posted 7/8/07 11:24 PM

Me and the guys

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Re: I feel terrible - I just gave in and gave DS formula

Don't feel bad!!!!!!I did the same thing the first few days after coming home because I didn't have enough to satisfy him. I felt horrible. I cried the whole time I was giving him a bottle. Then I realized that I was doing what was best for my child and that was more important then EBF. In the end I only had to give him 2 bottles, but if he had needed me to do it for longer I would have.Chat Icon

Posted 7/8/07 11:29 PM

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Re: I feel terrible - I just gave in and gave DS formula

Please don't feel badChat Icon You did what you felt you needed to do. You are doing an excellent job, and the fact that you knew you needed to give him some formula means your intune with his needsChat Icon

Posted 7/9/07 12:26 AM

Happy Days!

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Re: I feel terrible - I just gave in and gave DS formula

There is nothing wrong with mixed feeding! Good for you for doing it!!
Keep up the good work!!!

Posted 7/9/07 7:20 AM

My girls

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Re: I feel terrible - I just gave in and gave DS formula

I gave a few bottles in the very beginning as well and went back to EBF after my supply was enough to satisfy her...Don't worry, you are doing greatChat Icon

Posted 7/9/07 7:25 AM

My girls

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Re: I feel terrible - I just gave in and gave DS formula

Just remember, if you goal is EBF don't do this too often. Him sucking on you and not getting enough is what tells your body to make more. One night won't matter, you did the right thing for that, but if you get into this habit every night your supply won't catch up.

Posted 7/9/07 7:49 AM

All good things in 2016!!

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Re: I feel terrible - I just gave in and gave DS formula

Posted by racheeeee

There is nothing wrong with mixed feeding! Good for you for doing it!!
Keep up the good work!!!

ITA Chat Icon

Posted 7/9/07 7:59 AM

Nya nya nya

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Re: I feel terrible - I just gave in and gave DS formula

Don't feel bad- I did the same thing when she was just a day old. My milk hadn't come in yet and she was so frustrated it was breaking my heart.

I would suggest though- if you give formula, you might want to pump (even if nothing is coming out) for a few minutes. All that extra suckling she does IS working toward something (besides giving you sore nipples)- it's increasing your supply to meet her demand. When your supplementing with formula, she won't be at your breast and your body won't know to increase it's supply. By pumping that extra "feeding" your body will be *tricked* into thinking she's needing more and will then produce it.

DD went through her 3 week growth spurt a few days ago and it was exhausting- she literally nursed every hour and a half.

Good luck!!Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/9/07 7:59 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: I feel terrible - I just gave in and gave DS formula

Please don't feel badly. You sometimes have to give a little extra. As long as you are sticking to the BFing, I think it is perfectly acceptable to give DS a bottle of formula every now & again to make sure he is eating enoughChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/9/07 8:52 AM

I love Gary too..on a plate!

Member since 5/06

32461 total posts


Re: I feel terrible - I just gave in and gave DS formula

Thank you again ladies for all your support!

I was feeling so bad last night but then he went to sleep so I felt re-assured it was the right thing to do.

I have had LOTS of milk (so far!) but yesterday he drained it all by feeding all day. I know my body will adapt to his needs. I have fed him several times already (BF) since the formula last night. He seemed content.

Posted 7/9/07 8:59 AM

I'm a rolling machine.

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Re: I feel terrible - I just gave in and gave DS formula

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Sometimes you have to. You need a break as well...I imagine it's been a tad overwhelming being solely responsible for feeding him for 2 whole weeks.

Posted 7/9/07 9:11 AM

I love Gary too..on a plate!

Member since 5/06

32461 total posts


Re: I feel terrible - I just gave in and gave DS formula

Posted by snuggleupagus

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Sometimes you have to. You need a break as well...I imagine it's been a tad overwhelming being solely responsible for feeding him for 2 whole weeks.

It has been exhausting. He BF every 1.5-2 hours. Sometimes up to 3 when I am lucky. I try to nap when he naps. That's the only thing that has worked in order for me to function.

DH was really a great support. He took care of all of the house while I was taking care of DS. I don't know what I would have done without him. Especially when trying to recoup from my c-section.

Too bad DH had to go back to work today!!

Posted 7/9/07 9:33 AM

I'm a rolling machine.

Member since 9/06

2064 total posts


Re: I feel terrible - I just gave in and gave DS formula

Posted by smdl

Posted by snuggleupagus

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Sometimes you have to. You need a break as well...I imagine it's been a tad overwhelming being solely responsible for feeding him for 2 whole weeks.

It has been exhausting. He BF every 1.5-2 hours. Sometimes up to 3 when I am lucky. I try to nap when he naps. That's the only thing that has worked in order for me to function.

DH was really a great support. He took care of all of the house while I was taking care of DS. I don't know what I would have done without him. Especially when trying to recoup from my c-section.

Too bad DH had to go back to work today!!

Chat Icon awwwwww. if you need anything, just ask.

Posted 7/9/07 9:43 AM

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