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I have a qeustion about My nikon D40 camera

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LIF Adult

Member since 6/05

932 total posts


I have a qeustion about My nikon D40 camera

when i shoot with the flash off and take pictures they come out blurry - I tried taking alot of pictures quickly and they are all coming out blurry. Does anyone have any suggestions as to what i can do to fix this?
thank you

Message edited 8/8/2008 2:57:38 PM.

Posted 8/8/08 2:56 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05

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Re: I have a qeustion about My nikon D40 camera

Are you shooting in auto?

Is your lens auto-focusing properly - i.e. do you see/hear it move then beep when it locks focus? If not, you might be in manual focus mode.

Did this only happen when you tried to take alot of pictures quickly? Was it a moving subject? Was it in low light? It could have been a combination of camera shake and motion blur.

Posted 8/8/08 3:00 PM

I love Gary too..on a plate!

Member since 5/06

32461 total posts


Re: I have a qeustion about My nikon D40 camera

I have noticed that even if I have an SRL I still need to take my time and focus on my subject.

Many times, especially in the beginning I was rushing. My camera had a hard time following. I was not giving time to the lense to actually focus on the object I really wanted. So in essence I was just shooting at "whatever".

I still do continuous shoot sometimes but I do set up properly. I align the middle square on my subject, press the button half way THEN I shoot.

Posted 8/8/08 4:18 PM

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