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i love being pregnant but....

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LIF Infant

Member since 6/07

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i love being pregnant but....

i just wanted to share this with you girls...i thought it was funny.

here are some mild annoyances that i've discovered thoughout this pregnancy. (don't get offended, just laugh it off) Chat Icon

so i've been pregnant for about 5 months now but i only went public with it when i was a lil over 3 months. yes, i know i'm hormonal and tired and all the things that come with being pregnant but for the most part, i think that my pregnancy is going well. i did NOT get morning sickness AT ALL. i went bowling the other nite and i feel fine. i walk, i drive, i even go to bars
(sans the alcohol). but in this short period of time that i have made it
known that i am with child, i have encountered the most annoying things EVER in my life!!! here is a list of them. if you are dear to my heart, please
do not think this is geared directly towards you. i am going to say the
following in the nicest way possible...or maybe not. and these are presented in no order of significance....just ALL equally annoying.

"You look tired": oh really? because my body is playing house to a lil baby that is taking over all of my organs. sometimes, i feel out of breath b/c i have someone bouncing on my lungs. i haven't slept straight thru the nite b/c i'm scared i'm suffocating my baby if i sleep on my tummy. so yes, thank you for pointing out the fact that i look like

"How you feeling?": obviously not normal!!! how often do you have things growing inside you?? if you're asking b/c you've never been pregnant and are curious to know what it's like, please re-phrase the question differently. just those words annoy the crap out of me.

"I hope you have a girl": Thanks, if it comes out a boy, i'll send it back. As much as you people love putting your input into what you wish I was having, all i care about is if i'm having a healthy baby. and just for that, i've decided not to find out the sex of my baby. thank you very much.

"You should eat...": anything that follows that statement is truly annoying. it is bad enough that certain things gross me out. if you are not my OB/GYN, please don't tell me what i "need". i can't stand the taste of meat or chicken, don't tell me i need protein. i am fine, i promise. there are starving pregnant women in somalia who give birth to healthy babies...thin, but healthy. and when i do eat chicken, don't question it. just let me be!! sometimes it feels so good to eat a normal meal. and if you see me munching on cheese doodles or devil dogs, don't criticize me and tell me not to use this pregnancy as a "free pass" to eat whatever i want. be happy that i'm eating!

"When was your due date again?": MY mind is the one that wanders and the one that forgets. i'm freakin 5 months, do the math!!! stop asking, you're annoying!!! otherwise, if you really can't figure it out, it'll definately come out within 9 months.

I'm not handicapped or retarded: haha...sometimes i may act it but that was before i was even pregnant. i can still do many things. i can still reach for the highest shelf, i can still pick up what i dropped on the floor. i am still capable of doing laundry. so please stop making me out to be helpless. i'm capable of many things.

Don't get mad if i "just don't feel like it": i may sound like i'm contradicting myself in my above statement but there's a big difference here. i'm fatter than usual and i sometimes don't feel that pretty. so excuse me if i don't feel like putting on something fancy and
going out on the town. so don't expect me to do everything on the social events calendar. i am still the cool person/friend that i was, just
sometimes, not right now. i promise, once i give birth, i'll throw the
coolest and wildest birthday parties!!

maybe i'm a bitter pregnant person but most of these annoyances come from
non-mothers and people who have never even felt an ounce of pregnancy.

that's all for now. thanks.

Message edited 2/15/2008 3:08:47 PM.

Posted 2/15/08 3:06 PM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF O2 Vendor

Member since 12/07

16202 total posts


Re: i love being pregnant but....

i am newly pregnant.. but i can totally see where you are coming from!
i am already getting the question....
"i hope you have a girl" its almost rude... what if i dont!! Chat Icon Chat Icon

here are some hugs! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 2/15/08 3:25 PM

it's pretty precious

Member since 1/07

3839 total posts


Re: i love being pregnant but....

I hope you have a girl": Thanks, if it comes out a boy, i'll send it back

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Posted 2/15/08 3:32 PM

whole lotta cute...

Member since 1/08

1242 total posts


Re: i love being pregnant but....

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Posted 2/16/08 10:27 PM

Love my girls!

Member since 10/06

2114 total posts


Re: i love being pregnant but....

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I'm adding 3 more annoyances:

"Are you sure it's not twins" - what are you trying to say - that I look huge?

"Your carrying low/high, baby must be a girl/boy" - Uhm people - I'm freaking 5 foot 2! Where do you want me to carry - in my ribs or on my pelvis... there's only ONE place for me to carry!

"Boys are so much easier than girls" - Like what you said - so if it's a girl I'll make sure to send her back... I'm also not finding out the sex b/c I don't need more input from idiots since I'm STILL not exactly sure what the right answer is to the question "so is it a boy or a girl?"

Message edited 2/17/2008 12:21:43 AM.

Posted 2/17/08 12:17 AM

I'm a mommy!!!!

Member since 6/07

1758 total posts


Re: i love being pregnant but....

Posted by clwp

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I'm adding 3 more annoyances:

"Are you sure it's not twins" - what are you trying to say - that I look huge?

Omg, that is my #1 annoyance in being pg! I can't even begin to tell you how many people (mostly strangers) say this to me!! Chat Icon

Posted 2/17/08 8:46 AM

Merry Christmas!

Member since 6/07

2153 total posts


Re: i love being pregnant but....

This whole darn post couldn't be more true!!!!!!!!!

Posted by clwp

"Are you sure it's not twins" - what are you trying to say - that I look huge?

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Someone said this to me last night and I was NOT happy!!!!

Message edited 2/17/2008 4:20:59 PM.

Posted 2/17/08 4:20 PM

Mommy to 2 amazing little boys

Member since 5/05

9306 total posts


Re: i love being pregnant but....

The one that bothered me the MOST at the end of my pregnancy, wait until you all get there, everything is annoying..

At work - "you're STILL here?" okay I had my son ON my due date, I know I am big but come on give a girl a break. I am pretty sure if my negotiation skills with my child were good enough I would have already given birth!

Posted 2/17/08 4:40 PM

C ♥'s F

Member since 2/07

6456 total posts


Re: i love being pregnant but....

Great post!
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Posted 2/17/08 9:08 PM

Dream big

Member since 1/06

2486 total posts


Re: i love being pregnant but....

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That's awesome. By week 40 if one more person asked me 'how I was feeling' I was on the brink of being homicidal!

Posted 2/17/08 9:17 PM

I <3 my boys!

Member since 12/06

1389 total posts


Re: i love being pregnant but....

Posted by clwp

"Your carrying low/high, baby must be a girl/boy" - Uhm people - I'm freaking 5 foot 2! Where do you want me to carry - in my ribs or on my pelvis... there's only ONE place for me to carry!

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Posted 2/18/08 10:05 PM

I love my kids

Member since 5/05

2885 total posts


Re: i love being pregnant but....

I am cracking up at this list. You are so right. I can't stand the stupid comments that people make when you're pregnant. It's all I can do to not say something nasty to them.

Posted 2/18/08 10:20 PM

GO YANKEES!!!!!!!!!!

Member since 4/07

1223 total posts


Re: i love being pregnant but....

Sorry to break it to you girls BUT it does not NOT get any better after you give birth... you will then get harassed on how to raise your child and if you are BF what you should be eating or not eating or how to do things!!!!!!

and it is usually from the people that have not GIVEN BIRTH AND HAVE NO CHILDREN!!!!!!

Posted 2/18/08 10:27 PM

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