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I need a better pediatrician...

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LIF Adolescent

Member since 12/10

652 total posts


I need a better pediatrician...

Do you love your pediatrician? I need to find my toddlers a new pediatrician. I'm in Babylon but anywhere from Massapequa to Islip would work. I don't want to go super far so the closer the better of course but I would be willing to drive 15-20 minutes away for a more supportive doctor.

My current doctor is very conservative and not forthcoming with information. My twins are my "first" children and I feel like I am am not getting enough guidance and that my doctor is just a little too old school.

Posted 11/3/12 9:49 AM
Long Island Weddings
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My boys turned 8

Member since 5/11

2451 total posts


I need a better pediatrician...

I have twins & go to seaford pediatrics. How old are your twins & COngrats on having them. My guys just turned one last week

Posted 11/3/12 9:13 PM

2 little ladies

Member since 1/11

2918 total posts


Re: I need a better pediatrician...

We use dr George in w Islip and are happy. Wish they were more tuned into premies, but are very happy with the practice.

Posted 11/3/12 10:57 PM

It's summatime

Member since 3/09

4739 total posts


Re: I need a better pediatrician...

We go to dr george in west islip and so far so good. I've also heard good things about seafood ped. And my brother and nephew went to dr ford in copague. I love her but wanted someone closer to me.

Posted 11/4/12 1:59 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 12/10

652 total posts


I need a better pediatrician...

Thanks!! They are 18 months old next week. I am going to start making some phone calls and see who is accepting new patients, I was going to switch to my friends pediatrician in Amityville but they are only accepting new babies fresh from the hospital LOL whatever that means. When I asked if they could refer me they told me they couldn't because it was against the law? Since when is it against the law to refer patients out?

My biggest complaints about my doctor are that he does not like to prescribe any medications. I am not all too keen about antibiotics either BUT every time I go there for anything he never offers them any sort of comfort management. He wants them to just "tuff it out" for several days. One time my daughter had a terrible reaction to mosquito bites, her entire forehead got swollen and then it migrated into her eyes and nose so much that her eyes were swollen shut. I had to ask him if I could give her bendryl (he didn't suggest it). He said "oh ok, you can give it to her give her XYZ dose". She was still having a bad reaction that I called the emergency number after hours and they told me it was a very low dose and that the dose was actually double that amount. I spoke to him after that and he said he "under doses" because he doesn't like to give meds. Well, I understand that but after several of these occasions of under dosing I feel like what he tells me to do is ineffective and makes me feel like no matter what is wrong I shouldn't bother going there because he is just going to tell me to give it 3 more days.

3 days with a fever? come back in 3 more days if it's not down. Never mind she is rolling around grunting and miserable. Waking up every hour during the night and screaming because she is so overtired and uncomfortable. God forbid I give her (and us) a little relief with some tylenol.

I don't want you to think I pump my girls full of meds, I definitely don't but there are reasons to use meds and I feel like at minimum it should be discussed as an option.

My other main reason for wanting to leave is because he never looks at their charts before he comes in and I have to constantly remind him that they were on medical food and are sensitive to diary. I feel like he doesn't bother to familiarize himself with their history. Their other doctors always reference their charts before we start.

I also don't like that they expect me to know when to start or finish something. The act like I have done this before and know how long to do each stage. These are my first baby and I have not done this before. My friend also uses them but she uses a different office which has different doctors in it. And she even said the same thing that they are not forthcoming with information and expect us to know what we are doing.

They didn't even give me a list of the shots or any sort of schedule for what and when each shot should be done. It's just way too casual over there for my type A personality.

Ok, my vent is over. That felt good.

Message edited 11/7/2012 4:59:50 PM.

Posted 11/7/12 4:58 PM

Mommy to 3!

Member since 10/05

20369 total posts

Jesss, duh.

Re: I need a better pediatrician...

I go to a pediatrician in North Babylon. Have been using him since my son was born in June of '08. Do I LOVE him? No, definitely not. But at this point I am comfortable enough with my mothering that when he says something I don't agree with, I do what I want anyway Chat Icon

He did recently add a female doctor to the practice who I was very skeptical of but happen to really, really, like

A lot of peds now only take newborns as new patients (unless you are pg then they will take the new baby along with any older siblings).

If you want the info send me an FM. I know the practice typically only takes newborns like I mentioned above. But if you give my name as a referral I'm sure they will take you. I have 3 kids that go there so I get along really well with some of the girls at the front desk.

Posted 11/8/12 7:45 PM

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