i need lots of prayers for ds was admitted at stonybrook last night UPDATE 2
Need many many prayers. Ds had a seizure lasting about half hour yesterday. This will b his 3rd one in 6 months. Fever spiked up after but drs don't know if it was the seizure that caused the fever or the fever that caused the seizure.
If u can spare a few prayers we take anything we can. He had fever work up. Has to get an EEG today and an MRI. My baby has to be put under anesthesia for the mri.
I am a total mess
Update: nothing new to report. No fever today at all which I was kinda hoping for so we can say he is definitely sick and that's what caused the seizure. Yesterdays seizure was much different than previous seziures. The reason they r doing all these tests is bs the seizure lasted about half hour and he needed 2 I'm shots of valium to stop him from seizing. He is on the video eeg and they are monitoring him now. Thank u for all ur prayers
Update #2. Eeg came back normal!!! They precribed us valium rectally if this should happen again and he doesn't come out of his seizure. We still have to do a mri but can't get it done today at the hosp so doing it as an outpatient. Ds is back to his old normal self. The drs and neuro think it was a complex febrile seizure. He may have the begining of an ear inf they aren't sure a possible bacterial inf or a viral inf. They honestly don't know. We r going home tonight but have to see the ped tmrw.