My FIL was hospitalized 2 days ago because he was feeling very sick and weak. Well, after a lot of tests they found out that he has leukemia. He will be starting chemo soon and will be in the hospital for 4-7 weeks.
I feel horrible for my DH because right after we got engaged his mom was hospitalized and and died a few months later and she never got a chance to see us get married. And now 2 1/2 months ago I gave birth to my FIL's first grandchild. I want him to be able to see her grow up. He is 72 years old and im nervous he might not come out of this okay.
Im also a little upset about my dad. He was diagnosed with a blood disorder (mylofibrosis) also last year. He is holding his own right now, but yesterday the doctor called and said his potassium was low. I just hope that it doesnt lead into something more serious. He is a nervous wreck and eating all the bananas he can eat.
So can you please say a prayer for both of them. I really appreciate it.