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I need to take DD to daycare tomorrow

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Member since 5/05

12578 total posts


I need to take DD to daycare tomorrow

and don't have anyone to watch the baby, so I have to bring them both. This will be the 1st time I'm taking them both out at the same time alone.

DD is 18 months and can do the stairs ok (there are 3 flightsChat Icon ) and I will have DS in the carrier (he's 2 weeks). I'm not sure how I'm going to get them both up all the stairs by myself.

Also, I don't really want to bring him into the center (fear of germs, etc) but I can't see leaving him in the car alone.

Any suggestions? My brain is off due to lack of sleepChat Icon

Message edited 6/19/2008 10:21:02 AM.

Posted 6/19/08 10:20 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: I need to take DD to daycare tomorrow

Can you call the center ahead of time and ask if there is a way someone can come and help you? I can understand not wanting to bring DS into the center. However, if you have to, can you stand in the doorway or is it something where you have to go all of the way into the room?

Posted 6/19/08 10:50 AM

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Member since 5/08

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Re: I need to take DD to daycare tomorrow

Posted by Reese1106

Can you call the center ahead of time and ask if there is a way someone can come and help you? I can understand not wanting to bring DS into the center. However, if you have to, can you stand in the doorway or is it something where you have to go all of the way into the room?

I was going to say the same thing. Maybe one of DD's teachers can come to the front of the school and take her back into her classroom.

Posted 6/19/08 11:49 AM

The cutest!

Member since 1/07

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Re: I need to take DD to daycare tomorrow

Posted by Reese1106

Can you call the center ahead of time and ask if there is a way someone can come and help you? I can understand not wanting to bring DS into the center. However, if you have to, can you stand in the doorway or is it something where you have to go all of the way into the room?

I was going to give the same advice. My sister has the same situation and she called the daycare ahead of time and they met her at her car and took my nephew out of the car and into the daycare and when it was time to go home they did the same. I am sure they will accomodate you.

Posted 6/19/08 11:57 AM

My 3 Blessings

Member since 3/06

6551 total posts


Re: I need to take DD to daycare tomorrow

If they can't come meet you, maybe you an make it easier on yourself bu putting hte baby in a carrier you wear?

I know....I am NO HELP...You will be fine, hopefully someone can meet you!

Posted 6/19/08 12:07 PM


Member since 5/06

3808 total posts


Re: I need to take DD to daycare tomorrow

See if you lived down here then one of us would help you. LOL

I have no advice since I only have one. I would defintely do what the PPs said. Ask for help!!!

Posted 6/19/08 12:50 PM


Member since 5/05

12578 total posts


Re: I need to take DD to daycare tomorrow

Thanks! I'm sure someone would come out and meet me, however the routine with my DD is that I come in get her settled and stay with her while she eats breakfast. A routine I would have reconsidered if I thought about what it means now LOL.

I'm just nervous not coming in with her since so much has already changed. Maybe i'll break out the Bjorn and try that.

Do you think it will ok as long as nobody touchs him?

Posted 6/19/08 1:07 PM


Member since 6/06

24950 total posts


Re: I need to take DD to daycare tomorrow

I'd definately put him in the bjorn, plus he will be little enough that no one will be able to touch him/see him in there. Chat Icon

Posted 6/19/08 6:51 PM

Life is Good

Member since 6/06

2135 total posts


Re: I need to take DD to daycare tomorrow

Definitely do the bjorn and have her walk up the stairs.

Good LuckChat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/19/08 8:15 PM

Loving life

Member since 7/06

4088 total posts


Re: I need to take DD to daycare tomorrow

Can you use a baby bjorn or sling? That sounds best for stairs leaving your two hands free for your older one.

Posted 6/19/08 8:24 PM


Member since 5/05

3893 total posts


Re: I need to take DD to daycare tomorrow

Do you have a Baby Bjorn or a sling you can put DS in so you can have a hand free for DD?

Also this will help keep him away from the germs.

Posted 6/19/08 10:39 PM

Life is good!

Member since 5/05

8369 total posts


Re: I need to take DD to daycare tomorrow

I would call and ask for help. I had to when dh broke his leg- I would put her in the car, he would drive her, then they would come get her out of the car.

Posted 6/19/08 11:39 PM

Chase is one!

Member since 5/05

27530 total posts


Re: I need to take DD to daycare tomorrow

Posted by lulugrrl

If they can't come meet you, maybe you an make it easier on yourself bu putting hte baby in a carrier you wear?

I know....I am NO HELP...You will be fine, hopefully someone can meet you!

This was going to be my suggestion as well.

Posted 6/20/08 2:41 AM

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