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I started reading Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child

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I started reading Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child

and so far its been a great help

The first thing I learned was that baby needs an early bed time. I was guilty of keeping her up late so DH could spend time with her. As soon as I started putting herto bed earlier, she started sleeping through the night. After a week she was sleeping 12 hours!!! She's been doing this for 3 weeks nowChat Icon

The second thing I learned was how a baby only has a 1 -2 hour awakening period during the day - that once you see the baby show sleepy signs to start soothing her to sleep (nap). Well I've been doing this and every hour to an hour and half she would start to yawn, rub her eyes and get whining. I immediately laid her on me and she'd be out cold in minutes. First nap in the morning is 2 - 3 hours, 2nd nap 1.5 hours, 3rd nap 1 hour.

My DD never naps!!! Now I have to learn to get her to nap somewhere other than me!!! But one step at a time!

Wow I just can't believe how much I learned from the book and watching her.

Message edited 2/19/2007 7:00:40 PM.

Posted 2/19/07 6:58 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: I started reading Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child

oops double post...sorry

Message edited 2/19/2007 7:00:17 PM.

Posted 2/19/07 6:59 PM

God Bless America

Member since 5/05

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Re: I started reading Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child

I need to buy this book! My DS refuses to nap during the day, and at night we only get 6-7 hours out of him if we are lucky - so, we end up putting him to bed at 10 or 11pm so we can sleep until 5 or 6. I guess that's not the way to do it, I am just afraid that putting him to sleep at 8pm means he will be up at 2am again!!

Posted 2/19/07 7:11 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: I started reading Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child

Posted by ChilisWife

I need to buy this book! My DS refuses to nap during the day, and at night we only get 6-7 hours out of him if we are lucky - so, we end up putting him to bed at 10 or 11pm so we can sleep until 5 or 6. I guess that's not the way to do it, I am just afraid that putting him to sleep at 8pm means he will be up at 2am again!!

Alexa how old is DS? I must admit when we first started putting her to bed earlier she did wake up at 5am, but it did slowly get went to 6am then 7am and now 8am. You need to be somewhat consistent

I started giving her an extra ounce before bed and use the diaper doublers so she doesn't wet through her diaper.

Posted 2/19/07 7:21 PM


Member since 8/05

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Re: I started reading Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child

I didn't know those things before I read the book either! Now I recommend this book to everyone! Within a week of reading it brendan who was 3 months old at the time started sleeping through the night AND taking naps!!!

Posted 2/19/07 7:23 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: I started reading Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child

I used this book and EASY (Eat, Activity, Sleep and You) method from "The Secrets of the Baby Whisperer" to help put Nate on a schedule since about 3 months. He was taking 3 naps until he was 12 months old. At 20 months he still takes 2 naps on the weekends (he won't nap at day care for some reason).

I heard about it on LIF and now I reccommend it to all my friends now.

Message edited 2/19/2007 7:26:05 PM.

Posted 2/19/07 7:24 PM

God Bless America

Member since 5/05

3572 total posts


Re: I started reading Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child

Posted by Charly

Posted by ChilisWife

I need to buy this book! My DS refuses to nap during the day, and at night we only get 6-7 hours out of him if we are lucky - so, we end up putting him to bed at 10 or 11pm so we can sleep until 5 or 6. I guess that's not the way to do it, I am just afraid that putting him to sleep at 8pm means he will be up at 2am again!!

Alexa how old is DS? I must admit when we first started putting her to bed earlier she did wake up at 5am, but it did slowly get went to 6am then 7am and now 8am. You need to be somewhat consistent

I started giving her an extra ounce before bed and use the diaper doublers so she doesn't wet through her diaper.

he is 13 weeks old. my other concern is that without that last 9 or 10pm bottle, is he getting enough to drink during the day? we already cut down from 6 bottles to 5 bottles and now if he only has 4 bottles he's only eating about 20-24 ounces/day (he is 15 pounds so I thought he needed at least 30 oz/day)

Posted 2/19/07 7:25 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: I started reading Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child

Posted by ChilisWife
he is 13 weeks old. my other concern is that without that last 9 or 10pm bottle, is he getting enough to drink during the day? we already cut down from 6 bottles to 5 bottles and now if he only has 4 bottles he's only eating about 20-24 ounces/day (he is 15 pounds so I thought he needed at least 30 oz/day)

Hannah is down to 5 bottles a day - but they are bigger bottles. She is still getting the same amount of milk just distributed differently then before.

You'll see when DS sleeps longer he'll want a bigger bottle especially when first waking up.

Posted 2/19/07 7:29 PM


Member since 8/05

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Re: I started reading Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child

Posted by ChilisWife

I am just afraid that putting him to sleep at 8pm means he will be up at 2am again!!

As I started putting Brendan to bed earlier he started sleeping longer and later. When he was 3-4 months old he started sleeping from about 6;30 pm to 6am. Now he goes to sleep between 6-6:30pm and sleeps until 7-7:30am. I know it sounds backwards, but I really think it's true that sleep begets sleep. When you keep them up later they get overtired and are not able to sleep as well. Even now if we are out or something and we're late getting Brendan into bed he has a harder time falling asleep and also tends to wake up during the night. But if I get him into bed at 6-6:30 he just quietly falls asleep on his own and is out for the night.

Posted 2/19/07 7:29 PM

God Bless America

Member since 5/05

3572 total posts


Re: I started reading Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child

Posted by BabyInMarch

Posted by ChilisWife

I am just afraid that putting him to sleep at 8pm means he will be up at 2am again!!

As I started putting Brendan to bed earlier he started sleeping longer and later. When he was 3-4 months old he started sleeping from about 6;30 pm to 6am. Now he goes to sleep between 6-6:30pm and sleeps until 7-7:30am. I know it sounds backwards, but I really think it's true that sleep begets sleep. When you keep them up later they get overtired and are not able to sleep as well. Even now if we are out or something and we're late getting Brendan into bed he has a harder time falling asleep and also tends to wake up during the night. But if I get him into bed at 6-6:30 he just quietly falls asleep on his own and is out for the night.

yes this does sound counterintuitive but...I am willing to try anything!

our other problem is that once he breaks out of his swaddle (no matter how tight), he stretches his arms and kicks his legs and wakes himself up immediately!

Posted 2/19/07 7:31 PM


Member since 8/05

4987 total posts


Re: I started reading Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child

Posted by ChilisWife

our other problem is that once he breaks out of his swaddle (no matter how tight), he stretches his arms and kicks his legs and wakes himself up immediately!

do you have the miracle blanket? it really is a miracle! Chat Icon

Posted 2/19/07 7:33 PM

God Bless America

Member since 5/05

3572 total posts


Re: I started reading Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child

Posted by BabyInMarch

Posted by ChilisWife

our other problem is that once he breaks out of his swaddle (no matter how tight), he stretches his arms and kicks his legs and wakes himself up immediately!

do you have the miracle blanket? it really is a miracle! Chat Icon

yes, that's what we worked great at first and it's how we got him to sleep longer than 2 hours so I love it. But, the last week or so it just seems like even if he can't break free, he struggles so much to do so that he wakes himself up anyway

Posted 2/19/07 7:34 PM

Praying for a miracle!

Member since 5/05

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Re: I started reading Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child

This book saved my life and my marriage!Chat Icon

Posted 2/19/07 7:45 PM

My babies

Member since 6/05

5229 total posts


Re: I started reading Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child

Good to know. How many ounces is Hannah getting per serving? And what are diaper doublers? Ava wakes up at 4:20 every morning for a diaper change. Luckily she goes right back to sleep but I'd love to eliminate that.

Posted 2/19/07 7:49 PM

They get so big, so fast :(

Member since 5/05

13848 total posts


Re: I started reading Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child

You all convinced me- I just ordered it on Amazon!Chat Icon
Grace is an awesome night sleeper but we definately have trouble with naps. She will go to sleep but wake up minutes later. Its so frustating to watch her.

Posted 2/19/07 8:01 PM

Balancing act on a highwire

Member since 5/05

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Re: I started reading Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child

I read it before at the urging of a mom in the family. DS is only 6 weeks and he "sleeps" (with waking every 2-4hrs to BF) from about 8pm-8am +/- an hour. It's great! This past week we're seeing his daytime naps appear - a 3 hour and a 2 hour today! He is happoer the more he sleeps...

Now we have to get him to sleep in the crib during the day...

Posted 2/19/07 8:39 PM

Chase is one!

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Re: I started reading Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child

I'm so happy to hear this is working for you Jodi! Ava goes down at 6:30 every night and sleeps till 6:30am. I wish it was later that she'd go down and sleep until, but whatever, she gets 12 hours. I never read the book, but I had read the whole thing about putting the baby to bed earlier and the awake periods during the day. It has really helped us. Ava didn't nap for the first 5.5 months of her life, and now we get two solid naps a day. I only wish I had read it earlier! SO Chat Icon to you!

Posted 2/19/07 8:52 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: I started reading Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child

Posted by Kitkat

Good to know. How many ounces is Hannah getting per serving? And what are diaper doublers? Ava wakes up at 4:20 every morning for a diaper change. Luckily she goes right back to sleep but I'd love to eliminate that.

I make all her bottles 7oz. She usually drinks the entire bottle in the morning and if she sleeps through a feeding because of a nap. Otherwise she'll stop around 6oz. Today she actually took 9oz after her nap because she slept so long after only having one bottle in the morning. I guess she was playing catch - up.

A diaper doubler looks like a maxi pad without the sticky side. You just stick it in the diaper and it absorbs it all. I found them in my local Stop n Shop - I paid $2.99 for a package of 30. I know they sell them at BRU too.

Posted 2/19/07 9:00 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: I started reading Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child

Alexa/Chiliswife - I use the miracle blanket too - she sometimes fusses to get out of it around 5 - 6 am, but she falls back to sleep after 15 minutes. I used to get up and feed her, but I realized she really wasn't awake.

Posted by waytogo
Now we have to get him to sleep in the crib during the day...

waytogo I have the same problem. She only naps on me!!!

Posted by prncssrachel

I'm so happy to hear this is working for you Jodi! Ava goes down at 6:30 every night and sleeps till 6:30am. I wish it was later that she'd go down and sleep until, but whatever, she gets 12 hours. I never read the book, but I had read the whole thing about putting the baby to bed earlier and the awake periods during the day. It has really helped us. Ava didn't nap for the first 5.5 months of her life, and now we get two solid naps a day. I only wish I had read it earlier! SO Chat Icon to you!

Thanks Rachel!! We're getting there! I oops tonight though. I saw her getting tired at 8pm, but wanted to eat dinner first. Mistake!!! I had a cranky mess on my hands!! Hopefully she'll still sleep good tonight!

Posted 2/19/07 9:05 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/05

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Re: I started reading Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child

I have this too.MY bestfriend gave it to me after having her son.

Everyone makes fun of me, but Nicholas geos to bed at night at 6:30/ 7:00 and

he naps usually 2-2 1/2 hours after he is awake. His naps are changing now. He is almost 10 months old tough.

Posted 2/20/07 7:22 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

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Re: I started reading Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child

To this day, I live by the sleep begets sleep theory! It absolutely is true!

Posted 2/20/07 10:12 AM

God Bless America

Member since 5/05

3572 total posts


Re: I started reading Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child

I am literally going out right now to buy this book. Thanks everyone.

Posted 2/20/07 10:40 AM


Member since 5/05

12578 total posts


Re: I started reading Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child

Posted by ChilisWife

I am literally going out right now to buy this book. Thanks everyone.

Good luckChat Icon

Posted 2/20/07 10:46 AM


Member since 8/05

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Re: I started reading Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child

I found this to be true for my boys. We were keeping them up till 10PM and they would sleep till 5AM. Finally, I tried putting them down at 7PM and they now love it and sleep till 7AM.

I actually find now if we keep them up till 8 or 9PM they are very cranky the next day.

Posted 2/20/07 10:52 AM

My Big Boy!

Member since 10/05

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Re: I started reading Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child

Someone from my DH's work just gave this book to him! He swore by it and told my DH we must read it!

Posted 2/20/07 12:14 PM

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