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Member since 5/05 34581 total posts
Name: Donna
I'am in Teething Hell
and exhausted.
My poor baby was up whining in his sleep every hour last night. He never full woke up and slept 11 hours but every hour he would cry out in his sleep eyes still shut. It was heartbreaking.
Yesterday he only ate about 15 oz's all day and had two meltdowns where he was rubbing his gums soooooo hard with his fist, knuckles. It was sad to watch.
Im tired
Thanks for letting me vent.
Posted 9/24/07 9:44 AM |
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Member since 5/05 9461 total posts
Name: Janice
Re: I'am in Teething Hell
awwwwww, did you give him some tylenol? I would get the ped ok first though.
Posted 9/24/07 9:45 AM |
The Prince & Princess
Member since 7/05 4939 total posts
Name: J
Re: I'am in Teething Hell
Oh Donna!! Sorry to hear that Noah is having difficulties with teething!!!
Posted 9/24/07 9:46 AM |

Member since 5/05 28602 total posts
Name: Me
Re: I'am in Teething Hell
I saw it when he was eating yesterday.
The only thing I can say is when baby G was in that stage of teething it was only for a few days (maybe a week at the most) before it subsided. It went pretty quickly & to let him soothe I would just lat him gnaw on my knuckle.
It will get better once he can eat without feeling the pain.
Posted 9/24/07 9:47 AM |
Member since 5/05 5025 total posts
Re: I'am in Teething Hell
I know some people don't like to give motrin, but it was the only thing that helped DD #1 get thru the night with teething and stuff.
Posted 9/24/07 9:48 AM |
Member since 10/06 4563 total posts
Re: I'am in Teething Hell
i know how you're feeling! DD was having a hard time teething last week! i gave her tylenol one of the nights and it seemed to help. hope this passes quickly for you both!
Posted 9/24/07 9:57 AM |
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Member since 5/05 16353 total posts
Name: Lauren
Re: I'am in Teething Hell
I hear ya.
And so far DS won't take any of the teething rings, or a frozen wash cloth or anything but my knuckle.
Luckily he still sleeps okay, but I spend a lot of my day trying to figure out what to stick in his mouth.
Posted 9/24/07 10:14 AM |
LIF Adolescent
Member since 9/06 686 total posts
Name: Fran
Re: I'am in Teething Hell
Thats why I ended up missing massage yesterday. DS was up the night before all miserable and that morning fell asleep and stayed asleep til nearly 1 pm. I didnt have the heart to wake him. He was so cranky from the night before, I didnt dare! Today is better, and I have Baby Oragel that I gave him, its a temporary fix, but it made him feel better for a short while, at least.
I feel your pain! Fran
Posted 9/24/07 10:36 AM |

Member since 5/05 34581 total posts
Name: Donna
Re: I'am in Teething Hell
This IS teething right?
All he is doing is screaming today.
Even in his sleep.
I tried baby ambesol, didnt do anything?
Posted 9/24/07 1:55 PM |

Member since 5/05 16438 total posts
Name: Beth
Re: I'am in Teething Hell
Be careful with the ambesol - our ped recommended that we don't use it because it can have a numbing affect on their throat and can lead to suffocation/gagging.
We ALWAYS ALWAYS used motrin instead of tylenol for teething - it works much better, and lasts much longer. I would give it to Alex about an hour before bedtime.
Posted 9/24/07 2:00 PM |

Member since 5/05 11165 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: I'am in Teething Hell
it sounds like teething. Gianna is brutal for a couple days before her teeth came in.
Have you tried tylenol/motrin?
I give meds at bedtime, but nothing during the day.
I just bought Hylands teething tablets for gianna, she has all 4 molars breaking through her gums at once. They have been helping her. I also givem her a cold wet washcloth to chew on, she never liked any of those teething rings or things either.
Hang in there
Posted 9/24/07 2:02 PM |

Member since 5/05 18599 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: I'am in Teething Hell
Teething really is the worst 
I know that when it's really back for Nikolas, we give Motrin at night.. I don't really like giving him meds during the daytime, but if he was particularly bad I'd give Tylenol during the daytime..
I also think that the Hylands tablets helped us too ... they dissolve right in the baby's mouth and they are available in any drugstore. baby orajel and things like that did nothing for us.. and I also had a baby who didn't like any teething rings/cold washclothes/etc at ALL
Posted 9/24/07 2:05 PM |

Member since 2/06 2959 total posts
Name: Denise
Re: I'am in Teething Hell
Sending you We just started go through teething too.
Posted 9/24/07 2:12 PM |
hello baby Albert
Member since 9/05 7750 total posts
Name: Aga
Re: I'am in Teething Hell
oh Donna I am in the same hell, it is so hard to put him to sleep now, he fights with me for 30 min and more... imagine me walking around with him in my arms and having the little portable car vacuum in one hand... seems to quiet him down but as I said he just doesnt want to go to sleep even though he is exhausted... yesterday I broke down and gave him some tylenol, it helped him a little bit...
Posted 9/24/07 2:34 PM |
My loves

Member since 5/05 3221 total posts
Name: Amanda
Re: I'am in Teething Hell
did you try to give ds a cold wet washcloth and let him chew on it..i read it in one of the baby books and dd was much happier sitting on my lap with that.
Posted 9/24/07 2:37 PM |

Member since 10/06 5304 total posts
Name: Karyn
Re: I'am in Teething Hell
Have you tried Humpreys teething tablets? They really worked well for me, DS calmed down in minutes and fell fast asleep. They are all natural too.
Posted 9/24/07 3:01 PM |
Living on a prayer!!!

Member since 10/05 29450 total posts
Name: Diana
Re: I'am in Teething Hell
Give him baby tylenol. I give it to Jack when I can tell he's in a lot of pain. Today is what knawing on his hand and drooling like crazy....I gave him the tylenol and he's all good now!
Posted 9/24/07 6:59 PM |
Living on a prayer!!!

Member since 10/05 29450 total posts
Name: Diana
Re: I'am in Teething Hell
Posted by Bxgell2
Be careful with the ambesol - our ped recommended that we don't use it because it can have a numbing affect on their throat and can lead to suffocation/gagging.
We ALWAYS ALWAYS used motrin instead of tylenol for teething - it works much better, and lasts much longer. I would give it to Alex about an hour before bedtime.
I am all for Motrin, I've seen it work wonders on my nieces and nephews - but don't they have to be a certain age for it I thought?
Posted 9/24/07 7:00 PM |
Re: I'am in Teething Hell
I hope this stage goes quickly for you!
Posted 9/24/07 7:03 PM |
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Member since 5/05 16353 total posts
Name: Lauren
Re: I'am in Teething Hell
Posted by Diana1215
I am all for Motrin, I've seen it work wonders on my nieces and nephews - but don't they have to be a certain age for it I thought?
They make an infant version.
Posted 9/24/07 7:39 PM |
Re: I'am in Teething Hell
I hear ya... Cailen went thru that when he was almost 4 mts old - NOTHING worked, not humphreys, not orajel... nothing....
But, it did eventually stop a few weeks later... Its starting to comebcak now at almost 6 mts... it is hell!!!!
Good luck!!!
Posted 9/24/07 8:40 PM |
Living on a prayer!!!

Member since 10/05 29450 total posts
Name: Diana
Re: I'am in Teething Hell
Posted by leighla
Posted by Diana1215
I am all for Motrin, I've seen it work wonders on my nieces and nephews - but don't they have to be a certain age for it I thought?
They make an infant version.
I know - but I just didn't think I could give it to him yet....I will def. ask the ped on Friday!
Posted 9/24/07 9:18 PM |
Growing up soo fast..

Member since 1/06 14917 total posts
Name: Dawn
Re: I'am in Teething Hell
I hear ya...we are going through the same over here!
Posted 9/24/07 9:20 PM |

Member since 5/05 28602 total posts
Name: Me
Re: I'am in Teething Hell
Posted by Karebaby
Have you tried Humpreys teething tablets? They really worked well for me, DS calmed down in minutes and fell fast asleep. They are all natural too. Where did you get these?
Posted 9/24/07 9:21 PM |
Support Cancer Research

Member since 5/05 16353 total posts
Name: Lauren
Re: I'am in Teething Hell
My poor guy was miserable all day too.
He didn't eat so much as BITE the nipple the whole time - glad I'm not breastfeeding anymore.
Posted 9/24/07 9:23 PM |
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