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LIF Toddler
Member since 12/06 411 total posts
Name: In due time. No pun intended.
I'll be transitioning to the IF board in the coming month
Message edited 2/4/2007 4:36:42 AM.
Posted 1/2/07 5:21 PM |
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource |

Member since 9/06 2365 total posts
Re: I'll be transitioning to the IF board in the coming month
I wish you the best of luck in whatever decision you and your dh come to. It is a very stressful journey and you can get through it with the support of your dh.
Posted 1/2/07 5:51 PM |
Blessed with 2blue/2pink

Member since 12/05 13341 total posts
Name: J
Re: I'll be transitioning to the IF board in the coming month
I wish you all the best as well. I hope you have your child one day - whether it be biologically or via adoption. Please don't punish yourself for making other decisions earlier in life that you believe may now be affecting your ability to conceive. It all happens for a reason. I had a friend who went thru IF problems - alone. She did not share her struggle with her family or friends. It was hard for her, but she felt sharing would also be hard, and added pressure and stress. You have to do what you believe is best for you & DH. We're all here if you need us!
Posted 1/2/07 5:55 PM |
Baby girls & beagles rock!

Member since 8/06 10356 total posts
Name: Jen
Re: I'll be transitioning to the IF board in the coming month
FMed you!
Posted 1/2/07 6:03 PM |
My miracles!

Member since 12/05 23902 total posts
Name: Leslie
Re: I'll be transitioning to the IF board in the coming month
Posted by Secret4Now
Because of some issues we have had in the past, we will not be discussing this with friends or family. I am wondering if that is even possible but I am certain that it will work out better if we can do it. I would like to hear from people who may also feel that they will not discuss this with friends and family. . This will be new for me. I have been an open book about almost everything in my life. When I look back on most experiences, my stress level increased when people came at me with uneducated but self righteous opinions. Sounds snooty, but it is about time I get snooty!!! As I said, we may end up adopting. We want to make that decision alone, though. I have noticed that here is a huge difference when I discuss this with LIF people, though. There's an open mindedness that I just wish I could get from more of my "real life" people!
I can certainly understand why you would not want to share things with family. I have not shared our difficulties with anyone other than my mother (and LIFers) only because she worries. I too get very stressed upon receiving unsolicited advice or comments such as "You better get cracking!", "So when are you having kids because you ain't getting any younger?", "My problem was X,Y,Z and I blah blah blah blah." The truth is, I am really sorry that anyone has any problems getting pregnant, but their problems are not mine. It doesnt matter if you have been trying one day, one month or one year. When all you have ever wanted is a child, everyday without one, hurts and no amount of unsolicited advice will help you feel better. I get it. I understand.
Use us here as a resource or as support and never feel as if you will be judged. I wish you all the best and I have a very decent feeling that I know who you are. FM me if you need anything and much to you.
Posted 1/2/07 6:09 PM |
Drama Momma

Member since 9/06 9947 total posts
Name: Anne
Re: I'll be transitioning to the IF board in the coming month
Wishing you and DH all the best. I don't have advice or or anything just lots of thoughts, hugs, and prayers. Good luck and may you find answers, peace, and comfort...
Posted 1/2/07 6:09 PM |
LIF Toddler
Member since 12/06 411 total posts
Name: In due time. No pun intended.
Re: I'll be transitioning to the IF board in the coming month
Posted by Goldi0218
Posted by Secret4Now
Because of some issues we have had in the past, we will not be discussing this with friends or family. I am wondering if that is even possible but I am certain that it will work out better if we can do it. I would like to hear from people who may also feel that they will not discuss this with friends and family. . This will be new for me. I have been an open book about almost everything in my life. When I look back on most experiences, my stress level increased when people came at me with uneducated but self righteous opinions. Sounds snooty, but it is about time I get snooty!!! As I said, we may end up adopting. We want to make that decision alone, though. I have noticed that here is a huge difference when I discuss this with LIF people, though. There's an open mindedness that I just wish I could get from more of my "real life" people!
I can certainly understand why you would not want to share things with family. I have not shared our difficulties with anyone other than my mother (and LIFers) only because she worries. I too get very stressed upon receiving unsolicited advice or comments such as "You better get cracking!", "So when are you having kids because you ain't getting any younger?", "My problem was X,Y,Z and I blah blah blah blah." The truth is, I am really sorry that anyone has any problems getting pregnant, but their problems are not mine. It doesnt matter if you have been trying one day, one month or one year. When all you have ever wanted is a child, everyday without one, hurts and no amount of unsolicited advice will help you feel better. I get it. I understand.
Use us here as a resource or as support and never feel as if you will be judged. I wish you all the best and I have a very decent feeling that I know who you are. FM me if you need anything and much to you.
Thank you. I too, believe that you know who I am and I kind of expected you to get it.
Message edited 1/2/2007 6:55:01 PM.
Posted 1/2/07 6:54 PM |
Re: I'll be transitioning to the IF board in the coming month
Lots of love, luck, and hugs to you!
Posted 1/2/07 6:56 PM |
Peace out Homies!

Member since 5/05 20046 total posts
Name: Gerty ®
Re: I'll be transitioning to the IF board in the coming month
I'm going to answer you here because you sent the link here. I totally understand how you feel about waiting, I didn't start trying until 38 years old for a variety of reasons. Now, at 41 a part of me regrets not trying sooner, but and this is a big but - everything happens for a reason. Now that you are trying just do what you have to do. If you have to wait to see an RE, that's fine. Everything will fall into place for you and your DH. On the up side...I've known a few people with endo who have gotten PG while using OPK's. You also have MF as an issue, but there are things that can be done for that also. Keep your chin up and hope for the best. And if you adopt - that's a wonderful thing also, think of the child you will be helping. All the best to you and lot's of luck in your quest....
Posted 1/2/07 7:28 PM |
Partners in crime

Member since 10/05 14656 total posts
Name: Mama
Re: I'll be transitioning to the IF board in the coming month
I sent you FM but I think I know who you are. I wish you lots of . Please do not beat yourself up for your prior choices. I honestly believe that everything happens for a reason and that for some reason unknown at this point in time, it's not your time. I have no doubt that you will be a wonderful mother, whether or not you conceive or adopt.
Much and
Posted 1/2/07 10:28 PM |
Member since 8/06 13103 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: I'll be transitioning to the IF board in the coming month
I just want to wish you lots of luck. I haven't been on this board for too long but in the short time I have spent here it amazes me how wonderful, supportive and strong all of you women are. I understand totally how you feel....sometimes it's better to keep things quiet. This is the route DH & I are going to choose when we start our IVF cycle. I wish you luck and much Whether you choose treatments adoption or both...I'm sure you will succeed in all your endeavors.
If you're ready to start TTC at 20, 30 or 40 is only your decision and don't regret it or feel selfish or spoiled. Everyone has advice but no one lives your life but you. I don't think you're spoiled at all and I admire you for making a career for yourself. Your career should give you a sense of accomplishment and will only help you become a better mother and example for your future children. Good Luck!
Posted 1/2/07 11:00 PM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 9/05 579 total posts
Re: I'll be transitioning to the IF board in the coming month
I think everything you are feeling is valid.
We have been TTC for almost 7 months now using OPK's and nothing has happened. I too have waited for a long time to wait to TTC and am getting up there in age. Part of me also wonders if I waited too long, but I do believe that everything does happen for a reason. If nothing happens this month, I will also be going to the doctor to pursue other options and I'm not sure how far I am willing to go to have a baby. I have not discussed any of what we are going through with my family or friends...I cannot deal witht he constant questions, looks, etc.
All in all, I think it is one of the most personal decision in a person/couples lives and what other people say or think doesn't really matter.
Good luck with everything...hope things work out! We are here if you need us!
Posted 1/3/07 9:51 AM |

Member since 8/06 2818 total posts
Name: Blessed
Re: I'll be transitioning to the IF board in the coming month
Sending you some
Posted 1/3/07 9:53 AM |
Re: I'll be transitioning to the IF board in the coming month
i just wanted to send you some i am just new to the TTC, so i am not familiar with alot of the posters stories... but remember that the only thing that matters is what you and your husband want and feel, dont let anyone else make you feel bad......
best of luck and wishes to you and your dh
Posted 1/4/07 2:02 PM |