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I'm scared...people tell me I'll know when I'm in labor, but how?!?!

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The Prince & Princess

Member since 7/05

4939 total posts


I'm scared...people tell me I'll know when I'm in labor, but how?!?!

The last week I have been having real contractions, not Braxtion Hicks.

I have a Dr appt on Tues 4/10, which I will be 36 weeks exactly.

the last couple nights I have not been sleeping well, and been VERY uncomfortable. Last night I was "counting" my contractions and they were about every 5 min and lasted about 1 hr.

I didn't sleep well last night and just have not felt right all day. Now, I am at work, and sitting--feeling okay, but when I stand up I get painful cramps-instantaneously, and don't go away. Also, ever since last night I have had constant pressure on my whoo-whoo.

What's going on?!?!

Posted 4/4/07 11:14 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: I'm scared...people tell me I'll know when I'm in labor, but how?!?!

i am in the same boat and would like to know what is going on as well!!! are you having wet undies like i am???? let me know!!!

Posted 4/4/07 11:20 AM

The Prince & Princess

Member since 7/05

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Re: I'm scared...people tell me I'll know when I'm in labor, but how?!?!

Posted by nmp070106

i am in the same boat and would like to know what is going on as well!!! are you having wet undies like i am???? let me know!!!

You have FM

Posted 4/4/07 11:26 AM


Member since 6/05

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Re: I'm scared...people tell me I'll know when I'm in labor, but how?!?!

could be that the baby is very low. I am having the same kind of pain.

Posted 4/4/07 11:27 AM

Happy Days!

Member since 8/05

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Re: I'm scared...people tell me I'll know when I'm in labor, but how?!?!

You will not have ever felt anything like it before...thats how you will know!!!!

Posted 4/4/07 11:28 AM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

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Re: I'm scared...people tell me I'll know when I'm in labor, but how?!?!

Wet undies as in possible water leaking? If so, I would call your ob/gyn.

The biggest telltale sign of labor (at least for me) was the pain radiating from my back, around my sides to my front.

When people say you'll know you're in labor, I think it's more along the lines of you'll go an hour or 2 wondering if it's real & then they'll be no doubt in your mind because the contractions get steady & painful.

I know with each of my labors, I wasn't 100% sure until the contractions were regular & not stopping. For first labors, USUALLY the labors are about 12-14 hours. So in hour 1-hour2, you're probably going to not going to be sure.

For my second pregnancy, I spent about 30 minutes wondering if it was Braxton Hicks/false labor versus real labor. You often don't get through the active phase (stage 2) without knowing you're in labor. I went to the active phase about 30 minutes. Still enough time to get to the hospital & deliver within 7 minutes of getting there.

Stages of Labor

Message edited 4/4/2007 11:37:47 AM.

Posted 4/4/07 11:36 AM

Sister love

Member since 2/06

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Re: I'm scared...people tell me I'll know when I'm in labor, but how?!?!

With my first I couldn't tell the difference between real contractions and Braxton Hicks. When its the real deal, you will know. With he first couple you won't be sure, but trust me, it will be unmistakable.

Posted 4/4/07 11:43 AM

Barb-Never removing this pic!

Member since 11/05

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Re: I'm scared...people tell me I'll know when I'm in labor, but how?!?!

I knew as soon as it started. I had back labor so it was different. i never felt anything in my front.

Posted 4/4/07 11:54 AM

I'm two!

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Re: I'm scared...people tell me I'll know when I'm in labor, but how?!?!

Posted by nrthshgrl

Wet undies as in possible water leaking? If so, I would call your ob/gyn.

The biggest telltale sign of labor (at least for me) was the pain radiating from my back, around my sides to my front.

When people say you'll know you're in labor, I think it's more along the lines of you'll go an hour or 2 wondering if it's real & then they'll be no doubt in your mind because the contractions get steady & painful.

I know with each of my labors, I wasn't 100% sure until the contractions were regular & not stopping. For first labors, USUALLY the labors are about 12-14 hours. So in hour 1-hour2, you're probably going to not going to be sure.

For my second pregnancy, I spent about 30 minutes wondering if it was Braxton Hicks/false labor versus real labor. You often don't get through the active phase (stage 2) without knowing you're in labor. I went to the active phase about 30 minutes. Still enough time to get to the hospital & deliver within 7 minutes of getting there.

Stages of Labor

ITA. For the first couple of hours, I wasn't sure if I was in labor or not. Then the pain started to radiate from my lower back all the way to my front. And the pain started to get stronger over time, no matter if I laid down, drank water, took a shower, etc., and the contractions took my breath away. That's how you'll know!

Posted 4/4/07 11:56 AM

The Prince & Princess

Member since 7/05

4939 total posts


Re: I'm scared...people tell me I'll know when I'm in labor, but how?!?!

Posted by Anniegrl
And the pain started to get stronger over time, no matter if I laid down, drank water, took a shower, etc., and the contractions took my breath away. That's how you'll know!

See, all the contractions I have been having did take my breath away

Thank you all. Just don't want to get my hopes up or call the Dr for "no reason"

Posted 4/4/07 12:05 PM

I'm a rolling machine.

Member since 9/06

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Re: I'm scared...people tell me I'll know when I'm in labor, but how?!?!

I am NOT going to's possible to be in labor and not know it!!!! I am living proof. I was in full, active labor for nearly 2 hours before I realized I was in labor NOT distress. It wasn't until my mucous plug came out that it hit me...THIS IS IT!!! and mind you, my contractions STARTED at 5 minutes apart.Chat Icon

It will hurt, it will go away. You can time it...the pains themselves will last a certain amount of time and they will develop a pattern [20 minutes apart, 5 minutes...etc...]. You will undoubtedly figure it out...but it's possible to be IN labor for a while and not realize what the "problem" or "pain" is!

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 4/4/07 12:36 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 2/06

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Re: I'm scared...people tell me I'll know when I'm in labor, but how?!?!

I would call your OB and tell them what you are experiencing. But if they stop after one hour, it doesn't sound like real labor yet (but again call your OB, I'm no expert)

the contractions should get closer together and last longer, but I'm sure there are many exceptions to the rule.

good luckChat Icon

Posted 4/4/07 1:54 PM

Little Brother Christopher

Member since 2/07

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Re: I'm scared...people tell me I'll know when I'm in labor, but how?!?!

How are you feeling?

Posted 4/5/07 10:50 AM

The Prince & Princess

Member since 7/05

4939 total posts


Re: I'm scared...people tell me I'll know when I'm in labor, but how?!?!

Posted by cgdg61606

How are you feeling?

I am okay. Didn't sleep well as I was up every 1-2 Hrs to go pee and I had gas...BAD (sorry)!

I used to feel best in the mornings, and by days end I was feeling crappy. Now, I'm lucky if I feel "good" for an hour in the morning.

Anxious for my appt on Tues.

Still feeling cramps and pressure....

Thanks for asking!! How are you??

Posted 4/5/07 10:59 AM

Little Brother Christopher

Member since 2/07

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Re: I'm scared...people tell me I'll know when I'm in labor, but how?!?!

I'm doing OK . I'm glad you mentioned gas... I have been having such bad gas the past week or two (worse than normal gassy feeling). I'm feeling a lot of what I'm pretty certain are gas pains and pressure, but I'd really rather not feel anything in the area that might be confused with early labor!

Hang in there. Keep me posted as to how you're feeling.

Posted 4/5/07 11:16 AM

Mrs. Patticakes

Member since 9/06

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Re: I'm scared...people tell me I'll know when I'm in labor, but how?!?!

Hope you are feeling better-hang in there! Chat Icon

Posted 4/5/07 11:25 AM

I love Gary too..on a plate!

Member since 5/06

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Re: I'm scared...people tell me I'll know when I'm in labor, but how?!?!

Jill, call your dr. and try to pull in your appt.

Posted 4/5/07 11:29 AM

The Prince & Princess

Member since 7/05

4939 total posts


Re: I'm scared...people tell me I'll know when I'm in labor, but how?!?!

Posted by smdl

Jill, call your dr. and try to pull in your appt.

Sophie--I just called---they are booked Chat Icon

Posted 4/5/07 11:41 AM

I love Gary too..on a plate!

Member since 5/06

32461 total posts


Re: I'm scared...people tell me I'll know when I'm in labor, but how?!?!

Posted by MsKitty1274

Posted by smdl

Jill, call your dr. and try to pull in your appt.

Sophie--I just called---they are booked Chat Icon

Tell them you don't feel good and you are not sure whether it's labor or not.

That's what I did yesterday with mine!

Posted 4/5/07 11:57 AM

Life is good...

Member since 9/05

18504 total posts


Re: I'm scared...people tell me I'll know when I'm in labor, but how?!?!

I had contractions for weeks before I went into labor. It used to really annoy me when people would say "you'll KNOW when you're in labor."

So, sorry to say this, but they were right. You WILL know. It is just one pain that makes you say "this baby is going to be born today." The pain is very intense, not just uncomfortable like the contractions you're having now.

Posted 4/5/07 12:45 PM

The Prince & Princess

Member since 7/05

4939 total posts


Re: I'm scared...people tell me I'll know when I'm in labor, but how?!?!

Posted by smdl

Posted by MsKitty1274

Posted by smdl

Jill, call your dr. and try to pull in your appt.

Sophie--I just called---they are booked Chat Icon

Tell them you don't feel good and you are not sure whether it's labor or not.

That's what I did yesterday with mine!

i called back and explained what's going on....have an appt for tomrrow AM, with the phys. asst.

Posted 4/5/07 1:24 PM

I love Gary too..on a plate!

Member since 5/06

32461 total posts


Re: I'm scared...people tell me I'll know when I'm in labor, but how?!?!

Posted by MsKitty1274

Posted by smdl

Posted by MsKitty1274

Posted by smdl

Jill, call your dr. and try to pull in your appt.

Sophie--I just called---they are booked Chat Icon

Tell them you don't feel good and you are not sure whether it's labor or not.

That's what I did yesterday with mine!

i called back and explained what's going on....have an appt for tomrrow AM, with the phys. asst.

Good... better safe then sorry!

Posted 4/5/07 1:45 PM

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