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she's baaccckkkk ;)
Member since 5/06 23378 total posts
Name: remember, when Gulliver traveled....
I'm sure this will be moved but honestly I need the exposure. It's TMI. warning.
If someone passes stool and notices blood droplets in the water, and has experienced this on and off for a few days, what should she/he do?
options as I see them are
1) wait until dr. and staff are back in their office on Monday (today is thursday)
2) go to the emergency room or find another doctor.
any other options out there? would you collect samples?
sorry for the egregious rule bending.
Posted 2/21/08 2:37 PM |
Unconditional Love
Member since 4/06 6005 total posts
Name: Chrissy
Re: I'm sure this will be moved but honestly I need the exposure. It's TMI. warning.
choice a - wait for the doctor.
Posted 2/21/08 2:39 PM |
life is a carousel
Member since 7/07 14956 total posts
Name: M
Re: I'm sure this will be moved but honestly I need the exposure. It's TMI. warning.
You need to call up a gastroenthrologist (sp?) and make an appt. asap! But don't flush until after you ask that dr.'s office when you are making an appt. whether or not they need it.
Hope all is okay!
Posted 2/21/08 2:39 PM |
Member since 3/07 39159 total posts
Re: I'm sure this will be moved but honestly I need the exposure. It's TMI. warning.
I don't think I would head to the ER, I would probably put a call into the drs answering service and see if the dr would advise me on what to do.
Posted 2/21/08 2:40 PM |
Partners in crime
Member since 10/05 14656 total posts
Name: Mama
Re: I'm sure this will be moved but honestly I need the exposure. It's TMI. warning.
I would go to a place like First Med (a mini ER that has a bunch of doctors and nurses).
Posted 2/21/08 2:43 PM |
Time for me to FLY!
Member since 5/05 13199 total posts
Name: Did I ever tell you that I hate people?
Re: I'm sure this will be moved but honestly I need the exposure. It's TMI. warning.
If the blood is red its probably just hemmoroids (or thats what I was told)
If thats the case I would wait for the Dr
Posted 2/21/08 2:45 PM |
live laugh love
Member since 8/06 5082 total posts
Name: Jess
Re: I'm sure this will be moved but honestly I need the exposure. It's TMI. warning.
you have FM
Posted 2/21/08 2:46 PM |
Plan B is Now Plan A
Member since 7/05 32475 total posts
Name: Susan
Re: I'm sure this will be moved but honestly I need the exposure. It's TMI. warning.
If it's bright red, then it's probably a hemmy...
Call the doc anyway.
Have you tried tucks or prep may help.
Don't panic.
Posted 2/21/08 4:41 PM |
only love...
Member since 5/05 2034 total posts
Name: <3
Re: I'm sure this will be moved but honestly I need the exposure. It's TMI. warning.
Posted by bicosi
You need to call up a gastroenthrologist (sp?) and make an appt. asap! But don't flush until after you ask that dr.'s office when you are making an appt. whether or not they need it.
Hope all is okay!
ITA! Skip medstat and your regular doctor, go directly to a GI doctor (do not pass go, do not collect $200).
Posted 2/21/08 7:13 PM |
I love Gary too..on a plate!
Member since 5/06 32461 total posts
Name: me
Re: I'm sure this will be moved but honestly I need the exposure. It's TMI. warning.
Red blood is "better" than dark/brown blood.
It's usually internal hemorrhoids.
Unless you feel pain, not yourself, you can probably wait. Call your dr. He/She will guide you on what to do. You may have to see a specialist such as gatroenterologist or colon/rectal surgeon.
Posted 2/21/08 9:36 PM |
boy mamma
Member since 5/05 2975 total posts
Name: Antoinette
Re: I'm sure this will be moved but honestly I need the exposure. It's TMI. warning.
probably hemmroids or an anal fissure.
ok Tmi but is it just streaking the feces or just when you wipe if so its probably hemm or fissure. if its darker and mixed in then its a different issuer.
Posted 2/22/08 12:36 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 6/05 1826 total posts
Name: Valerie
Re: I'm sure this will be moved but honestly I need the exposure. It's TMI. warning.
Its probably hemmorrhoids. If its like blood filling the toilet up or dark tarry stools that is a different story.
Posted 2/23/08 11:08 AM |
Re: I'm sure this will be moved but honestly I need the exposure. It's TMI. warning.
Ok here's my honest answer...don't go to the ER! If it's blood drops then relax and call the doctor. It could be hems, a tear if you have been constipated and about 100000000 other things. IF it is dark tarry and smelly THEN go to the er. This is MUCH more serious. I disagree with the others on seing a specialist. Most insurances you have to see your family doc first and get a referal. If you just book an appointment they A might not see you or B your insurance might not cover it. I would relax and see what happens. If you notice the toilet is VERY bloody then go to an ER. Remeber blood in a toilet, or any water for that matter, normally looks worse then it is. ReadyMeds, atleast where I live, are not mii ER's and will not see you if you're vomiting and can not hold down fluid, bleeding from the rectum or vagina, difficulty in breathing that is severe, and any other things that require testing. These are places for a cold that has gotten really bad on the weekend, stiches that will not require intensive work. They are glorified doctor's offices. FM if I can help, and keep in mind i'm from MI not NY so it might be different where you live!
Posted 2/23/08 2:37 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 11/05 9644 total posts
Name: Me
Re: I'm sure this will be moved but honestly I need the exposure. It's TMI. warning.
Posted by antoinette
probably hemmroids or an anal fissure.
ok Tmi but is it just streaking the feces or just when you wipe if so its probably hemm or fissure. if its darker and mixed in then its a different issuer.
I agree. Wait until Monday and then call a proctologist - they can tell you if its one of these two less serious things which are relatively easy to fix! I wouldn't worry it is probably nothing serious at all!
Posted 2/24/08 11:55 AM |