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In need of DayCare advice

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Laugh-Live-Love LIFE!

Member since 10/06

14432 total posts


In need of DayCare advice

For those who have searched and use daycare, what do you look for, what did you ask?
I don't need recommendations because I do not live in NY (I recently moved to NC)
Our baby girl will be about 4 months oldChat Icon and since we don't know a ton of people down here yet, we need to do a lot of research ourselves.


Posted 11/16/07 8:59 AM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource

I love Gary too..on a plate!

Member since 5/06

32461 total posts


Re: In need of DayCare advice

- Do a research on violations
- How clean is the place, are things broken?
- How are the children interacting with the daycare providers (are they happy, smiled at, or are they left alone in their crib, etc..?)

Posted 11/16/07 9:24 AM


Member since 5/05

11165 total posts


Re: In need of DayCare advice

I asked people-i'm new to ct in terms of daycare/family things too, so i asked other moms at dr's appts, people i worked with, people dh worked with for any recs, places to stay away from.

i looked for
-cleanliness-smell and overall appearance
-happiness of the babies
-happiness of the staff
-clear structure in classrooms
-locked entry
-qualifications/age of staff
-newness of gear and equipment
-room size that babies would be in and how many kids in one room
-price of course
-and i looked at the older kids in their classrooms since we figured we wouldn' want to switch
-we asked about security policies-who can pickup, come in
-if they take kids outside
-what they do if they have a problem child
-policies regarding feeding, bottles, meds, etc.

someone gave me the best advice-no matter how nice the center is, if your not comfy with something or your gut is screaming at you, look elsewhere, you would not be able to leave your baby somewhere you are not 150% comfy with.

good luck!Chat Icon

Posted 11/16/07 9:30 AM

Beyond Compare

Member since 5/05

17988 total posts


Re: In need of DayCare advice

Posted by smdl

- Do a research on violations
- How clean is the place, are things broken?
- How are the children interacting with the daycare providers (are they happy, smiled at, or are they left alone in their crib, etc..?)

These are great ones! I have a few more to add with them:

- How many teachers per child in the room?
- Typical day for the children in that room?
- Do they document the day (feedings, diaper changes, sleep)?
- What are their safety & hygeine practices (do they have to wear gloves when changing a diaper, how do they evacuate the children in an emergency)?

With all of these things in mind, I have to also say that a very important thing is how YOU feel about the people that you meet. I went to one daycare that on paper looked great (including my own checklist) but I just got a weird vibe from the teachers and staff. It just wasn't the place for us.

Posted 11/16/07 9:34 AM

Laugh-Live-Love LIFE!

Member since 10/06

14432 total posts


Re: In need of DayCare advice

Great, keep them coming!

Posted 11/16/07 9:35 AM

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