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Member since 2/08 3673 total posts
Induction/Hospital Question For Anyone Who May Know
I am being induced on Friday at St. Charles. My DOCTOR said nothing about not eating/any rules to follow before I arrive early AM. Should I eat breakfast since I can end up on ice chips for hours and hours depending on how long I am in labor? Or, is it better not to eat the morning of? Also...what is the procedure for induction? How long do they try it for usually? You'd think I would have been told all this but my DOCTOR and HIS STAFF say only the basic which makes me hope the labor and delivery nurses will go over things with me.
Also..should we bring in my hospital bag and pillows right away or do we leave them in the car until I deliver and have a room?
Thanks a bunch
Posted 10/1/08 10:03 AM |
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Member since 12/06 23090 total posts
Name: C
Re: Induction/Hospital Question For Anyone Who May Know
I was induced at St. there at 7pm. They told me to go out and have a nice big meal for dinner there were no restrictions about not eating/drinking. I ended up puking that all up, but still Every doctor may be different, so I would check though.
I was in my hospital bed by 7:30pm (took about 30 minutes to register downstairs). I was already having contractions on my own that I couldn't feel, and progressing, so I didn't need Cervadil, thankfully! Just Pitocin. I had a quick labor-- I had DD by 2:30am, so less than 7 hours total. But again, my body was already getting ready when I checked in.
I brought my bag and everything with me. ALthough I did leave the boppy in the car, DH brought it in the next day.
Good luck! They were all awesome to me there!
Message edited 10/1/2008 10:17:28 AM.
Posted 10/1/08 10:14 AM |
you rang?

Member since 6/08 5573 total posts
Re: Induction/Hospital Question For Anyone Who May Know
I would eat a nice, filling meal if I was you. Your labor could last hours, longer even and once you check in, that's it, no more food. So get something in while you still can.
Posted 10/1/08 10:16 AM |
Love her!
Member since 2/08 3673 total posts
Re: Induction/Hospital Question For Anyone Who May Know
BOPPY? I should bring that with me to the hospital?
Posted by nbc188
I was induced at St. there at 7pm. They told me to go out and have a nice big meal for dinner there were no restrictions about not eating/drinking. I ended up puking that all up, but still Every doctor may be different, so I would check though.
I was in my hospital bed by 7:30pm (took about 30 minutes to register downstairs). I was already having contractions on my own that I couldn't feel, and progressing, so I didn't need Cervadil, thankfully! Just Pitocin. I had a quick labor-- I had DD by 2:30am, so less than 7 hours total. But again, my body was already getting ready when I checked in.
I brought my bag and everything with me. ALthough I did leave the boppy in the car, DH brought it in the next day.
Good luck! They were all awesome to me there!
Posted 10/1/08 10:18 AM |
Best friends!

Member since 12/06 23090 total posts
Name: C
Re: Induction/Hospital Question For Anyone Who May Know
Posted by BabyLove08
BOPPY? I should bring that with me to the hospital?
Posted by nbc188
I was induced at St. there at 7pm. They told me to go out and have a nice big meal for dinner there were no restrictions about not eating/drinking. I ended up puking that all up, but still Every doctor may be different, so I would check though.
I was in my hospital bed by 7:30pm (took about 30 minutes to register downstairs). I was already having contractions on my own that I couldn't feel, and progressing, so I didn't need Cervadil, thankfully! Just Pitocin. I had a quick labor-- I had DD by 2:30am, so less than 7 hours total. But again, my body was already getting ready when I checked in.
I brought my bag and everything with me. ALthough I did leave the boppy in the car, DH brought it in the next day.
Good luck! They were all awesome to me there!
If you plan to BF, I would bring it & leave it in the car until you're back in the room with your baby. It came in very handy for me.
Message edited 10/1/2008 10:19:52 AM.
Posted 10/1/08 10:19 AM |

Member since 4/07 22952 total posts
Name: J
Re: Induction/Hospital Question For Anyone Who May Know
I would probably have a piece of toast at least in the morning. You will be STARVING if your labor is long.
Then to top it off, you'll probably be eating ice chips while being told 'use your imagination' as I was, and watching TV with food commercials. Pure torture.
Posted 10/1/08 10:24 AM |
Love my two girls!!
Member since 11/07 1966 total posts
Name: Stephy
Re: Induction/Hospital Question For Anyone Who May Know
I was induced and no one told me about what I should or shouldn't have eaten either.....I was so nervous that I really didn't eat dinner the night before and went in for my induction at 5:30 a.m.....needless to say I was starving by the end and since I told them I hadn;t eaten they gave me sugar water on top of the IV fluids and I blew up like a balloon....
Definitely try to eat something a few hours will need all the energy you can get!!!
Good Luck!!!
Its not that bad....I had a fairly short induction process...12 hours total!!!
Posted 10/1/08 11:50 AM |
All good things in 2016!!

Member since 8/05 20181 total posts
Re: Induction/Hospital Question For Anyone Who May Know
I would eat light. Many women vomit during labor. I know I was throwing up pretty bad when they took out my epidural. I am getting induced on Friday as well and plan to only have toast Good Luck
Message edited 10/1/2008 11:54:37 AM.
Posted 10/1/08 11:53 AM |
Life is So Wonderful!

Member since 8/06 6663 total posts
Name: Angela
Re: Induction/Hospital Question For Anyone Who May Know
My friend (Christina on the boards) was just induced this past sunday night. she was able to eat normally until i believe 2pm and then could only have broth until she was admitted at 8pm. thereafter they gave her ice chips.
Posted 10/1/08 2:22 PM |