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Is 31 weeks too late to change Drs? Long vent...

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Mom of 2 Princesses

Member since 9/07

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Is 31 weeks too late to change Drs? Long vent...

This is kind of a long story – so please bear with me.

On Mon am around 3:30 I woke up feeling period like cramps in my abdomen, I felt another set at 4:30 and then again at 5:00. I didn’t think they were actually contractions, and once they stopped at 5:00 I felt fine. Then on Monday, I told people about them and they encouraged me to call my Dr. So I called, but no one picked up. I left a message on the general voicemail – spelling out my last name and explaining the situation and left my cell #. Well, after a couple of hours, still no one called me back, so I tried calling again – no answer – every few hours I called and still got no answer – I even called their other office to make sure the main office was open on Monday, and was told yes, they are really busy on Mondays – keep trying.

Well I never got a call from them. So the next morning I called again and someone actually picked up the phone. I told them I had been waiting for a call back and the person who answered said she called 2X. Now, I have no missed calls on my cell phone and there were no messages in my voice mail – but OK – I’m fine – I didn’t really think it was that big of a deal – until I talked to my DR and she said I needed to go to the hospital ASAP and that it could be silent labor and I’m only 30 weeks etc… Then – I complained that they should have tried to reach me if they thought it was an emergency situation – I mean, they have my home # and my work # on file – and if I hadn’t picked up my phone after trying to call me 2X they should have called one of my other #s.

My Dr said they didn’t have my last name, so they didn’t know how to look up my other #s. This is BS, b/c I ALWAYS spell my last name – my last name is not easy to spell, nor is it spelled the way it sounds, so I never not leave the spelling of my name. . . All my dr said was that she didn’t know anything about that. No apology - nothing. …

I went to the hospital triage – was there for about 4 hours – Never saw one of the Drs from my practice – only saw the hospital’s midwife. Everyone was very nice, but I was kinda left feeling abandoned. Then I was told to come back today to get the test results they did in the hospital. When I went in – I saw a new DR that just joined the staff – fine except, she had no idea that I was in the hospital and thought I was just in for a regular visit. She also didn’t know that I had a LEEP procedure on my cervix many years ago and that is why they were worried when I felt cramping on Monday. While I was waiting in the hallway for my test results to come in – I saw my regular DR – and it took her about 30 minutes of her passing by me at least 7 times to stop and ask what I was waiting so long for. Not for nothing – but a “hi – how are you feeling?” would have been nice from a DR who I’ve been seeing over 5 years. I mean – I don’t expect her to know my name or stop for a full fledged conversation, but I am visibly pregnant and I have seen her many times in the last 7 months – would 10 seconds be too much?. ..

Before this – I had a problem with the practice in that when I tried to renew my pre-natal vitamin prescription via my mail order service – the brand I use was discontinued and they needed a new prescription. The service first called the DR’s office directly, but when no one returned their call, the service called me. I left a voice mail at the office, but no one called back. Rather than complain, I just got a new prescription the next time I went to the office. I had one or 2 other similar experiences, but I won’t bore you any more.

I am concerned that now the staff at the office sees me as a trouble maker b/c I complained about them not trying hard enough to reach me. I’m also feeling more like a # and not as much a patient – if you know what I mean…

Am I overreacting? Am I truly pregnant and hormonal? I am really thinking of changing practices - but is it too late at 31 weeks?

Posted 1/17/08 4:38 PM
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Re: Is 31 weeks too late to change Drs? Long vent...

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thats awful. they really should be treating you better.

imo yes 31 weeks is a bit late to switch, but if you are really uncomfortable with them, then by all means switch.

it suck s that this should be the best time of your life and you are stressing about your doctor.

and don't worry about being a pain in the butt, call when you have a question or concern. who cares what they say about you?

Posted 1/17/08 4:42 PM

Feeling Blessed

Member since 6/07

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Re: Is 31 weeks too late to change Drs? Long vent...

I don't want to be pushy, but SWITCH NOW. If this is how they treat you when you are having "small" concerns such as refilling prescriptions and mild cramping, how are they going to treat you when you have one of the biggest moments of your life - giving birth to your baby? You deserve more.

This may sound harsh, but it should be a matter of consumerism. Think about the doctor's office as you would a store or a service you're paying for - only to an enormous, immeasurable degree....Would you return to receive service from a co./corp that ignored you or made your complains seem trivial? Would you return to a deli that tossed your sandwich to you, then when you requested mayo on your sandwich instead of mustard, would you just grin and bear it if they ignored you and you still had to pay an obscene amount of money for the "service"? Doctors are in business to HELP you, FIX you, SERVE you, not to bother you and annoy you and deny you. You deserve better.

Sorry for the rant, but I'm definitely annoyed with doctors and pharmacies and insurance companies lately...

Posted 1/17/08 4:57 PM

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Re: Is 31 weeks too late to change Drs? Long vent...

Honestly, if you aren't comfortable and feel that you aren't getting the care that you deserve.... I would say switch!

Nothing is more important than your confidence in your doctor, and how secure you feel in him/her delivering your child!


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Posted 1/17/08 5:00 PM

LIF Adult

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Re: Is 31 weeks too late to change Drs? Long vent...

The last name thing is BS and I'm sure that they did not call you back. It's a hard one because I know myself and I probably wouldn't change practices because I'm a sucka. Do I think you should - yes. They can send all of your records over to any new doctor overnight so they would have your records.

It makes me very uncomfortable that you had that experience - what if......... You would be seeing a doctor you didn't know anyway.

Posted 1/17/08 5:25 PM

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Re: Is 31 weeks too late to change Drs? Long vent...

I would switch now. You obviously feel that you can't trust them and you NEED to be able to trust your doctors. I think they gave you a load of BS about not knowing your last name etc.

Posted 1/17/08 5:31 PM

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Re: Is 31 weeks too late to change Drs? Long vent...

Posted by VegasLisa

Honestly, if you aren't comfortable and feel that you aren't getting the care that you deserve.... I would say switch!

Nothing is more important than your confidence in your doctor, and how secure you feel in him/her delivering your child!


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Posted 1/17/08 5:57 PM

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Re: Is 31 weeks too late to change Drs? Long vent...

I don't think its EVER too late to switch. I had a horrible experience with my gyno after a missed miscarriage and I switched on the spot and wrote her a detailed letter why. Its a little late but I would get a new doc. Trust me, when you are about to deliver and are totally scared, you want someone there you can trust.Chat Icon

Posted 1/17/08 6:04 PM

Sister love

Member since 2/06

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Re: Is 31 weeks too late to change Drs? Long vent...

Its not too late to switch, I think you should. You should have 100% confidence in your doctor.

Posted 1/17/08 7:12 PM

Mom of 2 Princesses

Member since 9/07

2540 total posts


Re: Is 31 weeks too late to change Drs? Long vent...

Thanks so much for all your responses. I am going to look for a new dr. tomorrow. Anyone know a female Dr. that is affiliated with Winthrop? or I'd go to Plainview or Syosset...

Thing is that I'm already signed up with Winthrop for Childbirth classes, so I'm thinking I should stay with Winthrop.

Posted 1/17/08 7:41 PM

Love my girls!

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Re: Is 31 weeks too late to change Drs? Long vent...

I've switched for lesser things... I say switch. When I had some minor spotting I got a call back right away from the doc on call, in my case it wasn't something to worry about but to ease my mind he welcomed me to call the office the following morning and stop in. I did and the doctor that was there was so nice. I even appologized for "bothering" them about something that turned out to be nothing, her response was that it was no bother and that they are there for me and to help me have a happy baby.

Posted 1/17/08 7:47 PM


Member since 5/05

2313 total posts


Re: Is 31 weeks too late to change Drs? Long vent...

I think if you want to switch you should definatly switch. You need to be able to get in touch with your dr any time you need them. I highly recomennd Dr. Hannour in Garden city she's affiliated with Winthrop and so nice and caring.

Posted 1/17/08 8:40 PM

i run for bacon

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Re: Is 31 weeks too late to change Drs? Long vent...

It is not too late to switch. I just switched at 22.5 weeks and I told the new dr. I was concerned about switching so late. She told me that I was one of the early "switchers" and that they recently had a patient switch 3 days before she gave birth!!!! So, no, yu afre not too late!

Posted 1/17/08 10:07 PM

My Babies

Member since 5/05

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Re: Is 31 weeks too late to change Drs? Long vent...

Sounds a lot like my practice. I would call another doctor and sk them. You definitely want to be able to get in touch with someone when your in labor!!

Posted 1/17/08 10:14 PM

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