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Is anyone else avoiding people's birth stories on here?

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My Everything!

Member since 11/05

35670 total posts


Is anyone else avoiding people's birth stories on here?

New moms -

I appreciate the time you take to let everyone know about your birth story - and I try to read them - I do, but man, I get to a point and tell myself - OKAYyyyy, all done reading now!

I can't do it. I can't read them. They freak me out. There is one now that said the cord blood banking hurt??? Why did I read that, now I can't get it out of my mind....

I LOVE, LOVE LOVE the pics of the babies.... and ladies, keep posting your birth stories because I'm sure they help a lot of women, and I want to read them to know what to expect, but I can't do it....

Please don't flame me - it's more about my own terror of whats to come - does anyone else feel the same way, or am I the only one???

Just remind me of this post when I write up my own birth story. OR - I can just fool all the pther moms-to-be and say - oh, it was painless.... water broke, I pushed for 5 minutes, and voila, heres my baby!

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Posted 1/9/07 7:47 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05

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Re: Is anyone else avoiding people's birth stories on here?

I was the same way.

And regarding the cord blood, both times mine was harvested after I'd delivered the placenta, so I didn't feel a thing.

Posted 1/9/07 7:57 AM

Balancing act on a highwire

Member since 5/05

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Re: Is anyone else avoiding people's birth stories on here?

I didn't make mine negative...I hope Chat Icon

I keep taking about how it wasn't bad (only pushed 15 min) . I've also been in several easy deliveries as a medstudent, so it does happen often enough...

Dont't worry!

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Message edited 1/9/2007 8:50:53 AM.

Posted 1/9/07 8:46 AM

party of five

Member since 9/06

11343 total posts


Re: Is anyone else avoiding people's birth stories on here?

i dont even attempt to open them since I am terrified

Posted 1/9/07 9:03 AM

I hope you stay beautiful baby

Member since 5/05

8356 total posts


Re: Is anyone else avoiding people's birth stories on here?

I like reading them! I want to be as prepared as possible!!

Posted 1/9/07 9:21 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 8/05

692 total posts


Re: Is anyone else avoiding people's birth stories on here?

i'm also avoiding reading birth stories. i really shouldn't, tho. some of the birth stories are good for me to understand what to expect. but i have been avoiding it because it makes me nervous. maybe i'll read up on them as i near my 35th week... ;D

Posted 1/9/07 9:24 AM

I'm a rolling machine.

Member since 9/06

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Re: Is anyone else avoiding people's birth stories on here?

Chat Icon About 6 months in with my daughter and I realized: OMG...there's no turning back, there are only 2 ways out for this baby...I push it out or they cut it out.Chat Icon Chat Icon The thoughts would freak me out and leave me sleepless wondering how I could elude this fate. Silly...but quite normal I'm sure. This time around, I'm not really looking forward to labor again, but at least now I know it really isn't the worst thing I'll ever experience. I will say that your very reasoning is why I won't watch the TV shows though.Chat Icon

Posted 1/9/07 10:27 AM

My Everything!

Member since 11/05

35670 total posts


Re: Is anyone else avoiding people's birth stories on here?

Thanks ladies - even in books or magazines, when I see pics of women all spread out and pushing, I turn the page ASAP - I'm such a baby, I know - but holy geez - I am freaked!!!

Posted 1/9/07 10:31 AM


Member since 5/05

34581 total posts


Re: Is anyone else avoiding people's birth stories on here?

Posted by snuggleupagus

Chat Icon About 6 months in with my daughter and I realized: OMG...there's no turning back, there are only 2 ways out for this baby...I push it out or they cut it out.Chat Icon Chat Icon The thoughts would freak me out and leave me sleepless wondering how I could elude this fate. Silly...but quite normal I'm sure. This time around, I'm not really looking forward to labor again, but at least now I know it really isn't the worst thing I'll ever experience. I will say that your very reasoning is why I won't watch the TV shows though.Chat Icon

This is how I feel.

I get very nervous reading the stories as well, but want to be prepared at the same time.

Im always torn...but right now I am FREAKING out and at only 18 weeks cry to DH that Im not not sure I will be able to get this baby out of me.

Posted 1/9/07 11:26 AM

Say Cheese!

Member since 1/06

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A (formerly WhatNow?)

Re: Is anyone else avoiding people's birth stories on here?

I would imagine those stories should make all the expecting moms feel good--after all, information is power!

I know I appreciated all the birth stories when expecting my son--both positive and negatives. They made me more prepared and gave me clues on what to research and what to look out for.

Message edited 1/9/2007 11:29:13 AM.

Posted 1/9/07 11:28 AM

just the girls

Member since 5/05

9461 total posts


Re: Is anyone else avoiding people's birth stories on here?

Dont worry, you will be fine, our bodies were made to handle this. After a week later and I feel great, ready to have another one sometime soon. You'd be amazed what us women are capable of!!!

Posted 1/10/07 12:00 AM

LIF Toddler

Member since 12/06

411 total posts

In due time. No pun intended.

Re: Is anyone else avoiding people's birth stories on here?

I think it is true that more stories come from people who were in situations where they have stories to tell. I have a friend who did have a truly easy time (actually, a tough pregnancy but an easy delivery). I don't know if she would even bother to write up a summary of what happened with her delivery, but she would talk more about the problems during the pregnancy.

Posted 1/10/07 12:52 AM

#2 on the way!

Member since 5/05

1723 total posts


Re: Is anyone else avoiding people's birth stories on here?

Everyone's experience is different. I had worked it up to be terrible, but it wasn't nearly as bad as I expected.

Posted 1/10/07 5:47 AM

life is good

Member since 10/06

9258 total posts


Re: Is anyone else avoiding people's birth stories on here?

I'm avoiding them for now, but once my time gets closer, I'll probably go back and read them all. Right now, delivery is a fake reality to me. Chat Icon

Posted 1/10/07 7:14 AM

My Everything!

Member since 11/05

35670 total posts


Re: Is anyone else avoiding people's birth stories on here?

Posted by girlygrl33

Dont worry, you will be fine, our bodies were made to handle this. After a week later and I feel great, ready to have another one sometime soon. You'd be amazed what us women are capable of!!!


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I LOOOVE hearing those comments from new moms...

Maybe when I am in my 30-something week, like InShock, i will go back and read some of them... I know knowledge is power - that is why I'm starting a birthing class today - its just anticipating the worst that freaks me out....

After the fact, I can see myself reading birth stories and comparing notes... but right now, I keep cringing, grabbing my crotch and saying "Yikes..."

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Posted 1/10/07 8:17 AM

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