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is it possible to use a midwife for a VBAC?

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Sweet Jessie Quinn

Member since 5/05

27567 total posts


is it possible to use a midwife for a VBAC?

I should have never watched Business of Being Born.

I am fine with c-sections...I think I was pushed into mine so that my dr would have 1 less patient to worry about over Christmas.

Baby was big...but c-section was scheduled on my due date.(12/18) I asked if I could go a week to see what happens, he wasn't open to it at all.

Had a perfect c-section and perfect baby...but I want a choice next time around.


Posted 8/2/08 11:19 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: is it possible to use a midwife for a VBAC?

Not sure. I used my OB for mine.

Posted 8/2/08 11:24 PM

Me and my Monkey

Member since 7/06

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Re: is it possible to use a midwife for a VBAC?

My mom is a midwife and she didn't have a problem with it. She only delivered in a hospital though.

Posted 8/2/08 11:44 PM

Sweet Jessie Quinn

Member since 5/05

27567 total posts


Re: is it possible to use a midwife for a VBAC?

thanks. I moved out of my old neighborhood, so a new OB practice makes sense anyway.

I am so overdo for a gyno I am trying to figure out which route to take.

Posted 8/3/08 12:19 AM

Sister love

Member since 2/06

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Re: is it possible to use a midwife for a VBAC?

Many midwives do VBACs. Every midwife I interviewed did them. Chat Icon

Posted 8/3/08 12:45 AM

my 4 boys!

Member since 6/06

7396 total posts


Re: is it possible to use a midwife for a VBAC?

Just a Nicu nurse speaking but i say NO!!!!

Posted 8/3/08 5:59 AM

It's a Good Life

Member since 8/06

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Isn't it obvious?

Re: is it possible to use a midwife for a VBAC?

Posted by Janice

I should have never watched Business of Being Born.

I am dying to see it. But I know it's going to do another # on my brain.

If my OB is not on par with me wanting to try for a VBAC, I will be looking for a midwife....I believe the Stony Brook ones are OK with VBACs, but don't quote me on that...I haven't done any research....yet Chat Icon

Posted 8/3/08 7:09 AM

i run for bacon

Member since 5/05

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Re: is it possible to use a midwife for a VBAC?

Mine do. We actually already talked about it for my next baby.

Posted 8/3/08 9:03 AM

i run for bacon

Member since 5/05

20584 total posts


Re: is it possible to use a midwife for a VBAC?

Posted by chelle

Posted by Janice

I should have never watched Business of Being Born.

I am dying to see it. But I know it's going to do another # on my brain.

If my OB is not on par with me wanting to try for a VBAC, I will be looking for a midwife....I believe the Stony Brook ones are OK with VBACs, but don't quote me on that...I haven't done any research....yet Chat Icon

Yes, the Stony Brook ones are OK with VBACs.

Posted 8/3/08 9:03 AM

Sweet Jessie Quinn

Member since 5/05

27567 total posts


Re: is it possible to use a midwife for a VBAC?

great thanks!

I just want to investigate all avenues.

Posted 8/3/08 9:30 AM


Member since 12/06

16001 total posts


Re: is it possible to use a midwife for a VBAC?

I used Stony Brook midwives and encourage VBAC. Of course that doesn't help much since you are in NC Chat Icon

Posted 8/3/08 9:46 AM

Mom of Three

Member since 9/05

7900 total posts


Re: is it possible to use a midwife for a VBAC?

Posted by JTK

Just a Nicu nurse speaking but i say NO!!!!

Thank you, as a professional, for saying this!! I didn't want to be a downer but I was thinking that VBACs are very risky, I would only use an OB. I know midwives will say they can do VBACs, the one in my OBs office even told me she could deliver my breech baby via vbirth, but I think the safest thing is with an OB.

Posted 8/3/08 1:59 PM

Sweet Jessie Quinn

Member since 5/05

27567 total posts


Re: is it possible to use a midwife for a VBAC?

thanks. I am sure Leo is going to think I am out of my mind and my mother and father, nurses, are protesting.

just checking out optionsChat Icon

Posted 8/3/08 2:10 PM

Disney cruise bound!

Member since 5/05

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Re: is it possible to use a midwife for a VBAC?

Posted by Elizabeth

Posted by JTK

Just a Nicu nurse speaking but i say NO!!!!

Thank you, as a professional, for saying this!! I didn't want to be a downer but I was thinking that VBACs are very risky, I would only use an OB. I know midwives will say they can do VBACs, the one in my OBs office even told me she could deliver my breech baby via vbirth, but I think the safest thing is with an OB.

Not every person that has a c-section is eligible for a vbac but given the right circumstances, vbac's aren't as risky as the public perceives them. VBAC's are safest when you avoid as much medical intervention as possible (i.e., no inductions/pitocin) Personally I believe you have a better chance at a successful VBAC if using a midwife vs. an OB.
Just my 2 cents from a labor & delivery nurse. Chat Icon

Posted 8/3/08 2:47 PM

I love Hypnobabies

Member since 3/06

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Re: is it possible to use a midwife for a VBAC?

Posted by Disneygirl

Posted by Elizabeth

Posted by JTK

Just a Nicu nurse speaking but i say NO!!!!

Thank you, as a professional, for saying this!! I didn't want to be a downer but I was thinking that VBACs are very risky, I would only use an OB. I know midwives will say they can do VBACs, the one in my OBs office even told me she could deliver my breech baby via vbirth, but I think the safest thing is with an OB.

Not every person that has a c-section is eligible for a vbac but given the right circumstances, vbac's aren't as risky as the public perceives them. VBAC's are safest when you avoid as much medical intervention as possible (i.e., no inductions/pitocin) Personally I believe you have a better chance at a successful VBAC if using a midwife vs. an OB.
Just my 2 cents from a labor & delivery nurse. Chat Icon

Thank you for saying this. The perception of VBAC is so skewed these days -- yet no one ever seems to talk about the risks of repeat C-sections.

Most midwives will do VBACs and you will have a better chance of success with them because a midwives tend to be more hands-off -- the use of pitocin and other labor inducing drugs increase your chances of rupture and OBs have a really hard time steering clear of these drugs.

ETA: This new anti-VBAC trend actually comes from uterine ruptures caused by OBs using cytotec to induce labor -- they were using it (some still do) off-label, meaning the FDA hadn't approved it for inducing labor.

Message edited 8/3/2008 5:47:41 PM.

Posted 8/3/08 5:41 PM

I love Hypnobabies

Member since 3/06

2333 total posts


Re: is it possible to use a midwife for a VBAC?

Posted by JTK

Just a Nicu nurse speaking but i say NO!!!!

Just curious, why exactly do you think a midwife would be unable or unsuitable to attend a VBAC?

Posted 8/3/08 6:07 PM

Ultimate Expression of LOVE

Member since 6/08

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Re: is it possible to use a midwife for a VBAC?

My midwife group will do V-bacs.....they won't do a homebirth V-bac though you have to be in a hospital........... I also knwo that that they need a bunch of infomration ahead of time about your c-section etc.......

Posted 8/3/08 6:07 PM

my 4 boys!

Member since 6/06

7396 total posts


Re: is it possible to use a midwife for a VBAC?

Posted by Dragonfly75

Posted by JTK

Just a Nicu nurse speaking but i say NO!!!!

Just curious, why exactly do you think a midwife would be unable or unsuitable to attend a VBAC?

i am just giving my opinion.. honestly, it can go very wrong. i wouldn't personally do a vbac, nor would i recommend one to my sisters or friends. in my opinion too risky. I guess if you are a delivery room nurse you see lots of good vbacs and great outcomes but as a NICU nurse we only see the bad ones. so it isn't the midwife that i think is unsuitable its just the vbac itself. i hope that answers your question.. again i want to say that i'm just giving MY opinion.

Posted 8/3/08 6:12 PM

I love Hypnobabies

Member since 3/06

2333 total posts


Re: is it possible to use a midwife for a VBAC?

Posted by JTK

Posted by Dragonfly75

Posted by JTK

Just a Nicu nurse speaking but i say NO!!!!

Just curious, why exactly do you think a midwife would be unable or unsuitable to attend a VBAC?

i am just giving my opinion.. honestly, it can go very wrong. i wouldn't personally do a vbac, nor would i recommend one to my sisters or friends. in my opinion too risky. I guess if you are a delivery room nurse you see lots of good vbacs and great outcomes but as a NICU nurse we only see the bad ones. so it isn't the midwife that i think is unsuitable its just the vbac itself. i hope that answers your question.. again i want to say that i'm just giving MY opinion.

Thanks. I'm glad you clarified that it's only a personal opinion. And, I'm sure you're well aware that as a NICU nurse, you would only see the bad outcomes of a VBAC birth -- you would never see the good outcomes, so it's natural for you to have a personal bias.

I have no personal experience with VBACs, but I have researched them extensively and the evidence over-whelming supports the fact that, as long as a woman meets certain criteria, VBAC is a safe and healthy option for both mother and baby.

I would highly encourage anyone considering either a VBAC or a repeat C-section to do some serious research of their own (meaning don't just take your doctors word on it) before you make your final decision.

Posted 8/3/08 6:31 PM

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