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it was only a matter of time.....

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she's baaccckkkk ;)

Member since 5/06

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remember, when Gulliver traveled....

Re: it was only a matter of time.....

Posted by greenfreak

Posted by Ophelia

Posted by DonnaJoe708

I agree with Stephanie. Why can't we just support one another regardless of whether or not we have children?

you can't. b/c you can't have feelings that are contrary or "offensive" to someone else and express them.

I think it's funny that NOT one of the "mothers' that got upset with me instead tried to comfort me, or assuage my fears about pregnancy, since I thought I made my love and wonderment of childbearing just as clear as my fears of it.

but instead, people took it to heart, got offended...and of course, I am mean unfeeling and whatever else.

You know as well as I do, when someone feels defensive, their first instinct is not to comfort the person that made them feel that way.

I was with you until the end with the comment about husbands not seeing their wives the same way again. I can see where that would upset someone. You really can't see how that could be taken personally?

Just as you want them to see past their initial reaction, so should we. We should consider that maybe if it had been worded differently, it wouldn't have caused an uproar. If that's not your style and you feel like you're censoring yourself, that's your right to post what you want. But you will get varying reactions to that, and you have to expect that also.

And at this point, it's affecting everyone here, an entire brand-new board that we're all thankful for. Differing opinions or not, this will turn into a Childless by Choice versus Parenting debacle if we let this continue.

Can't we all just get along?

I apologized for hurting anyone.

but one fm'd me..nothing. I am not an unreasonable person. I put forth my argument in a reasonable way, WITH a sincere apology. and I would fm anyone on this thread that was hurt by it b/c that was NOT my intention.

If it's MY post that is ruining this board for everyone else, I will gladly take it down. again, not my intention. at all.

Posted 3/10/09 2:52 PM


Member since 6/06

1547 total posts


Re: it was only a matter of time.....

Posted by BaseballWidow

Posted by KeithHernandez

but then, wouldn't that be 'relationships?'

hahaha you know?

I know this board was spawn from the conversation about people who were childless by choice, which is where my confusion lies. (lies? lay?)

But relationships board often has extended family issues and issues with our parents/in-laws, so not just for "childless families"

Just for the record, I know for a fact that this board's concept was talked about a while ago by someone NOT childless by choice and it just seems like it took hearing from a lot of people to get it up and running.

I agree...I am childless NOT by choice and thought this would be a safe place to deal with it, whether it was for the moment or forever.
I don't understand why we need to explain this any further. There is obviously a need for this board, although in my case I wish there wasn't.

Posted 3/10/09 2:54 PM


Member since 9/06

11483 total posts


Re: it was only a matter of time.....

I've actually seen births, and I actually cried. Sure, not all husbands would react that way, and a lot of them might remember that for a while, but I would hope that they would get past it. If anything, I'd hope it was more of a "Look what pain and suffering she went through for our child. I better give her LOTS of oral pleasure to make up for it!" Chat Icon

Posted 3/10/09 2:57 PM


Member since 9/06

11483 total posts


Re: it was only a matter of time.....

Posted by Ophelia

I apologized for hurting anyone.

but one fm'd me..nothing. I am not an unreasonable person. I put forth my argument in a reasonable way, WITH a sincere apology. and I would fm anyone on this thread that was hurt by it b/c that was NOT my intention.

If it's MY post that is ruining this board for everyone else, I will gladly take it down. again, not my intention. at all.

A serious, completely non-sarcastic Chat Icon

If I was p*ssed at something you said publicly, I wouldn't go so far to send an FM. I'd try to settle it publicly first, in the hopes the other po'd people would follow along and also be satisfied with the resolution, you know?

Posted 3/10/09 3:05 PM

Totally in love

Member since 8/06

12785 total posts


Re: it was only a matter of time.....

Posted by greenfreak
I better give her LOTS of oral pleasure to make up for it!" Chat Icon

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 3/10/09 3:10 PM

this is bliss.......

Member since 10/08

1234 total posts


Re: it was only a matter of time.....

Posted by KeithHernandez

Posted by MrsFab

Posted by KeithHernandez

This is where I am confused. NFR is a NON FAMILY RELATED board... where most of my 'non parent' LIF friends hang out.

Actually *I* hang out there more, b/c to be honest I dont have much in common with anyone on the parenting board b/c my kid is almost in college Chat Icon

I thought this board was for people who just never wanted children to express their frustrations and experiences?

If you are going to have children eventually, why not just post on NFR?

(I don't mean this to criticize...I'm honestly confused b/c I see a BIG difference btwn those who don't have kids YET and those who don't want kids)

you know?

my opinion- nfr stands for not family related- I consider DH and I a family- at some point we will add to that family (hopefully) but nevertheless, I feel like this board has the potential to address things that relate to our relationship as it stands now.

but then, wouldn't that be 'relationships?'

hahaha you know?

I know this board was spawn from the conversation about people who were childless by choice, which is where my confusion lies. (lies? lay?)

not to beat a dead horse- but marriage equals a family. While a relationship can be my mother, father, sister, friend, boss, etc. I just think its different, I dont know!

Message edited 3/10/2009 3:41:03 PM.

Posted 3/10/09 3:40 PM

Pookie Love

Member since 5/05

20229 total posts


Re: it was only a matter of time.....

I missed all the GOOD stuff - I always do - anyone - feel free to catch me up via FMChat Icon However, if the drama took off based on what I think it did - duhhhh - those are some of the reasons I am still childless. I am terrified of losing my own identity and only having that of a Mom, I am scared of not feeling pretty and sexy anymore - all those are true and how a lot of us feel, so what's there to take offense over?Chat Icon

Posted 3/10/09 3:46 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 9/07

858 total posts


Re: it was only a matter of time.....

I totally missed it all. Chat Icon If the thread's still here, I can't find it.

Would someone please send me an FM? Chat Icon

Posted 3/10/09 6:38 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 1/09

611 total posts


Re: it was only a matter of time.....

This is where I am confused. NFR is a NON FAMILY RELATED board... where most of my 'non parent' LIF friends hang out.

Actually *I* hang out there more, b/c to be honest I dont have much in common with anyone on the parenting board b/c my kid is almost in college Chat Icon

I thought this board was for people who just never wanted children to express their frustrations and experiences?

If you are going to have children eventually, why not just post on NFR?

(I don't mean this to criticize...I'm honestly confused b/c I see a BIG difference btwn those who don't have kids YET and those who don't want kids)

you know?

The board would be "Childless by Choice" if it were meant for only that group. I, as well as others from what I see, take this board to be just what I currently am, "Childless Family" .This is my interpertation anyway Chat Icon

Posted 3/10/09 8:12 PM

Welcome to the world Chase

Member since 9/08

6162 total posts


Re: it was only a matter of time.....

Posted by JennandRolo

I hope it doesnt lead to get this board removed. After lurking for a long time I was glad this board came about.

agreed!!!! To be quite honest..I felt kind of left out from this site..this makes me feel more welcome

Message edited 3/10/2009 10:51:18 PM.

Posted 3/10/09 10:50 PM
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