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Member since 12/05 23902 total posts
Name: Leslie
IUI question
According to my FF chart(which despite my loathing, has actually been pretty effective in organizing my cycle in the form of a visual) it has marked my O day the next day after my + on the OPK and the same day of my IUI. (I only did one as per my RE's instructions. Mind you my surge was in the morning which may be a part of my reason for asking the following question.
For those of you who had IUIs resulting in pregancy, did you have your IUI on your actual O day, before or afterwards? I ask out of ignorance as well as curiosity. I am trying to learn more as I go. I want to reach a point where I am less nervous about this whole process. Thanks for your patience and responses.
Posted 6/1/07 8:27 AM |
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Member since 8/06 11613 total posts
Name: L-Diddy EDD 11/11/11 :)
Re: IUI question
On both my pregnancies from IUI (chemical and miscarriage) I got IUIs the day after my + OPK and the day after that (on both rounds I forced the doctors to give me a second IUI, just in case). But both times I had taken Ovidrel to ovulate. Not sure if that's going to make any difference.
Posted 6/1/07 8:38 AM |
My everything!!!!!
Member since 5/05 2324 total posts
Name: Betty
Re: IUI question
Leslie, I don't have an answer for you but found this article to be very interesting..I think you have a good chance of this IUI working
Posted 6/1/07 8:41 AM |
My 3 Blessings

Member since 3/06 6551 total posts
Name: L
Re: IUI question
The IUI that resulted in pregnancy for me was also the day after my +. I never got a positive on the OPK, the doc just went by the bloodwork.
Posted 6/1/07 9:27 AM |
Two in Blue

Member since 5/05 20223 total posts
Name: Melissa
Re: IUI question
Posted by Goldi0218
According to my FF chart(which despite my loathing, has actually been pretty effective in organizing my cycle in the form of a visual) it has marked my O day the next day after my + on the OPK and the same day of my IUI. (I only did one as per my RE's instructions. Mind you my surge was in the morning which may be a part of my reason for asking the following question.
For those of you who had IUIs resulting in pregancy, did you have your IUI on your actual O day, before or afterwards? I ask out of ignorance as well as curiosity. I am trying to learn more as I go. I want to reach a point where I am less nervous about this whole process. Thanks for your patience and responses.
I'm surprised they are not giving you Ovidrel-it seems a lot more predictable than OPK's. Also have you gottne bloodwork for estradiol and LH before the IUI? Those are great indicators whne you are about to O-also can let you know if your folliues are mature
Posted 6/1/07 9:29 AM |
My miracles!

Member since 12/05 23902 total posts
Name: Leslie
Re: IUI question
Anita, thank you for posting this article. I read it and found it very helpful.
Posted by melijane I'm surprised they are not giving you Ovidrel-it seems a lot more predictable than OPK's. Also have you gottne bloodwork for estradiol and LH before the IUI? Those are great indicators whne you are about to O-also can let you know if your folliues are mature
I did not have any bloodwork done for estradiol and LH. As for Ovidrel, I did not know what it was, but I looked it up. I am going to guess that the reason why I wasn't asked to have bloodwork done or given anything to trigger ovulation was because I never had an issue with ovulation. I always ovulated. My many sonograms have shown that I have and which side I ovulated from. Up until now, there is really no reason to think that I have a problem with mature follicles. I know Dr. R recommended 6 IUI cycles before moving on to something else, but maybe he wanted to give it at least one chance before using any shots or medications. If my IUI does not work this time, I will ask him about that for the next one - it is always in the back of my head.
All of the tests and procedures I have had thus far seem to indicate that my cervical stenosis (not hormonal problems) is the reason why I have not gotten pregnant yet. I dont rule it out though, but I have to move at my level of comfort. Every time, I get comfy with things, somethig else pops up to make me nuts - you have all seen that!
Message edited 6/1/2007 9:46:16 AM.
Posted 6/1/07 9:45 AM |
Two in Blue

Member since 5/05 20223 total posts
Name: Melissa
Re: IUI question
I always ovulated on my own too-but ovidrel heps to time O-I can understand not giving that but I am surprised they are not checking LH and estradiol-maybe you should ask about that if this cycle isn't it for you-I hope it is though!
Posted 6/1/07 10:13 AM |
LIF Infant

Member since 5/06 83 total posts
Name: Maxine
Re: IUI question
I had my IUI on the day I ovulated-we just had perfect timing that day. I remember going to the Dr. everyday that week for a sono. Good Luck
Posted 6/1/07 11:59 AM |
My miracles!

Member since 12/05 23902 total posts
Name: Leslie
Re: IUI question
Posted by melijane I always ovulated on my own too-but ovidrel heps to time O-I can understand not giving that but I am surprised they are not checking LH and estradiol-maybe you should ask about that if this cycle isn't it for you-I hope it is though!
Me too. I do plan on asking. I am trying to make this whole thing as "natural" as I can without relying on medication. Yeah right. So far I have had different types of blood tests, sonograms, surgeries and what not - nothing natural about this anymore. I have to think that every patient is different, but I make mental notes of everything and question whenever possible.
And Melijane, you are a killer resource for all things TTC. You think of everything I dont think of. Thank you one hundred times over.
Posted 6/1/07 2:57 PM |
Peace out Homies!

Member since 5/05 20046 total posts
Name: Gerty ®
Re: IUI question
You should technically have the IUI the day before O so as to make sure the sperm are there when the egg is released. The sperm live up to four days so there is plenty of time for them to get to the egg.
As long as you are talking bloodwork, have you had your FSH checked. You should really request a full blood workup on CD3 and then again after O to make sure all hormones are working correctly.
That is, if this IUI doesn't work, which I'm hoping it does!!
Posted 6/1/07 3:03 PM |
My miracles!

Member since 12/05 23902 total posts
Name: Leslie
Re: IUI question
I had CD3 work done the cycle I had my surgery.
Posted 6/1/07 4:39 PM |