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Jack M. Levine

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LIF Adult

Member since 12/05

3715 total posts


Jack M. Levine

Anyone have any experience with this doctor? Any insight (good or bad) would be greatly appreciated.

Posted 10/24/17 3:03 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 6/16

989 total posts


Jack M. Levine

We saw him when my son was about 2. He is not warm and fuzzy and he is very to the point. My ped recommended him. We got an appointment quickly and when we went to see him the wait was about 10-15 min. He was extremely matter of fact. He spent about an hour-1 1/2 hours with us. He called my regular ped immediately and she was on the phone with me before I was out of the parking lot (That may not be his regular way of operating though. He and my pediatrician had a long standing relationship).
All in all, he was thorough and covered everything. He answered my questions, that I had at the time. Left with his email and he did answer a lot of questions for me that way.
We don't see him anymore because we live in Holbrook and the commute is too far and our insurance changed. Because of the location only, I do not think I would go back.
Most importantly do not expect hand holding or warm and fuzzy. You will not get that with him.

Posted 10/24/17 3:17 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 2/13

330 total posts


Jack M. Levine

He came to our home to diagnose our son. He was very blunt but good. However it was a shock to us and he doesn't really hold hands that much

Posted 10/27/17 11:53 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 2/13

330 total posts


Jack M. Levine

He came to our home to diagnose our son. He was very blunt but good. However it was a shock to us and he doesn't really hold hands that much

Posted 10/27/17 11:55 AM

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