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Jake has his first cold...

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Member since 5/05

17334 total posts


Jake has his first cold...

Jake got his first cold on Tuesday night... I stayed home with him on Wed then DH yesterday but today I had to drop him off at the sitters again. She does in home daycare with 2 other children and they are all sick too. Chat Icon So I HATED to have to drop him off again today but we are taking next week off so we couldn't afford to take any more time this week. Plus we are both super busy at work this week.

Do you think he's going to get sicker by being there today? Or do you think they all probably have the same bug? There was only 1 other child there today because the other one was home sick. But the one that was home sick was supposedly throwing up and had a fever, Jake didn't have any of that but now I'm worried he's going to catch that too.Chat Icon The kid that was there sounded gross, very congested, much sicker than Jake.

Is there anything I can tell the sitter to do that might help him not get sicker?

To top things off, when I took him to the Ped on Wednesday, the waiting room was so full of sick kids that I got sick too!! Chat Icon

I just hope his Christmas isn't ruined by being sick. Chat Icon

Posted 12/23/05 9:32 AM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource


Member since 5/05

11726 total posts


Re: Jake has his first cold...

Maybe tell the sitter not the let the kids share toys since he's likely to put it and hands in his mouth. Make sure they are washed/disenfected before it passes hands. Of course she should wash her hands after handling either of the kids (but I guess that would be rude to tell her that since she should know that)

When Nate got his first cold a few weeks ago, I just made sure to use the aspirator and saline drops to get the phlegm out. He never really developed a cough and I think catching the phlegm before it went into his lungs helped. As elavate his head when napping and sleeping.

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon to Jake and mommy. Hope you guys feel better.

Posted 12/23/05 11:06 AM


Member since 5/05

4457 total posts


Re: Jake has his first cold...

i hate to say this, but get use to having holidays spent a little differently than in the past, almost every holiday we have to cancel some oting because one og the kids is sick.
Personally, Id pick him up early, if his immune system is low, he can pick up any other liitle illnesses that one of the other 2 kids has. they may not all have the same germ. My rule is the don't go out until they are better for at leasy 24 hrs.

Posted 12/23/05 11:15 AM

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