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Job advice for DH

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Resident Insomniac

Member since 4/13

2051 total posts


Job advice for DH

My dh has been unhappy in his job for some time. His boss is a hot head and constantly berates him and puts him down. He wants to try to find a new job in the same field.

Here is the problem: His line of work is very specialized and all of the people in his boss' position know each other. It's a really small field. He is afraid that if he sends resumes out to any openings, it will immediately get back to his boss and he will get grief or even lose his current position because of it.

Is there any way to assure this doesn't happen? Is it tacky to put in his cover letter something to that affect? How can he avoid this?

Posted 1/20/15 9:10 AM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource

Bored Esq.

Member since 10/10

2156 total posts


Re: Job advice for DH

No advice but maybe he could couch the language in his cover letter to read something like this:

"I am currently employed at X and greatly enjoy my current position. The reason I am submitting my resume for your opening as __ (blah blah/position)__ is my desire to increase and develop my skillset in XX field/area, skills which I continue to hone in my current position but believe could be enhanced with new challenges presented outside my current place of employment.

I would be interested in speaking with you confidentially to discuss in greater detail the opportunity to match my experience and skills to such employment opportunties that I believe your company is offering. I look forward to our discussion and may be reached at 123-4567."

Feel free to change around things but I would aim for a tone like the one above. It implies "hey I want to interview at your company but please dont make a scene out of it.."..I guess? Good luck!

Posted 1/20/15 1:54 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 9/10

996 total posts


Job advice for DH

Is there any way he can network? Since his field is small maybe go to lunch with someone from another company and discuss the job opening and to get the message out that he is "quietly" looking.

I got my curretn position by having lunch in a group and venting about the position. I noted that it's hard to interview because I don't want to keep taking vacation days, etc.

As we were leaving, one of the people in the group told me to email my resume to his personal email. He then gave it to someone in another department. He also told them not to interview me if they weren't interested. We met at lunchtime. Then I had a second interview with the managers and here I am.

Most of my friends get jobs by networking so the resume goes directly to the people that can hire.

Or he can go to a recruiter. Not sure if that would work in his industry.

Posted 1/21/15 11:22 AM

Resident Insomniac

Member since 4/13

2051 total posts


Job advice for DH

Thank you. I appreciate the help, the letter seems like a good idea. Theres not very much opportunity for networking in his field without everyone being present.

Posted 1/21/15 3:07 PM

I love my kiddies!

Member since 5/11

10413 total posts


Re: Job advice for DH

Someone who wants to hire an individual away from his competition, does not go to his competition and say - oh, your employee is applying to jobs.

I think your husband is fine applying to jobs.

Posted 1/22/15 4:42 PM

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