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Job question

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My 3 Miracles!

Member since 5/05

5777 total posts


Job question

I applied for a position that was advertised on craigslist on Friday for here at Duke but with another Department not thinking I would even get a call back, but they left me a message this morning wanting me to come in for an interview tomorrow. The thing is that when I sent in my resume they asked what programs I know and what level of experience I am. I've taken classes and have worked with Word and Excel so I can probably get by with those programs, but I said I was Intermediate with Powerpoint which I have never used before. My co-worker told me to say I know it because it's VERY easy to learn. I used to do graphic design so I'm pretty sure I can learn it fairly quick. I'm just not one to lie about anything that has to do with a job, you know? The only reason I said I knew it to that level was because they were looking for someone who was proficient with Office Suite. I'm sure that's not the only reason why they called back but I still feel nervous about it. The job is offering almost $4.00 more per hour to start up to $6.00 per hour more than what I'm making! That could be a car payment more for me! Chat Icon Do you think I should still go on the interview even though there are a couple of things I don't have? They were also looking for someone with medical terminology experience and I don't have that. I'm just not one to apply for a job that I'm not completely qualified for so I'm nervous. I know that I can definitely do the job and learn what I need to so that's not a problem. What do you think I should do? This would be such a help with money for us. Thanks!

Posted 1/8/07 10:36 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Love my boys...

Member since 5/05

2412 total posts


Re: Job question

I think you should go for it. Microsoft applications are pretty easy to pick up, and I think it's more important to them that you're the right fit for them.

Posted 1/8/07 10:40 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

4189 total posts


Re: Job question

Absolutely go! In my opinion, if you know one MS program, all the others are easy to pick up. To ease your mind, try going online to see if you can download any tutiorals on the programs you aren't strong in.

Posted 1/8/07 10:42 AM

My 3 Miracles!

Member since 5/05

5777 total posts


Re: Job question

Thanks ladies! I have an interview at 2:15pm tomorrow!

Posted 1/8/07 2:49 PM


Member since 5/05

11726 total posts


Re: Job question

Good Luck!

Posted 1/8/07 2:56 PM

Love my son!

Member since 6/05

1468 total posts


Re: Job question

Posted by november12003

I think you should go for it. Microsoft applications are pretty easy to pick up, and I think it's more important to them that you're the right fit for them.

I agree! And PowerPoint is super super easy!

Message edited 1/8/2007 3:04:30 PM.

Posted 1/8/07 3:04 PM

Two in Blue

Member since 5/05

20223 total posts


Re: Job question

You can teach yourself PP in a weekend. Say you know it. Be very confident. Maybe even kearn it beforehand so you can feel better in the interview. GL!!

Posted 1/8/07 3:08 PM

My 3 Miracles!

Member since 5/05

5777 total posts


Re: Job question

Thanks ladies! Chat Icon

The other issue with this job is that it advertised $16-$18 per/hour depending on experience. Now since it's for the same "company" (Duke) when you move up, their policy is a standard 5% increase for each level you move up, or the minimum salary being offererd for that level. I'm currently a level 7, and this position is for a Level 8. I'm upset because if I'm with Duke and they only give a 5% increase because I'm currently working there, when in fact they posted on an outside website saying $16-18 per hour I will get paid many dollars less than some stranger with no Duke experience getting the job. Does that sound fair? I'm just really hoping that even though I'm already with Duke that I will get at least the minimum that they're offering. What do you think? I'd hate to get all excited about this position and it only being a 5% increase. Chat Icon

Posted 1/8/07 3:42 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 2/06

2223 total posts


Re: Job question

Powerpoint is very easy. Do you have it on your computer or can you get to the library? there are free tutorials on the internet that can teach you quickly

Posted 1/8/07 5:22 PM

Mom of 2 + 1

Member since 10/05

7395 total posts


Re: Job question

I would say that they have to give you at least the minimum that they are offering to pay. Already being at Duke should not be a detriment to you -- it should help you. I think it sounds like the 5% issue is probably if you're already making at least what the minimum is for the job.

As far as Power Point, you can learn it in a couple of tries at using it.

For the medical terminology, hopefully you can get through the interview without them throwing words at you that you don't know. Other than that, you can pick up a book on medical terminology and either look through it at home if you get the job, or just keep it at your desk as a reference.

Posted 1/8/07 6:06 PM

My 3 Miracles!

Member since 5/05

5777 total posts


Re: Job question

I'm definitely going to do some of the tutorials. One plus is that I never did say I had the medical terminology experience. It definitely doesn't mention that in my resume though it does say that you must have medical terminology experience. Chat Icon Everyone just kept telling me to apply, it can't hurt! Chat Icon I guess if they don't want someone to learn the terminology I won't get the job. I'll let everyone know how the interview goes tomorrow afternoon. Thanks so much! Chat Icon

Posted 1/8/07 6:28 PM

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