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Jon Gosselin & new gf?

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Member since 1/08

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Re: Jon Gosselin & new gf?

You're all about your kids, huh Jon?

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Posted 7/13/09 9:17 AM
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Re: Jon Gosselin & new gf?

Posted by JennyPenny

You're all about your kids, huh Jon?

Chat Icon

exactly!!!!! I'm really starting to hate this guyChat Icon

Posted 7/13/09 10:05 AM

Best friends!

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Re: Jon Gosselin & new gf?

Chat Icon Just wrong!!!

Posted 7/13/09 10:12 AM

nicholas is one!!

Member since 9/07

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Re: Jon Gosselin & new gf?

Posted by MrsM-6-7-08

Posted by leighla

How does he have the money to go to the French Riviera?

He is there for a business meeting with Christian Audigier who offered Gosselin a position at the Ed Hardy branch of his clothing company, and the two are chatting about the potential job over drinkies in St. Tropez, France, as we speak!

how do u know all this? lol.

Posted 7/13/09 10:26 AM

Life is about choices.

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Re: Jon Gosselin & new gf?

Posted by MommaTo3Dogs1Boy

i'm a little Chat Icon Chat Icon by everyone's responses. he's separated, what's the big deal. he's moving on. he's allowed to. maybe he shouldn't be dating her plastic surgeons daughter, but he's a free man. i don't see anything wrong with this

same here. they are getting divorced. everything on tv comes out way after the fact, so i dont think he jumped in too soon. theres no rule on how long someone has to wait to start dating and looking for happiness again. just from the few times i watched the show you could see how terrible their reationship was. he probbaly just wants to be in a loving relationship again. kate goes off on her business vaca's too without the kids. he's allowed to date, and should, as should she. no matter what, people are going to be snapping photos so it's not like he's flaunting it. and just because he's in magazines with a new girlfriend doesnt make him a bad father.

Posted 7/13/09 10:54 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Jon Gosselin & new gf?

It's not so much that he is dating--yeah they are separated, but since there are kids involved, they should both wait, or at least be discreet, untill the divorce is final. Maybe he thought he was being discreet since he was out of the country, but apparently he is followed everywhere.

Also, if he is going to date, why choose someone who is a friend of the family? If Kate is still friends with her Mom, that is just weird!

Message edited 7/13/2009 11:10:55 AM.

Posted 7/13/09 11:09 AM

I love Gary too..on a plate!

Member since 5/06

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Re: Jon Gosselin & new gf?

I think the truth is really coming out now of "poor me, poor me, Jon!". The man could not handle the pressure of the family man.

He hated the spotlight so much!!!

SURE.... the guy is after a new life, kid free with a rich girl!


Posted 7/13/09 11:11 AM

Love my sailor

Member since 6/05

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Re: Jon Gosselin & new gf?

What a complete loser...I've lost any respect I ever had for him and I can understand if that is the man she lived with why she was a beotch.

And the fact they are in the south of France going to Hermes and so forth, what a way to spend the money, the money they said was for all their children at the onset of their show.

PIG!! It just irritates me that he thinks this is ok and that he gets any money being a part of a family!! Some 'family' man he is!

Posted 7/13/09 11:11 AM

Life is about choices.

Member since 5/05

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Re: Jon Gosselin & new gf?

do that many people truly feel that kate does this 'all for the kids?'

Posted 7/13/09 11:14 AM

I love Gary too..on a plate!

Member since 5/06

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Re: Jon Gosselin & new gf?

Posted by TAFKAD

do that many people truly feel that kate does this 'all for the kids?'

I don't think it's about defenfing Kate.

It's about Jon and who Jon really is.... aka not the victim or perfect little angel. I am seeing a man who appeared to be the victim on a show. A man who LEFT his family because Kate was just horrible. I see a man with a young GF on the French Riviera with NO KIDS!!!! That's what I see. Not the fact that he is separated. I see a man who abondonned his family to have fun and be 20 again!!!!

Posted 7/13/09 11:23 AM

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Member since 3/09

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Re: Jon Gosselin & new gf?

Posted by Sash
you girls are going to really like him now:

Jon smokes Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon ? Or is this part of finding his happiness too?Chat Icon

Posted 7/13/09 11:27 AM

she's baaccckkkk ;)

Member since 5/06

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remember, when Gulliver traveled....

Re: Jon Gosselin & new gf?

this is dumb. people handle the demise of relationships differently.

he is CLEARLY out to LAID...and as "famous" as we think he all is...he is still a lame-o daddy of 8 who will get tail from the same place any other "every man" will get tail...the "every girl". so of course he's gonna go for whatever is easy and close. he doesn't work, so he can't hook up with the copy girl Chat Icon

all those kids need to know is that this photo was taken AFTER mommy and daddy split.

as long as he's not physically bringing his conquests around these kids and introducing them as their new "aunt" who cares?!

he's weak. she's weak. it's so typical and average. and boring.

I am sure a lot of people would love to live out certain fantasies. the $$ and notariety he earned from the show has given him the ability to do that.

same thing with Kate...though she wants celebrity...not young or strange putang.

it doesn't make it any less damaging to a relationship. or annoying and
Chat Icon to the poor public who now has to know about these dolts.

hope those kids continue to flourish. Chat Icon

Posted 7/13/09 11:29 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Jon Gosselin & new gf?

This guy is scum, complete SCUM! Chat Icon

Posted 7/13/09 11:33 AM

Baby come on out!

Member since 11/08

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Re: Jon Gosselin & new gf?

Posted by MommaTo3Dogs1Boy

i'm a little Chat Icon Chat Icon by everyone's responses. he's separated, what's the big deal. he's moving on. he's allowed to. maybe he shouldn't be dating her plastic surgeons daughter, but he's a free man. i don't see anything wrong with this

ITA , I don't see it as such a big deal either. I agree that his choice in who he dates may not be the best, but he is free to date .

Posted 7/13/09 11:45 AM

Graceyn=My World <3

Member since 10/08

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Re: Jon Gosselin & new gf?

Posted by MommaTo3Dogs1Boy

i'm a little Chat Icon Chat Icon by everyone's responses. he's separated, what's the big deal. he's moving on. he's allowed to. maybe he shouldn't be dating her plastic surgeons daughter, but he's a free man. i don't see anything wrong with this

There is nothing wrong with Jon dating. Even thought the just announced their seperation, things have been over for a while. I just think this is totally disrespectful to his Kate and his children to flaunt it.

If you want to date, date. Don't make it so obvious by holding hands.

Shame on you Jon!

Message edited 7/13/2009 11:55:18 AM.

Posted 7/13/09 11:54 AM

All of My Dreams Came True

Member since 2/09

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Re: Jon Gosselin & new gf?

but how is he flaunting it? he's not even in the u.s.!! he's away from the kids, he's not bringing her around, i think it's totally fine for him to date. and "he says he's all for the kids" just because he wants to date means he's not for his kids? that's just a ridiculous comment. i think the kids would rather see daddy happy than miserable with their mom.

and you say he should be more discreet?? he's CONSTANTLY being followed by the paparazzi.. how can he be discreet? even if she came to his place, they'd still be sitting outside the house waiting for a shot. i don't think everyone is being fair. he is a human being. it's natural to want to date after a divorce and after being with someone since you were a kid and being treated poorly.

Posted 7/13/09 12:44 PM


Member since 1/09

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Re: Jon Gosselin & new gf?

I maybe harsh but I really hate when people separate and play victims and martyrs. You both wanted the kids, you both deal with them. When it is your "off" day do whatever you want just as long as when you have to be there you are there. No judgment otherwise.

sorry if i was D and didn't have to deal with kids i would be out and about. Why have a pity party? I do realize he has children but if he doesn't have them for that weekend (or whatever was agreed) then do whatever you want. Just like when she dumps the kids off to him she can go screw whoever she wants.

Posted 7/13/09 12:54 PM

Insert Witty Comment Here

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Re: Jon Gosselin & new gf?

Posted by MommaTo3Dogs1Boy

but how is he flaunting it? he's not even in the u.s.!! he's away from the kids, he's not bringing her around, i think it's totally fine for him to date. and "he says he's all for the kids" just because he wants to date means he's not for his kids? that's just a ridiculous comment. i think the kids would rather see daddy happy than miserable with their mom.

and you say he should be more discreet?? he's CONSTANTLY being followed by the paparazzi.. how can he be discreet? even if she came to his place, they'd still be sitting outside the house waiting for a shot. i don't think everyone is being fair. he is a human being. it's natural to want to date after a divorce and after being with someone since you were a kid and being treated poorly.

Yea. I kinda confused by everyones reactions as well. Is he supposed to live like a monk now that he's divorcing? Give the guy a break.

Posted 7/13/09 1:02 PM

BOOOO for fall!

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Meaning a NON ttcer!

Re: Jon Gosselin & new gf?

All I have to say is she is pretty harsh looking.
Even Kate with her mullet was better! Chat Icon

Posted 7/13/09 1:06 PM

The cutest!

Member since 1/07

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Re: Jon Gosselin & new gf?

I don't think this is a big deal. They are separated. The marriage is over. He was unhappy for awhile and allegedly kate wanted them to stay together for the tv show.

Posted 7/13/09 1:13 PM


Member since 5/07

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Re: Jon Gosselin & new gf?


i dont see anything wrong with him dating since kim and Kate are divorcing. BUT it would be nice if he was a little more discreet about it, for the kids sake and out of respect for the mother of his children. Obviously he is in the lime light all the time, he should leave the "couples" stuff for behind closed doors, at least until he is in a steady comitted relationship, not just dating around.


Posted 7/13/09 1:59 PM

#2 on the way!

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Re: Jon Gosselin & new gf?

Posted by TAFKAD

Posted by MommaTo3Dogs1Boy

i'm a little Chat Icon Chat Icon by everyone's responses. he's separated, what's the big deal. he's moving on. he's allowed to. maybe he shouldn't be dating her plastic surgeons daughter, but he's a free man. i don't see anything wrong with this

same here. they are getting divorced. everything on tv comes out way after the fact, so i dont think he jumped in too soon. theres no rule on how long someone has to wait to start dating and looking for happiness again. just from the few times i watched the show you could see how terrible their reationship was. he probbaly just wants to be in a loving relationship again. kate goes off on her business vaca's too without the kids. he's allowed to date, and should, as should she. no matter what, people are going to be snapping photos so it's not like he's flaunting it. and just because he's in magazines with a new girlfriend doesnt make him a bad father.

ITA! and if she was the witch everyone says she was.. wouldnt you be an eager beaver too?

Posted 7/13/09 2:53 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/05

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Re: Jon Gosselin & new gf?

In the pic of them smoking..she is a mix between mariah carey, amy fisher..but I also see Kate in that face.. She looks a lot older than 20 something..

Posted 7/13/09 2:58 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Jon Gosselin & new gf?

Another shot of them
External Image

ETA: This is Hailey, to the left, Nice picture huh?

External Image

Message edited 7/13/2009 3:02:29 PM.

Posted 7/13/09 3:00 PM

Love my sailor

Member since 6/05

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Re: Jon Gosselin & new gf?

Posted by HighHopes

Posted by Sash
you girls are going to really like him now:

Jon smokes Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon ? Or is this part of finding his happiness too?Chat Icon

WOW, she looks even friendlier than Kate! What a sweetie! Chat Icon

Posted 7/13/09 4:59 PM
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