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Just a random thought for the day...Even more fitting for today.

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My princess!

Member since 5/05

6548 total posts


Just a random thought for the day...Even more fitting for today.

Life is so rough.

With the summer coming to a close, I get a twang of sadness that I am not returning to work as a preschool teacher for the 3rd year in a row. My plan was to go back part time this year but that just did not work out. And although I truly do LOVE staying home with Megan, I cant help but feel a little sad that I will not be teaching again this year. I see all the back to school posts and all the teachers getting ready and I cant believe that I havent been doing that for 3 years already when it was my life before Megan.

But then I see all the Mommies who have to go to work every day and struggle with juggling so many schedules, daycare, and sadness that they are leaving their little ones. I see how hard it must be to not only perform at work but then come home and "be on" for the kids as well. I cant even imagine how hard that must be.

And it made me realize...being a parent is hard no matter what. Life in general is rough. I have so much respect for those of us who stay home each and every day and have the same exact respect for those of you who go out, work and then come home to the same Mom duties at the end of the day.

The grass is also always greener. I am so happy to have the opportunity to stay home with my daughter, its what Ive always wanted but I never thought I would miss teaching so much. I never thought that it I would want to try the other side of the fence. But on the other hand, so many of us who work, wish with everything they have, that they could stay home. Its such a catch 22.

I think we are all AMAZING! Its hard enough to know where you're going without children let alone when you love this little person so much and are trying to do the right thing by them for your family situation. I just think that we dont give ourselves enough credit. This board is made up of SAHM's, working moms, part timers, work at home moms, and dads too! I just think its wonderful how we all come together to share our experiences every day just so we can make it through. My eyes have been opened to so many more situations and I am now able to see that we are all on the same level. No matter what our choices..we come from the same basic place..our children come first. We are trying to do right by them. So I just wanted to say that sometimes every day life takes over and we dont respect or appreciate the different people in our lives..I just wanted to take a second to say that for at least a moment today..I do. Kudos to ALL of you! You should give yourselves a pat on the back because no matter what you do, you are amazing, strong and loving people and our future is going to be wonderful with the little people we are raising today.

I wish all of you who are going back to work an easy time. I wish all of you who have been working strength to get through each and every day. I wish alll the SAHM's patience and strength to get through every day but most of all I wish all of us HAPPINESS..because in the end, its what matters most.

Message edited 9/2/2008 8:49:03 AM.

Posted 9/1/08 10:45 AM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource

I hate hypocrites!!!!!

Member since 5/05

6905 total posts


Re: Just a random thought for the day...

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Posted 9/1/08 10:58 AM


Member since 5/05

26975 total posts


Re: Just a random thought for the day...

Aww Noreen! Chat Icon
you are so right!

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Posted 9/1/08 11:51 AM

boys will be boys =)

Member since 9/05

7205 total posts


Re: Just a random thought for the day...

That was beautiful ! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Megan is one lucky little girl Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 9/1/08 11:58 AM

My princess!

Member since 5/05

6548 total posts


Re: Just a random thought for the day...

I posted this yesterday before all the SAHM/working mom stuff...

I just think it fit due to the conversations going on today. Chat Icon

Posted 9/2/08 8:47 AM

party of five

Member since 9/06

11343 total posts


Re: Just a random thought for the day...Even more fitting for today.

Very well said. It is a tough job no matter what. The most rewarding thing is their kisses/hugs--whether you are a SAHM or FTM...thats all it comes down to in the end

Posted 9/2/08 8:51 AM

Our family is complete, maybe

Member since 9/05

32436 total posts


Re: Just a random thought for the day...Even more fitting for today.

well said....I always have said that being a MOM is hard, whether working or SAH Chat Icon

Posted 9/2/08 8:55 AM

happy birthday sweet kate!

Member since 5/05

16555 total posts

I know that God exsists, I held her in my arms...

Re: Just a random thought for the day...Even more fitting for today.

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To all the SAHM and working moms!!!

Posted 9/2/08 8:58 AM

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