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Just curious - kids with a PDD/Autism diagnosis....

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2 boys & 1 girl :)

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Just curious - kids with a PDD/Autism diagnosis....

looking back, was your DC a "difficult" baby?

DS has speech and language delays and sensory issues, but he is borderline PDD and I wouldn't be surprised if he is diagnosed when we have the CPSE eval later this year.

Looking back, he was a very cranky baby. I was always walking on eggshells with him and he cried A LOT especially in the evening.

I am only noticing this now because we have a second DS who is so quiet. He only really cries when he is hungry.

I'm just wondering if anyone else noticed this.

Posted 1/23/10 2:31 PM

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Re: Just curious - kids with a PDD/Autism diagnosis....

DS is Autistic...

looking back, he was colicky until 3 months and had reflux but he was the most laid back, relaxed baby. i used to joke around with friends that i had a really easy baby.

i would be able to put him on the floor and he would play with whatever was around him for hours upon hours at a time with no peep. i would put him in his jumperroo and he would stay there and be totally content for hours.

he was very laid back

with DD (she is being evaluated thurs) was colicky until about 5 months, needy, active, always needs attention, in your face girl.. BTW she is 6 months old.

i do NOT think my DD is on the spectrum, but for sanity reasons she is being evaled.

i guess i have the complete opposite of what you are experiencing. lol

Posted 1/23/10 7:47 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 3/06

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Re: Just curious - kids with a PDD/Autism diagnosis....

My daughter was diagnosed as PDD-NOS last year. As a baby, she was the most mellow child ever. As the pp said, she would sit in a pile of stuffed animals for hours, content to just play by herself. She'd sit and read a giant stack of books without making a sound.
She was definitely not a physically assertive child or cranky.

Posted 1/23/10 8:21 PM


Member since 2/07

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Re: Just curious - kids with a PDD/Autism diagnosis....

My DD has Mosaic Down Syndrome and is considered High Functioning Autistic...

She was a mellow, happy, baby. I could sit her on the blanket and she was just content to sit and play with her toys or watch TV.

I remember, back when she was little, doing the EI thing and the doctor thing. Each and every one of them would ask me if she was a good baby. I remember I asked someone at one of these appointments whey they were asking me that. B/C it really seemed part of the typical questioning. I was told that it's an indicator of something being wrong...or rather it can be.

Posted 1/23/10 8:41 PM

~We Did it~

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Re: Just curious - kids with a PDD/Autism diagnosis....

A lot of families that I work with say that their child was a very cranky infant, had a hard time self soothing, needed swaddling etc.

Posted 1/23/10 9:27 PM


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Re: Just curious - kids with a PDD/Autism diagnosis....

we have a borderline PDD son was a very EASY infant.

Posted 1/23/10 10:16 PM

My Loves!

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Re: Just curious - kids with a PDD/Autism diagnosis....

Posted by lbelle821

we have a borderline PDD son was a very EASY infant.

Same here. He was diagnosed with PDD and he was such a simple baby.
He LOVED his activity gym, the excersaucer, bouncy seat. Only cried when he was tired or hungry.

My DD has Down Syndrome. She's more "active". She lets you know "Hey, I'm here"...LOL
She gets the most irritable when shes tired. Other than that, she's pretty content doing activities, but, when she's done, she lets you know it. LOL

Posted 1/23/10 10:27 PM

2 boys & 1 girl :)

Member since 11/06

1874 total posts


Re: Just curious - kids with a PDD/Autism diagnosis....

Thanks for all the responses.

My 2nd DS is so different than my first. He is so easygoing and I guess I was hoping that it would mean he wouldn't go down the same path. I guess there is no way to know. I'll just have to keep an eye on him and make sure if I see something I get him help ASAP.

Posted 1/24/10 9:22 AM

I'm a Big Brother

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Re: Just curious - kids with a PDD/Autism diagnosis....

Posted by lvdolphins

Posted by lbelle821

we have a borderline PDD son was a very EASY infant.

Same here. He was diagnosed with PDD and he was such a simple baby.
He LOVED his activity gym, the excersaucer, bouncy seat. Only cried when he was tired or hungry.

ds was diagnosed pdd-nos and was the easiest baby. Never cried unless wet/hungry etc. Great eater, great sleeper, great self-soother and is still able to entertain himself independently. EI has done wonders for him Chat Icon

Posted 1/24/10 10:08 AM


Member since 2/06

5285 total posts


Re: Just curious - kids with a PDD/Autism diagnosis....

Posted by Little-J-Mommy

Posted by lvdolphins

Posted by lbelle821

we have a borderline PDD son was a very EASY infant.

Same here. He was diagnosed with PDD and he was such a simple baby.
He LOVED his activity gym, the excersaucer, bouncy seat. Only cried when he was tired or hungry.

ds was diagnosed pdd-nos and was the easiest baby. Never cried unless wet/hungry etc. Great eater, great sleeper, great self-soother and is still able to entertain himself independently. EI has done wonders for him Chat Icon

I have to say, he still is very easy in those areas as well. At 14 months things changed a lot in that I think we hit the terrible twos 10 months Lots of tantrums, not so easy going, hard to transition him to and from activities, etc. EI has helped tremendously here too. A lot of the issues were communication related but that's not to say the kid isn't extremely STRONG WILLED!!! Chat Icon

Posted 1/24/10 12:30 PM

Hope is Contagious....catch it

Member since 5/05

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Re: Just curious - kids with a PDD/Autism diagnosis....

Posted by Jackie24

A lot of families that I work with say that their child was a very cranky infant, had a hard time self soothing, needed swaddling etc.

This was Christopher for the first 3 months. I dreaded the night times.

Posted 1/25/10 9:43 AM

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Re: Just curious - kids with a PDD/Autism diagnosis....

Posted by Jackie24

A lot of families that I work with say that their child was a very cranky infant, had a hard time self soothing, needed swaddling etc.

my DD is 6 months old and still needs swaddling, i hope this doesnt prove to be true... so far she has met all NT milestones...

she is being evaled this thursday

Posted 1/25/10 4:49 PM

~We Did it~

Member since 7/06

6718 total posts


Re: Just curious - kids with a PDD/Autism diagnosis....

Posted by mommyonli

Posted by Jackie24

A lot of families that I work with say that their child was a very cranky infant, had a hard time self soothing, needed swaddling etc.

my DD is 6 months old and still needs swaddling, i hope this doesnt prove to be true... so far she has met all NT milestones...

she is being evaled this thursday

These kids were much older, so I wouldn't get worried. I would say it would seem to be a sensory issue when its necessary past the infant stage. I have a 23 month old that needs to be rocked to sleep, swaddled and cannot self soothe at all.

Posted 1/25/10 9:52 PM

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