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What brings you here?

Forum Opinion Poll
Want kids but can't have them due to fertility issues 14 15.73%
Just never wanted kids- not for me/us 13 14.61%
Might want kids/on the fence 12 13.48%
Definitely want kids- just not sure when yet 35 39.33%
Other 15 16.85%

Just curious

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BOOOO for fall!

Member since 7/06

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Meaning a NON ttcer!

Just curious

...In reading this board, I notice a lot of people are childless at this point for different reasons.

Some are due to infertility, others just never want kids at all, others don't have kids yet but want them in the distant or not too distant future, etc..

So I figured I'd do a poll to see what's what.

Posted 3/18/09 4:13 PM

. . . . .

Member since 3/09

8268 total posts


Re: Just curious

I do, he doesn't.
Now we are too old at 42 and 47.

Posted 3/18/09 4:23 PM

May 26, 2007

Member since 12/07

1478 total posts


Re: Just curious

I definitely want to have kids but for now, I want to enjoy spending time with my DH. I like being able to pick up and go to AC whenever we want, or sit around and do absolutely nothing together. I love kids but I can wait to have a few of my own. I am only 27 so I figured I still have time.

Posted 3/18/09 4:23 PM

I'm a PANK!!!

Member since 5/05

22334 total posts

Professional Aunts No Kids

Re: Just curious

My husband and I never wanted kids

its not that we dont like them...we have a neice (6 y/o) and twin nephews (2 y/o) that we spend a lot of time with and Im a Daisy Girl Scout leader, its just we didnt want any of our own.

Chat Icon

Posted 3/18/09 4:25 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 1/09

146 total posts


Re: Just curious

We want children - just not now - like in a year or so...

Posted 3/18/09 4:39 PM

2nd verse same as the 1st

Member since 5/05

15287 total posts


Re: Just curious

As an adult, I never wanted children.

Posted 3/18/09 5:06 PM

Now Zagat Rated!

Member since 3/07

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They call me "Tater Salad"

Re: Just curious

Posted by Lisa

My husband and I never wanted kids

its not that we dont like them...we have a neice (6 y/o) and twin nephews (2 y/o) that we spend a lot of time with and Im a Daisy Girl Scout leader, its just we didnt want any of our own.

Chat Icon

Same here. Chat Icon

Posted 3/18/09 5:06 PM

Insert Witty Comment Here

Member since 5/07

8274 total posts


Re: Just curious

Dh is pretty much a no and I'm on the fence. At this point I'd say we are most likely not going to have kidsChat Icon

Posted 3/18/09 5:45 PM

Life's Beachy <3

Member since 2/08

6765 total posts


Re: Just curious

I want them in the future. I think the Hub could do with or without them. He doesn't seem to be overly enthusiastic when the subject comes up to say the least.Chat Icon

Posted 3/18/09 9:13 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 1/09

611 total posts


Re: Just curious

We plan on having children but want t enjoy being newlywed's for at least a while. Exactly when we will try is TBD. Chat Icon

Posted 3/18/09 9:53 PM

~We Did it~

Member since 7/06

6718 total posts


Re: Just curious

ON the fence here! I am more so leaning towards having kids in four or more years.

Posted 3/18/09 10:03 PM


Member since 1/09

5476 total posts


Re: Just curious

i do want them but not now, then again we might never be ready. I really don't know because after watching my friends have kids its really starting to make me think I do not want them.

Posted 3/18/09 10:47 PM

You make me happy

Member since 5/05

2474 total posts

cause you are gray.

Re: Just curious

I wanted them so badly when I was younger.
As I get older, I've found I don't have the need/want for them.
I really enjoy our marriage the way it is and don't want to make a life long change to it (at least for now).

Posted 3/19/09 3:06 AM

BOOOO for fall!

Member since 7/06

10082 total posts

Meaning a NON ttcer!

Re: Just curious

Posted by Nifheim

i do want them but not now, then again we might never be ready. I really don't know because after watching my friends have kids its really starting to make me think I do not want them.

I used to feel this way. It was always like of course we want kids- just not now. In 5 years, yeah, in 5 years we will have kids.

Then 5 years came. And we were like ok yeah, not ready. A few more years.

Then that came. And we realized that we actually DIDN"T want kids- but felt like we SHOULD want them, so we kept pushing it off rather than just admitting it wasn't for us...

Posted 3/19/09 8:52 AM

I'll be there soon!

Member since 1/08

6549 total posts


Re: Just curious

Fertility issues...

Posted 3/19/09 8:53 AM


Member since 5/05

4002 total posts


Re: Just curious

We're both on the fence but we definitely lean towards NOT having them.

Posted 3/19/09 9:05 AM


Member since 8/08

6851 total posts


Re: Just curious

Definitely want kids- just not sure when yet

Posted 3/19/09 10:16 AM

Love my Furbaby

Member since 10/07

1140 total posts


Re: Just curious

I never wanted kids and when I met DH 5 yrs ago he didn't want them either ! But as we are getting older I think the possibility of us having kids is growing. We're in no way ready yet but we're not opposed to the idea as we once were.

Posted 3/19/09 10:22 AM

Love being a mom!

Member since 5/08

2776 total posts


Re: Just curious

The truth is as far as family planning goes I'm on the fence and DH definately wants kids. I could see my self content either way but I know DH wants kids.

My issue is I feel as if I have enough on my plate. And unless DH helps me out with things around the house I won't have children. If he won't scoop the litter box can I honestly expect he'll change a poopoo diaper or have me do it?

Posted 3/19/09 11:42 AM

missing my handsome boy

Member since 3/09

1579 total posts

Kat - HamptonsBride (LIW)

Re: Just curious

the funny thing is when i was younger i wanted kids (in my 20's)...not sure what changed me...perhaps because all my friends & family have them i see the reality of it all and it's not for me...i just don't have the patience & am not willing to give up my freedom and time...but i am also not a "kid" person...if you have a puppy & a baby...i will want to see your puppy before your baby Chat Icon I know that sounds horrible but i am just being honest.

Posted 3/19/09 11:50 AM

Love my Furbaby

Member since 10/07

1140 total posts


Re: Just curious

Posted by KittyKatCopper

i just don't have the patience & am not willing to give up my freedom and time...but i am also not a "kid" person...if you have a puppy & a baby...i will want to see your puppy before your baby Chat Icon I know that sounds horrible but i am just being honest.

ITA !! This is so ME !! Chat Icon I say the exact same thing about puppies !! I'll watch anyone's dog or cat way before I offer to babysit their kids lol

Posted 3/19/09 12:41 PM

Living a dream

Member since 1/08

8589 total posts


Re: Just curious

We want kids, just not right now. We're still young enough to wait a few years.

Posted 3/19/09 1:34 PM

live laugh love

Member since 8/06

5082 total posts


Re: Just curious

DH and I both want kids, but he feels that he's not ready, so we are waiting.

Posted 3/19/09 1:34 PM

MBA at your service!

Member since 7/06

12020 total posts


Re: Just curious

i've always been on the fence---leaning towards having them -- if i had met a man that didn't want them, i think i would have been okay with that.

however DH absolutely wants kids -- so that has helped lean more towards that since when i see him with anyone's kid my heart melts a little bit imagining how great a dad he would be to our kids.

so we will eventually have them -- just not quite yet.

Posted 3/19/09 2:01 PM

Such a Big Boy!

Member since 1/06

1602 total posts


Re: Just curious

For years I wasn't sure if I really wanted to have kids. But at the time I was with a man that didn't want them. So I felt that my choice was taken away and I had to convince myself that I didn't want them. I ended that relationship because I realized that I do want them. I want that experience. So I ended the relationship. The man I am with now wants them as well, so maybe in a few years.

Posted 3/19/09 4:14 PM
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