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Kids are little petri dishes!

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The Disney Lady

Member since 5/05

18163 total posts


Kids are little petri dishes!

EVERY time, I mean EVERY time I go near my nieces and nephew I get sick. Once it was a pretty terrible flu that knocked me out for 3 weeks. I saw the kids Saturday and I've got a cold or something coming on. What is the deal with that?

Posted 9/18/12 6:09 PM

Too blessed to be stressed

Member since 4/09

6691 total posts


Re: Kids are little petri dishes!

Every teacher I know is always sick. I work in hospitals with the sickest of the sick, and staff is rarely ill.

On another note since school is back everyone is coughing and sneezing on the train, and I keep moving my seatChat Icon

Posted 9/18/12 8:22 PM


Member since 10/06

15979 total posts


Kids are little petri dishes!

My allergies bother me this time of the year, perhaps it's that and it's just coincidence?

Posted 9/19/12 5:07 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 8/11

703 total posts


Kids are little petri dishes!

Because they touch and sneeze on everything and none of them ( including their parents!) wash their hands well. My husband's best friend brought his kid over with this horrible hacking cough and runny nose. I was a Clorox wiping fool because my husband said I couldn't lock the kid in the back yard! lol

Posted 9/19/12 5:12 PM

* Lovin my baby girl!!! *

Member since 2/09

6243 total posts


Re: Kids are little petri dishes!

They really are walking germs. It's terrible. They constantly touch things, put dirty fingers in mouth and all over you, that your bound to get sick. I fo a couple yrs now I take airborn (or the knock off brand) t the onset of the signets symptom and I swear it works. Cold never ends up amounting to anything.

Posted 9/19/12 5:37 PM

The Disney Lady

Member since 5/05

18163 total posts


Re: Kids are little petri dishes!

I'm definitely sick and I ALWAYS get sick when I see my nieces and nephew. They don't cover their mouths,etc. I teach kids 1 day a week and rarely get sick from them but always from my nieces and nephew. UGH>

EYTA: It also doesn't help that my SIL lets the baby play all over the floor, including with the bottoms of people's shoes, and then lets her climb all over the kitchen table. UGH.

I know I'm not a mom so I don't know what it is to have 3 kids but UGH. I could not live like that..Chat Icon I'm such a germophobe.

Message edited 9/21/2012 1:35:23 PM.

Posted 9/21/12 1:34 PM

missing my handsome boy

Member since 3/09

1579 total posts

Kat - HamptonsBride (LIW)

Re: Kids are little petri dishes!

I used to work in a went home sick every day with a variety of crud Chat Icon...and people say dogs are "dirty" dogs have never gotten me sick though Chat Icon

Posted 9/22/12 9:54 AM

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