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Kinda sorta constipation related--small UPDATE in first post

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Member since 5/05

13535 total posts


Kinda sorta constipation related--small UPDATE in first post

My DS cries and strains, and sometimes screams, for anywhere from 2-4 hours when he has to take a bowel movement. He will act like a colicky baby, have a BM and then be fine. The thing is that he does go at least once a day, sometimes more than that, and the consistency is fine, not like a constipated baby. The Dr. said we could give him 1 oz of water if he is truly constipated. We only did that once but we are reluctant to do it on a regular basis b/c I read that it can mess up the electrolytes and hinder nutrition. By definition, I guess he is not constipated, but can it be nornal for him to be in such distress with each bowel movement? What should we do? DS is 5 weeks old but was 4 weeks early.

UPDATE: DH called the pediatrician today. She said to give Dylan 1oz of water per day right before a bottle. If that itself does not help, we should give him Mylicon 4 times a day. If this does not get better in a week, then she will have us try Gentlease. She is the one who mentioned Gentlease. DH didn't even have to ask. Is Gentlease available in ready to feed? I hope so, as I have gotten used to that!

Message edited 11/20/2007 5:56:38 PM.

Posted 11/19/07 8:02 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05

13535 total posts


Re: Kinda sorta constipation related

bumping---hoping to keep this on page 1 in case someone can help!!!!

Posted 11/19/07 9:13 PM


Member since 6/06

24950 total posts


Re: Kinda sorta constipation related

My DS was like that too, we switched to Gentlease when he was 8 weeks old and he hasn't had a problem sinceChat Icon

Posted 11/19/07 9:15 PM

Fitness Junkie!

Member since 6/06

6470 total posts


Re: Kinda sorta constipation related

I wouldnt think that was a constipation problem if the bms are soft. He probably just has gas/cramps which is normal for that age. I'd also try different formulas (soy, etc) to see if it improved.

Posted 11/19/07 9:22 PM


Member since 5/05

13535 total posts


Re: Kinda sorta constipation related

Posted by KateDevine

My DS was like that too, we switched to Gentlease when he was 8 weeks old and he hasn't had a problem sinceChat Icon

Did he have other symptoms? My DS seems to be doing so well on Enfamil and he seems so happy once he gets his poop out! Anyway, I'll ask about Gentlease if this gets worse and I think I should call the ped. in the morning.

Posted 11/19/07 9:25 PM


Member since 6/06

24950 total posts


Re: Kinda sorta constipation related

Posted by ssdbk

Posted by KateDevine

My DS was like that too, we switched to Gentlease when he was 8 weeks old and he hasn't had a problem sinceChat Icon

Did he have other symptoms? My DS seems to be doing so well on Enfamil and he seems so happy once he gets his poop out! Anyway, I'll ask about Gentlease if this gets worse and I think I should call the ped. in the morning.

He would scream when he was gassy too.

Honestly, I waited til he was 8 weeks old to call my ped. I think when they are so little, their bodies are still figuring everything out and that is probably why he is "working it out" in the way that he is.

Enfamil makes Gentlease, btw.

Posted 11/19/07 9:26 PM


Member since 5/05

13535 total posts


Re: Kinda sorta constipation related--small UPDATE in first post

bumping b/c I updated

Posted 11/20/07 5:57 PM

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